Reddit Community Produces Indie Game Bundle


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Reddit Community Produces Indie Game Bundle

You can have six DRM-free indie games, courtesy of social news site Reddit.

A bunch of Reddit users got together and decided to do something to make the internet a better place. As a result of that altruistic gesture, six indie games are now available in a pay-what-you-like bundle. If you pay $6 or more, a seventh game can also be yours, along with soundtracks, concept art and art assets from some of the the other six games. A portion - 12.5% - of the proceeds will be donated to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and so far the bundle has generated over $3,000.

So what are these indie games, you ask? Well, there's Girl With A Heart; you play eleven-year-old Raven in a fantasy game where the objective is to save your home town from the forces of Light. Want to conquer the galaxy as a promising young slug archaeologist? If so, puzzle game Astroslugs is probably more your style, as you help your incompetent elders get their interstellar battle fleet off the ground. Auralux is an abstract RTS, as is Influence. Dungeon crawler fans may be enticed by Cardinal Quest or Pitman a ... dwarf simulator? I think? The teaser video [] reminded me not a little of 80s cave-quest Manic Miner, to be honest.

Those who go the distance get access to The Sun Is Deadly [], a stealth game inspired by the likes of Thief: The Dark Project. You play as a vampire sneaking about the environment, using your skills and resourcefulness to evade guards and sunlight while stalking your favourite victim, the Virgin.

See the bundle site [] for further details.

Source: Joystiq []



New member
Jun 22, 2011
saintdane05 said:
How much do you bet people will hate this because it has the word "Reddit" involved.
Neil deGrasse Tyson has sees Reddit positively; ergo everyone who hates is is just fundamentally wrong to be honest.


New member
May 16, 2011
In what way is Pitman anything at all like Manic Miner? - Pitman looks more like Dungeon Keeper, Manic Miner on the other hand is a 2D platform game.

Really, there's very little going to charity, the games look like games that just wouldn't make much money on their own, they are charging iOS prices for games that aren't really even worth the money. You can go and download free games that are much better.

This is a cash in, they are obviously trying to capitalise on the Humble Bundle popularity. Thing is, Humble bundles are invariably good, they have quality indi games, not games that should be free. I don't mean any disrespect to the creators, but come on - every one of those games needs a couple of weeks extra polish, it just doesn't come close to competing with the humble bundle. And that percentage going to charity, well I'd be better off giving my $6 to a homeless dude, or practically anything. For my $6, $0.75 goes to charity, that's pathetic, it makes the charity part of this just a ploy to sell more copies. With those production values and the general quality of the games - half the money should go to charity IMO.

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
I already played Cardinal Quest. Was OK, but the difficulty ramped up way too fast on the later levels. If I can take multiple hits from any monster on level X without fear I shouldn't be one-shotted by EVERY monster on level X+1.