Ubisoft Claims Blacklist Trailer Criticism "Uninformed" and "Kneejerk"


Blue Blaze Irregular 1st Class
Aug 18, 2012
Ubisoft Claims Blacklist Trailer Criticism "Uninformed" and "Kneejerk"

Blacklist's director believes that recent gameplay footage doesn't show both styles of play.

The recent <a href=http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/trailers/5864-Tom-Clancys-Splinter-Cell-Blacklist>Splinter Cell: Blacklist trailer certainly drew attention to itself, but not in the way that Ubisoft intended. The trailer, which shows near constant fighting and interrogation, has had some fans up in arms that the series stealth roots might be neglected. Still, other fans were disturbed by how the trailer openly revels in Team America-style jingoism, with the franchise's <a href=http://splintercell.wikia.com/wiki/Fifth_Freedom>"Fifth Freedom" taking center stage. Game director David Footman <a href=http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-09-28-fan-response-to-splinter-cell-blacklist-is-a-kneejerk-reaction-and-uninformed>defended Blacklist to Eurogamer, saying that the criticisms are just "kneejerk reactions to a vertical slice of the game" and are "really uninformed as to what the whole experience is like".

According to Footman, the car-jumping, neck-stabbing action shown to date is only one side of the game. "It seems to be an overreaction because people are just seeing the 'pow!', the explosiveness... There are two distinct styles of gameplay - you can ghost a map, or you can go wild as well. There are some areas you'll have to play stealth, but there are areas where you'll find it hard if you don't use wide-open action."

While the trailer seems to focus on a black-and-white action experience, Footman is quick to emphasis that Blacklist will play in the grey. "If it makes you squeamish and uncomfortable, maybe that's the point... We feel it's an interesting dilemma for the player."

While the series underwent significant changes during 2010's <a href=http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/editorials/reviews/7453-Review-Splinter-Cell-Conviction>Splinter Cell: Conviction, Footman states that evolution is necessary to compete today. "If you want to come out with a big Hollywood movie in the summer time, if you're not a big blockbuster - you're not going to get seen." Ubisoft doesn't want to abandon the core of the franchise, but as Footman notes, "like every branded franchise, it is evolving."

What he seems to be saying is that Ubisoft's current PR misrepresents the game, while also blaming fans for reacting to it. Perhaps what they really need to do is get the game into the hands of players so they can find out for themselves.

Footman agrees: "We really need to get a demo out there".

Source: <a href=http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-09-28-fan-response-to-splinter-cell-blacklist-is-a-kneejerk-reaction-and-uninformed>Eurogamer

Apr 28, 2008
Do you know why they think it looks like just another shooter? Because all you've shown of it makes it look like another shooter.

Want people to think differently? Show some things that don't make it look like another shooter.

It's not our fault your current info on it paints it like yet another shooter. That's all on you, pal. Put out some different info, show off a stealth mission.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
I really don't think they'll ever capture the magic of the original games ever again. In the event that they top Chaos Theory someone give me a call.


New member
Jun 30, 2010
Wasn't Splinter Cell a stealth game?
So making a trailer showing nothing but shooting, explosions, and 'MURICA is going to piss off a lot of people who buy splinter cells for... well... stealth games. Mind you, I've only played a bit of pandora tomorrow, so I may be misinformed here. Don't just blame the fans for reacting to what you show them.


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
Mr Footman, as I'm sure you are aware, the whole point of trailers and demo's such as this, is to show a slices of the game that best represent the experience as a whole, so consumers can make an informed purchase based on what they've seen. If ire from the fans is based on a false impression of the experience as a whole, then that is still your problem, not ours.

You can say that the series hasn't completely abandoned its roots all you like, but we'll believe it when we see it. So far I've seen precisely one example of a 'stealth' demo that was still rather tenuous (seemed more focused on just sprinting from cover to cover when guards weren't looking than the traditionally silent and methodical approach), so you'll forgive us for not being filled with confidence.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
Advertising fail is fail.

Seriously, what the fuck?

I've been defending the game (see the Stealth Demo, seriously) and even I thought the trailer was stupid.

Pro tip: If you only display one side of the game in your marketing, don't expect people to magically know about the other side of it. And don't get butt hurt when they complain about the other side not being there.

Pro tip 2: If fans' response to your marketing can be classified as "uninformed" your marketing team needs to start feeling ashamed of themselves. Part of their job is to inform.

IanDavis said:
Footman agrees: "We really need to get a demo out there".
Yes. Yes, you do.


New member
Mar 6, 2012
IanDavis said:
Footman states that evolution is necessary to compete today. "If you want to come out with a big Hollywood movie in the summer time, if you're not a big blockbuster - you're not going to get seen." Ubisoft doesn't want to abandon the core of the franchise, but as Footman notes, "like every branded franchise, it is evolving."
It's a bloody stealth/action game, not some kind of C.O.D.-M.O.H. knock-off. It's not like S.C. fans or stealth games afficionados aren't going to play your crap if there are no explosions and tits everywhere. Seriously. And going COD-like, even for marketing purpose, ISN'T evolution.


New member
Jun 20, 2011
I'm kinda torn about his statements.

On one hand it has been established long ago that accusing fans of stupidity is NOT a good PR move.

On the other hand it seems he is partial to the idea of demo of his game. Something we need more of in days of today.

So all in all I guess he deserves a slight butt-kicking and then a kiss on the cheek (one the face, not his butt cheek; I know you wanted to point that out)

Anti-American Eagle

May 2, 2011
I really don't care if the trailer gave the "Wrong Impression," they still changed the voice actor.
I would have been more at ease with a new gameplay style and voice actor if they had just said:
"Sam retired, your this new guy, also the game has been renamed 24."

Also I totally agree with Andy above me.


New member
Aug 17, 2012
Eh, I think there is a very valid point here. Trailers make it look exciting. Someone sitting in a shadow may be fun to play but not to watch for three minutes.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
Hey, we only know what you showed us. If we're uninformed that's your fault. If only there existed someone who could fix this...

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Trailers are designed to garner a reaction. If the reaction is not the desired one, then the trailer has failed. Getting angry at the reactions is like blaming your dinner guests for getting salmonella poisoning from your undercooked chicken.


New member
Nov 12, 2011
IanDavis said:
According to Footman, the car-jumping, neck-stabbing action shown to date is only one side of the game. "It seems to be an overreaction because people are just seeing the 'pow!', the explosiveness... There are two distinct styles of gameplay - you can ghost a map, or you can go wild as well. There are some areas you'll have to play stealth, but there are areas where you'll find it hard if you don't use wide-open action."
As of this posting: 2 .4 million views.
Published on Jun 4, 2012

As of this posting: Almost 170 thousand views.
Published on Sep 25, 2012

IanDavis said:
The recent <a href=http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/trailers/5864-Tom-Clancys-Splinter-Cell-Blacklist>Splinter Cell: Blacklist trailer certainly drew attention to itself, but not in the way that Ubisoft intended. The trailer, which shows near constant fighting and interrogation, has had some fans up in arms that the series stealth roots might be neglected. Still, other fans were disturbed by how the trailer openly revels in Team America-style jingoism, with the franchise's <a href=http://splintercell.wikia.com/wiki/Fifth_Freedom>"Fifth Freedom" taking center stage. Game director David Footman <a href=http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-09-28-fan-response-to-splinter-cell-blacklist-is-a-kneejerk-reaction-and-uninformed>defended Blackist to Eurogamer, saying that the criticisms are just "kneejerk reactions to a vertical slice of the game" and are "really uninformed as to what the whole experience is like".

As of this posting: About 50 thousand views.
Published on Aug 31, 2012

Neglected by whom? Of the 2.4 million people who watched the first gameplay trailer only 7% of that number of people watched the Fifth Freedom trailer. Only 2% of the 2.4 million who watched the first gameplay trailer watched the second version showing the stealth options. There have been times to criticize about the development of a game not going in the right direction, but this isn't one of them. I agree, these people are uninformed and are most likely bitching because they don't like seeing an actiony-style trailer as it makes them feel like they are watching just another CoD or BF.

Two Angels

New member
Dec 25, 2009
You have an option how to play the game... This trailer shows one option.

I am sure a trailer for the other option will be released when they figure out how to make "sitting in the shadows, watching patrol routes and then snaking past the guards" look fun and engaging to people who don't normally play stealth games. Which is obviously the majority of people otherwise there would be a bigger number of games in the stealth genre and not so many CoD/BF clones.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
IanDavis said:
...but as Footman notes, "like every branded franchise, it is evolving."

So ubisoft, you "evolved" Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six, have you?

Bollocks, they're hardly a shell of the games they used to be. Where's mission planning? Where's squad control? Where's the ability to move FUCKING BODIES.

Ubi, I am disappointed.
I enjoyed RS: Vegas and Splinter Cell Conviction, but not for the games you name them to be. I do not regard them as "splinter Cell" or "Rainbow Six" or "Ghost Recon"; fun or not, I still want to see an actual evolution of those 1990/early millennia games you use to make, not new games dressed up in the guise of the old ones.

*Sigh* Guess I'll just have to keep playing those on my PC, pretending they're new.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
SlamDunc said:
Eh, I think there is a very valid point here. Trailers make it look exciting. Someone sitting in a shadow may be fun to play but not to watch for three minutes.
There's ample space to make a good trailer for a stealth game. Reasonably fast cutting is still perfectly all right - just don't cut every time to another explosion.

It's certainly not impossible, which means that you can expect a professional with a large budget to give it a good try. Which they did not.
If you have completely unrepresentive advertising, then the ensuing backlash is nobody's fault but your own.