Community Spotlight: Blunderboy


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2009
Community Spotlight: Blunderboy

A couple of months ago, an idea was proposed on the Escapist forums that eventually came to fruition: The CommuniCast. Admittedly the idea for a community-run podcast wasn't new around the site -- there was the failed <url=>Escapist Radio project back in the summer of 2010 -- but sometimes big community ventures like this can take a few tries before they're able to really get off the ground. On Halloween day of 2012, at last the <url=>CommuniCast user group was formed. Today we have the opportunity to interview the man who started it all up, Blunderboy.

Blunderboy is someone you can see in many areas of The Escapist. He spends most of his time in the Off-topic and Gaming Discussion forums, but also dabbles in Forum Games as well as commenting on news and featured content as often as possible. He's also a member of the <url=>Brovengers, one of the most active user groups on The Escapist. Blunderboy is almost everywhere you can find people on The Escapist, and this is his Community Spotlight.

Without further ado, Blunderboy!

How long have you been a member of The Escapist, and what about the site brought you here?
Well my official join date is April 2011, but I was lurking for at least a year or so prior. I think that counts.

What is your favourite current Escapist feature?
I do love listening to the podcast, it's making wrapping all these presents more bearable. But in terms of my absolute favourite, it's going to have to be either of MovieBob's. I'd say Big Picture just about clinches it.

What is your best memory that came from The Escapist's forums?
This is a tough one man. I've got quite a few of them. Ranging little things like finding someone else loves the same thing as you, to just joining together to have a decent discussion without it descending into childish name calling. But probably the finest memory was the inception of ComuniCast.

You started the ComuniCast. Can you explain what that is, and how it came about?
Basically, <url=>Daystar (that big time forum chap we've heard so much about) started a thread about things we would like to see on The Escapist. Fresh from listening to a Podcast or two I perked up with the suggestion of having forum members get together and do their own podcast, to discuss our own gaming habits, things that had happened on The Escapist and big topics etc.

I figured that it would be a cool idea but that really, it would be deemed too much effort and that nothing much would come of it.

But it seems that I'd under estimated the awesomeness of my fellow Escapists, who took my idea and ran with it. More than that in fact. They evolved it, adding rotating hosts to keep it fresh and get more users involved, and also creating the FailCast, which is much more free form and open in terms of topics.

My big thanks go out to all of those guys, especially <url=>Fappy and <url=>Fiz, because I did not have any internet in my flat for over a month when I came up with the idea, so everyone's help was amazing.

What is it that you do for a living? Is it something that you enjoy?
I work in a smallish office in my home town in Essex for the impressively named Institute of Mathematics and it's Applications. Before you ask, no I'm not that good at maths.

After working damn near a decade in various retail jobs, the two years I've been there are awesome. I finally get to enjoy weekend and bank holidays.

I also get to see lots of awesome places in the UK, as I get to go on conferences too. So yeah, I guess I enjoy it.

In your free time, apart from browsing The Escapist, what do you do with yourself?
Gaming is a bit of a given. Currently I'm working through Far Cry 3, inter spaced with KOTOR and Rome Total War when I need to slow it down a touch.

I've also really gotten into roleplay over the summer specifically World of Darkness and I really would encourage everyone to try it. It's a great laugh with your mates and a real blast.

Beyond that it's really just the usual I guess. Seeing my mates down the pub, films, music and trying to find a lady to share my life with. Oh my new flatmate has a piano so I'm planning to learn to play that. Or at least a few songs by my favourite singer.

Do you have a favorite game/movie/band/painting/etc. that you'd like more people to be aware of?
I really do love Amanda Palmer, but I think that plenty of people know about her, and I can certainly see why she isn't everyone's cup of tea.

Also, more people need to be made aware of the brilliant Predator the Musical (and all the 'Arnie' musicals) and the <url=>ChristopherWalkenThroughs. You should go ahead and YouTube those.

Pets. Do you have any? If so, what are they and what are their names? If not, what would you like if you had that choice?
I don't have any pets, though my parents do sometimes tortoise sit for a friend.

If I could have my own pet? A tamed red panda would be pretty awesome.

Where do you see yourself in five years' time? Do you have any goals that need fulfilling?
I'd hope to be working with the same people I currently do, but in a higher position. Ideally I'd also be at least looking to buy a property and start a family. But at least half of that hinges on me finding the right woman. Ladies...

If you would like to nominate someone for an upcoming Community Spotlight, feel free to let me, Marter, know through a PM or by posting in the <url=>official thread or <url=>user group! When nominating, please tell us why this user deserves to be in the next Community Spotlight and provide links if possible.



New member
Apr 26, 2011
Damn it, I just noticed a missing word.

Ruining my moment of glory.

But yay, I R FAMOUS!

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
Pah, Nobody cares about this blunderboy fellow, what about this Chairman Miaow we've all been hearing about, eh?

Jokes, gratz on being teh famous, but don't forget about our


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Chairman Miaow said:
Pah, Nobody cares about this blunderboy fellow, what about this Chairman Miaow we've all been hearing about, eh?

Jokes, gratz on being teh famous, but don't forget about our
I could never forget you, stud. ;)

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
Blunderboy said:
Chairman Miaow said:
Pah, Nobody cares about this blunderboy fellow, what about this Chairman Miaow we've all been hearing about, eh?

Jokes, gratz on being teh famous, but don't forget about our
I could never forget you, stud. ;)
P.S. I would so be Holmes.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat šŸ
Mar 31, 2010
*Looks above*



The Communicasts I've listened to have been fairly entertaining, especially the first one, so this is another spotlight deserved. Well done Blunderboy.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Chairman Miaow said:
I could never forget you, stud. ;)
P.S. I would so be Holmes.[/quote]
The hell you would.

JoJo said:
The Communicasts I've listened to have been fairly entertaining, especially the first one, so this is a another spotlight deserved.
Why thank you. I really can't take any credit (or blame) though.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Hooray! :D

Congrats Blunder, and you should learn the piano. It's fun!

[sub]The fame has totally consumed you, hasn't it?[/sub]


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Hooray! :D

Congrats Blunder, and you should learn the piano. It's fun!

[sub]The fame has totally consumed you, hasn't it?[/sub]
I'm sorry peasant, did thou speak?
Dec 14, 2009
It was my thread, so I take all the credit for every success.

If it fails, that's Fiz's and Fappy's fault.



Especially Fappy's.

OT: Grats dude, we wouldn't have done the cast without you :D

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
Blunderboy said:
Chairman Miaow said:
I could never forget you, stud. ;)
P.S. I would so be Holmes.
The hell you would.

JoJo said:
The Communicasts I've listened to have been fairly entertaining, especially the first one, so this is a another spotlight deserved.
Why thank you. I really can't take any credit (or blame) though.
I say sir, I do believe your quote is borked. Good that the Communicast is getting some focus though. I shall take a note and see if the member count rises.



books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Blunderboy said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Hooray! :D

Congrats Blunder, and you should learn the piano. It's fun!

[sub]The fame has totally consumed you, hasn't it?[/sub]
I'm sorry peasant, did thou speak?

That's cold bro, how could you?
Daystar Clarion said:
It was my thread, so I take all the credit for every success.

If it fails, that's Fiz's and Fappy's fault.



Especially Fappy's.

OT: Grats dude, we wouldn't have done the cast without you :D
How would it be my fault?

You're on a good portion of them.


Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
It was my thread, so I take all the credit for every success.

If it fails, that's Fiz's and Fappy's fault.



Especially Fappy's.

OT: Grats dude, we wouldn't have done the cast without you :D
Well I'm sneakily stealing all your credit, because my fantastically boobtastic brain came up with the name for the cast. And we all now that it's the name the attracts people to it, right? Not the concept, or how it came about =P

But seriously, well deserved spotlight, Blunderboy. And hopefully it informs more people about the CommuniCasts! =D They're good fun to listen to.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Blunderboy said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Hooray! :D

Congrats Blunder, and you should learn the piano. It's fun!

[sub]The fame has totally consumed you, hasn't it?[/sub]
I'm sorry peasant, did thou speak?

That's cold bro, how could you?
We always hurt the ones we love.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Blunderboy said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Blunderboy said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Hooray! :D

Congrats Blunder, and you should learn the piano. It's fun!

[sub]The fame has totally consumed you, hasn't it?[/sub]
I'm sorry peasant, did thou speak?

That's cold bro, how could you?
We always hurt the ones we love.
A fact of life sadly.

And on that delightfully cheery note, you should totally be on one of the 'casts soon since it is your baby.

So to speak.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
I really like these communicast things with little info about our members, true? personalities

I have listened to some of those podcasts but not too much, maybe I should try and give it a shot...

*steps back into the shadows*


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Blunderboy said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Blunderboy said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Hooray! :D

Congrats Blunder, and you should learn the piano. It's fun!

[sub]The fame has totally consumed you, hasn't it?[/sub]
I'm sorry peasant, did thou speak?

That's cold bro, how could you?
We always hurt the ones we love.
A fact of life sadly.

And on that delightfully cheery note, you should totally be on one of the 'casts soon since it is your baby.

So to speak.
Ha I really should. :D

Guffe said:
I really like these communicast things with little info about our members, true? personalities

I have listened to some of those podcasts but not too much, maybe I should try and give it a shot...

*steps back into the shadows*
Yes, yes you should. :D