January Update Brings New Guild Wars 2 Content

Marshall Honorof

New member
Feb 16, 2011
January Update Brings New Guild Wars 2 Content

The beginning of a new storyline accompanies a number of small changes.

Guild Wars 2 has been out for about five months now, so if you picked it up at launch, chances are you've worked your way through a good deal of the content by now. If exploring Tyria and advancing its high fantasy story have lost their luster, ArenaNet has a fix for you: a substantial content update coming on January 28. In addition to a number of additions to achievements, tournaments, and gear shops, the update will kick off a brand new story arc entitled "Flame and Frost."

First things first: The prelude to Flame and Frost "is the prologue to a multi-stage narrative that will bring big changes to Guild Wars 2 in the months to come," according to its official site. "The sky falls and the ground shakes in the lands of the north ... The call goes out for volunteers to assist the victims in this time of need, when earth and sky seem to have become the enemy." ArenaNet seems loath to spoil much else at this point, but if you plan to embark upon this new set of quests, prepare for assisting refugees and likely heading north to do battle with something nasty.

If you'd rather just knock some heads, that's OK, too. From January 28 to February 4, the Temple of the Silent Storm map with smaller teams will replace the regular proceedings in the arena, thereafter becoming a part of the regular map rotation. ArenaNet also plans to add new achievements, which award laurels. So that you don't have to sit on your laurels (I'll show myself out now), a selection of improved infusions and amulets will be available for exchange.

Throw in a number of smaller fixes, tweaks, and real-money vanity items, and Flame and Frost should satisfy any Tyrian adventurers who have been itching for something new to try. If there's any content you want to finish up before taking on a new set of quests, you've got a week to do it.

Source: Guild Wars 2 Official Site [https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/releases/january-2013/]



New member
Dec 6, 2010
I'm probably gonna have to assume that this story is only for the highest lvl players, so they actually have more stuff to do... which also means I'm probably never gonna see it (played since beta, highest lvl character is only 48).
Can only hope that when I get there the story doesn't feel nearly as short as the starting one (What'd you mean I'm already leaving my Warband?! I'm only level 20!).


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Korten12 said:
Going to assume that means Jormag, is going to be the next dragon.
Primordus might be involved somehow too, given the name of the update and the fact they say the earth has become the enemy.

Primordus spends his time underground spewing out the destroyers and nobody difinitively knows where his lair resides, some theorise the Maguuma Jungle but others believe he just sort of goes where he pleases.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
damn, im still far behind. just got the game a month ago and not even 20% of the world discovered. well, looks like it will keep my busy for a long time.


Casual Plebeian
Oct 23, 2009
I should get around to going back to this while I still have the time but whenever I get to the login page I just can't be bothered to actually play this any more. I thought the story was okay as far as MMOs go but I never found my place in the community and ended up playing alone.

It really sucks because the game was decent. But an MMO without friends is just a bad RPG in the end. I know it's my own fault it ended up that way for not seeking out a guild but this was honestly the first time ever that I played an MMO and actually made it all the way to level cap without anyone trying to recruit me.

[sub][sub]I waited but none ever came...[/sub][/sub]

the big fluffeh

New member
Nov 7, 2011
Bolt-206 said:
I'm probably gonna have to assume that this story is only for the highest lvl players, so they actually have more stuff to do... which also means I'm probably never gonna see it (played since beta, highest lvl character is only 48).
Can only hope that when I get there the story doesn't feel nearly as short as the starting one (What'd you mean I'm already leaving my Warband?! I'm only level 20!).
Well, they mention two very low level zones, so I don't think it will be for max-level players only. They also have a habit of going back into low level zones and adding events and content there.


New member
May 15, 2008
I have been trying to get back into GW2 since a few of my friends have picked it up. Sadly, I'm just not feeling any of the luster that I had for the game when it was in BETA and after release. I'm curious to see if this update will make any difference for me.