US Government Pirates Media


New member
Oct 19, 2009
US Government Pirates Media

Members of the House of Representatives have been caught downloading ... Home and Away? Really?

Yes, we need legislation like SOPA [] to protect our media conglomerates from filthy pirates, such as, say, that nut in the United States House of Representatives with a Dexter fixation, or the one who ripped Pixar's unreleased animated movie The Good Dinosaur.

A report released by Washington Whispers [] has revealed that members of the US Congress are among the more persistent illegal downloaders, pirating everything from TV shows to feature films. Though games aren't as popular targets, at least one user was hot for Tron: Evolution on the Xbox 360.

The report covers the period from early October 2012 onwards. It tracks the IP addresses associated with these downloads, but it should be remembered that not every congressional IP address is accounted for. There could be others out there who share one user's addiction to here. []

The House of Representatives isn't the only entity that pirates, of course. RIAA and Homeland Security. [] No wonder the media conglomerates are so worried about torrents; even their friends are pirates.

Source: Guardian []



New member
Dec 19, 2010
Let me inform some folks about honesty. 1% of people lie, cheat, and steal their way through everything. Another 1% never lie, cheat or steal to any degree at all. Everyone else is in the middle somewhere. As a whole, people lie, cheat, and steal only so much that they can do it and still feel honest. Smart and intelligent people have an easier time getting away with more because they can more creatively justify it to themselves. If anyone thought there wasn't lawmakers out there that would pirate a movie or a some music, you have a distorted view of the world. I'm certainly no angel, so I would never judge anyone for doing small amounts of these types of things.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
The only point I'd make here is that when your dealing with politicians that accept money and perks from PACs and businesses that it can be hard to determine what they might actually have permission to do. When it comes to the media companies that are anti-pirate, it wouldn't surprise me if some of these politicians have blanket access to their catalogs and any media they might be interested in.

I'd consider it more newsworthy if you actually had a major media company like Viacom accusing members (or even a member) of The House of being a thief. Until that happens it's a clever jibe, but we actually have little evidence that a crime was committed. You could take the information as presented here and spin it a few differant ways. I could for example also imply with this data that a member of The House was bribed through being given the perk of free access to his favorite TV shows.

I suppose if someone wanted to be clever, they could spin this into a "no win scenario" where they could force certain members of The House to admit to being bribed with media access, piracy/theft, or poor security and ultimatly having to hold someone on their staff accountable for those crimes. Of course you'd need to have the resources of say CNN or another major network to really "push" something like that, and even then the enemies you'd wind up making probably wouldn't be worth the short term points being scored.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Baresark said:
Let me inform some folks about honesty. 1% of people lie, cheat, and steal their way through everything. Another 1% never lie, cheat or steal to any degree at all. Everyone else is in the middle somewhere. As a whole, people lie, cheat, and steal only so much that they can do it and still feel honest. Smart and intelligent people have an easier time getting away with more because they can more creatively justify it to themselves. If anyone thought there wasn't lawmakers out there that would pirate a movie or a some music, you have a distorted view of the world. I'm certainly no angel, so I would never judge anyone for doing small amounts of these types of things.
I don't buy that. Everyone is human but that doesn't make it right. You're only arguing from a populist morality, that if everyone kills then killing is okay.

It's not hard not to pirate, when Hollywood or the enforcement industries pirate, I forgive the coporations because dishonest people sneak into everywhere, that doesn't make it right. Pirating isn't an addiction, it's something where almost everyone has the willpower not to do it and many people start pirating when they're younger and then grow up and stop. I pirated music when I was younger, realised it was wrong. Stopped.

Its really not hard, you just have to not take possession of things you didn't have the money to afford. You pirate either by twisting your conscience into believing it's okay and justified, which is a bad mindset for a lawmaker to have, or by having a disrespect for keeping to the law, which is a bad mindset for a lawmaker to have.

It's not even like speeding, you're in a car every day and it takes an amount of conscious effort not to speed. To pirate something you've got to look up a website, sometimes download a client, search out your media and then download it.

Just because its small doesn't mean its wrong. Pirating does significant harm to major industries in the country they represent and has no legal standpoint. They shouldn't be doing it. I don't think well of my friends when they pirate and there is absolutely no way someone who has taken on the responsibility to represent their people, uphold and create laws, should be pirating


New member
Aug 30, 2009
I shouldn't be surprised. I've seen this pattern all before on a number of different issues. Everything and everyone must be controlled, with no regard to their legal rights.

But the ones who pass those laws and policies? They can do whatever they want, consequences are for the powerless!

There are few other things that I find more repulsive.


New member
Mar 16, 2008
....So...some of the people with HIGHEST salary in the U.S....are pirates...That doesn't make sense. I...I don't have HALF the money they do...and I don't pirate. So...So what the fuck?


New member
Feb 27, 2010
Therumancer said:
Until that happens it's a clever jibe, but we actually have little evidence that a crime was committed. You could take the information as presented here and spin it a few differant ways. I could for example also imply with this data that a member of The House was bribed through being given the perk of free access to his favorite TV shows.
Interesting theory but quite incorrect. No legitimate internal source is going to use file names like "The.Good.Dinosaur.DVDRIP.XviD-ZEKTORM" or "CSI.NY.S09E04.Unspoken.HDTV.XviD-LOL[ettv]" - those are public or private tracker torrent file names, no question about it.

OT: I'd like to think this would be investigated. I'm not expecting politicians to be whiter than white but if they're stupid enough to use official government IPs for illegal activity (or to employ interns etc who do) then they deserve the discomfort and potential humiliation of an investigation, at the very least.


New member
Apr 19, 2011
The bigger issue here is that Home and Away is still going strong. My family still watch it every night... They really need to put that show down. At least it's not Neighbours. Ugh.


Prunus Girl is best girl!
Apr 28, 2011
Home and Away...
If you're going to be caught downloading illegaly at least download something less bunk.


What this
Jun 14, 2012
I thought that Congress pirates, but not media. I'd see them pirating Windows and Office as it's freaking expensive for them to maintain all those workstations.

But media? The irony is delicious. I don't even understand why they can't buy what us working people can afford.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
This just in: politicians are hypocrites.

I wish I was more surprised, but honestly, I'm used to the gay bashing Congressmen who end up caught in a "massage" house.


New member
Dec 7, 2009
I do not buy it.... This article would have us assume politicians.......... are smart enough to know how torrents work? LIES AND PROPAGANDA!!!

Fat Hippo

Prepare to be Gnomed
May 29, 2009
Now all that's left to do is what politicians do best: deny everything!


Farther than stars

New member
Jun 19, 2011
Screamarie said:
....So...some of the people with HIGHEST salary in the U.S....are pirates...That doesn't make sense. I...I don't have HALF the money they do...and I don't pirate. So...So what the fuck?
Ahhh... When I read this article, I thought I would just go into the comments section, not hoping to take part in any kind of rational discussion, but instead just sit back, relax and watch the internet unleash its unbridled rage. Your comment gave me that fix. So thank you for that. :)

danon said:
Piracy is primarily a service issue.
This makes me disappointed...

Zachary Amaranth said:
This just in: politicians are hypocrites.
Hey, Zach. Good to see you're still cynical about the world. ;)

DVS BSTrD said:
Ah hypocrisy, the backbone of democracy.
This... This is actually quite beautiful. Too bad its meter is a little unwieldy for a poem.

Zen Toombs

New member
Nov 7, 2011
Baresark said:
Let me inform some folks about honesty. 1% of people lie, cheat, and steal their way through everything. Another 1% never lie, cheat or steal to any degree at all. Everyone else is in the middle somewhere. As a whole, people lie, cheat, and steal only so much that they can do it and still feel honest. Smart and intelligent people have an easier time getting away with more because they can more creatively justify it to themselves. If anyone thought there wasn't lawmakers out there that would pirate a movie or a some music, you have a distorted view of the world. I'm certainly no angel, so I would never judge anyone for doing small amounts of these types of things.
Absolutely. But it's still bloody hilarious if someone who supported SOPA was pirating.


Führer of the Sausage People
Mar 23, 2008
Screamarie said:
....So...some of the people with HIGHEST salary in the U.S....are pirates...That doesn't make sense. I...I don't have HALF the money they do...and I don't pirate. So...So what the fuck?
Well, very often those who make a shit ton of money pay less taxes than your average Joe. I once knew a guy that had a yearly income of 3 million SEK and paid zilch. There's a Swedish expression: "Mycket vill ha mera" - "One who has much wants more."


New member
Nov 29, 2009
The Good Dinosaur? I went looking for it out of curiosity, and didn't see it on any of the trackers I looked at. They must have some good sources.