PlayStation Plus Pays Off for Sony


The Dude
Aug 21, 2011
PlayStation Plus Pays Off for Sony

Free games, exclusive demos, and beta access seems to be drawing in the crowds.

Sony's PlayStation Plus paid subscription service is working just as intended, according to a recent interview with John Koller, VP of PlayStation Home and Handheld Consoles. The premium plans were introduced in 2010, and while you don't need Plus to play multiplayer games online - you can do that for free on the PS3 - the service offers perks like free games and chances to participate in events like pre-release betas.

"This is a nice weapon in our arsenal that we'll be utilizing and it's just a great value for a consumer that's coming in," Koller explains. "If you look at a consumer that's coming in in year 6 or year could call them a later adopter and giving them an instant game collection, which is what PlayStation Plus provides, has really proven to be successful."

The company also appears to be poised to make a new push for Plus subscriptions. "This is going to be a significant part of our marketing efforts over the next 6, 12, 24 months," Koller notes. "This is a big part of what we do. The amount of value that you get from PlayStation Plus is significant. Since E3, we've seen a significant rise in PlayStation Plus adoption and we'll be utilizing this."

As time passes and a greater wealth of content accumulates on PlayStation Plus, its value proposition continues to rise. Most new PS3 bundles include at least a brief free trial of the service in order to get consumers hooked. Paid plans start at $17.99 for three months, and $49.99 for a full year. But whatever the reason for its success, the company's strategy surrounding Plus appears to be working.

Source: GamesIndustry []



New member
Sep 1, 2011
I looked at this program like a game rental. I paid $17 to try Gotham imposters, play through Infamous 2 and Space Marine. So instead of buying a game that I will likely onyl play once I didn't have to pay full price, so a good service for me.

That being said I won't be renuing as they do not put new games up very often, and those three games are the only ones I have wanted to play in the almsot 3 months I have had it.


In the name of Harman...
May 11, 2012
I love plus, I let my Live subscription lapse to pay for this (and save 10 bucks!) and I'm never looking back. If Microsoft wants me to continue giving them money every year they need to start thinking of what they're offering me besides ads and the ability to watch the Netflix that's built into my TV already.

I only wish I could get into or care about Playstation Home more...


New member
Aug 20, 2010
The cloud save is the only nice thing they haven't really had any good free games since early summer.

They probably make a lot of profits by auto renewing peoples subscriptions, whether they wanted to or not.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Sony's Plus actually offers a service that's worth paying for and doesn't punish you for not subscribing (looking at you Microsoft). That being said though the stories about security coupled with the actual breach from not too long ago are enough to keep me away. Call me a coward but I'm just going to continue playing my games by myself and offline.


New member
Jul 1, 2011
When I first saw playstation plus...I thought it was a ridiculous scheme to make more money...but it is definitely starting to show its value...while I don't have it currently due to budget...I will definitelybe looking to subscribe in the future


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
Plus is excellent. Making key features such as online play require subs is ridiculous. Plus is just a great optional feature.

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
I'm starting to like Plus. Sure, you get good free games for as long as you have the Plus membership (InFamous 2, Payday: The Heist, etc.) but it beats the hell out of buying the games, beating them then selling it back for 5 bucks. Or keeping it and let it collect dust.

And the online backup is great. I'm ready for my fat PS3 to kick the bucket.

I don't want it to but ya know...


New member
Mar 7, 2008
Currently I'm having a blast with PS+. Cloud saving works great, especially now that they've upgraded your cloud space to 1GB. Now stuff like SSX ghost runs or Afrika's save can be added in. Hell, I think the service is worth the money just to not have to worry about any new game patch or firmware updates that comes out... it's downloaded automatically overnight.

The free/discounted games sure don't hurt though. Still have to get through Infamous 2 and Space Marine, and it let me get games like Tokyo Jungle and Retro City Rampage at a discount, or with free DLC. And since I got a Vita, I'm legitimately psyched to see what they add to that with the service in November. Hopefully it won't have to build up like the PS3 service


New member
Dec 4, 2011
Shoggoth2588 said:
Sony's Plus actually offers a service that's worth paying for and doesn't punish you for not subscribing (looking at you Microsoft). That being said though the stories about security coupled with the actual breach from not too long ago are enough to keep me away. Call me a coward but I'm just going to continue playing my games by myself and offline.
That's not cowardice. That's paranoia. :p

Punch You

New member
Dec 12, 2010
I gotta say, I was skeptical of Plus at first, but now that I'm a month in, it has already nearly paid for itself. For games like Outland, I'd probably never replay if I bought it anyway. Also, getting to play the Playstastion Allstars beta an extra week than everyone else was nice.

Mr. Omega

Jul 1, 2010
I don't use PS Plus, considering my PS3's been getting less and less use, but in concept I prefer it over XBL. Rewarding those who pay more as opposed to punishing those who pay less is a mentality that needs to be encouraged, and its better when those rewards aren't actually game content. It's why I like Club Nintendo as opposed to the Season Pass.

So good for Sony. Hopefully they keep improving the service.


New member
Dec 19, 2008
When I used to play PS3 plus was great; it's a perfect balance between cost and reward.

The problem is all of my peers are on XBL, so I had to switch to get quality multiplayer (pre-flame: by that I mean regular games with friends, rather than a service issue).


New member
Sep 18, 2011
DrunkOnEstus said:
I love plus, I let my Live subscription lapse to pay for this (and save 10 bucks!) and I'm never looking back. If Microsoft wants me to continue giving them money every year they need to start thinking of what they're offering me besides ads and the ability to watch the Netflix that's built into my TV already.

I only wish I could get into or care about Playstation Home more...
I always felt they should make home like a game, an MMO with battles for area control between guilds the players form. Always thought that would give some sort of weight to things, especially if you could lose that nice home you have to invaders if you don't get in on the politics.


Professional Lurker
Nov 18, 2009
Don't care for any services like this personally, but I do approve of how Sony handles its online segment. Letting the online play stay free with the betas and shit going to PSN+ subscribers is leaps and bounds more intelligent than what MS does with XBL.


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
I love me some PS+.

It lets play games such as Outland and Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine for free and it has also let me in on all sorts of multiplayer betas.

I plan on keeping my subscription going for a long time.


What this
Jun 14, 2012
I've never used PS+, but I can see how it is good. Now if MS just followed suit. Paying for Live was what turned me off of Live in the first place anyway. :)