Rumor: Next Xbox Will Require Constant Internet Connection


The Dude
Aug 21, 2011
Rumor: Next Xbox Will Require Constant Internet Connection

Edge claims Microsoft's next console will play Blu-ray discs and eliminate the used game market.

According to Edge - which reportedly got its information from its own reliable sources - the next Xbox console will come equipped with a number of features we've not yet seen from Microsoft. Namely, physical copies of games for the system will be sold on 50GB Blu-ray discs, and the console itself will require an always-on internet connection in order to function.

Along with the console, a new and improved version of the Kinect sensor will be included. Oh, and games will come with a one-time use activation code, completely eliminating any second-hand used game market.

Wow, so as far as rumors go, this one reads like a laundry list of features that are designed to cause internet uproar. Will the next Xbox console feature Blu-ray discs? It's entirely possible, as the HD-DVD format is firmly in the grave, and Microsoft definitely needs higher capacity discs for the next generation.

The same goes for one-time use activation codes. We already know Sony has patented its own system of eliminating used games, and if Microsoft wants to do the same, a unique code system could accomplish that task.

But always-on internet connectivity? For people in urban settings, this isn't typically an issue, but for rural gamers, it could be a total deal breaker. Of course, Microsoft could institute such a requirement, but at a time when the videogame industry is experiencing a recession of its own, deliberately limiting your potential install base seems like a rather obvious no-no.

Still, crazier things have happened. I mean, look at Sega: The company still refuses to show off the Dreamcast 2, which has obviously been secretly in development for over a decade. Come forth, Sega, and claim the gaming crown that is so obviously yours.

Source: Edge []

Image Credit: Justin Marty []



Jan 4, 2010
United States
Hopefully the Dreamcast 2 will return during the console apocalypse and deliver us from evil. Seriously, these kinds of rumors have been floating around for over a year now. If always-online turns out to be true, Microsoft will be committing corporate seppeku. They must have realized this by now.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
The only thing on this list that seems likely is the bluray player. I have doubts about ms being quite willing to bank on constant net connections and game codes.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Considering that it is just a rumor and that of the two articles that are actually talking about this, one is based off of the other.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
I would love if this turned out to be true. It would really show us how stupid companies can get when it comes to reacting to piracy. I am a student, I live in student housing and consoles are blocked from connecting to the internet. Lots of student between 19-25 got the same problem over here. Now eliminating those from their target demographics is so stupid that I doubt even Ubisoft would go that far.

I am going to say that I doubt this is true.

Zen Toombs

New member
Nov 7, 2011
Not to be that guy, but if any of these rumors are true[footnote]Except the blue ray part. Seriously, who cares?[/footnote] then I'm not upgrading to the new-shiney Xbox. I've had enough trouble with it as is, and I might as well just shift over to computer gaming.

Seonaid Goodwin

New member
Feb 6, 2013
I'm really hoping that Edge dropped the ball on this one, as I'm one of those people who lives in an area with very slow broadband.


New member
Sep 12, 2011
This sounds like a pretty trollish rumor. I guess microsoft saw how well diablo 3 did, and decided to get in the action.
Dec 14, 2009
I suspect the only thing that is true about any of this is the use of Blu-ray discs...

If any of the others are true however...

Worlds will end.


New member
Dec 24, 2012
I doubt that any of that is true apart from the Blu-ray part but if it is I'm definitely getting a PS4.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Microsoft could not be this stupid,... but stranger things have happened, I guess.

The future's crazy, man.

Froggy Slayer

New member
Jul 13, 2012
I highly doubt it; they wouldn't be stupid enough to entirely cut out an entire market. Xbox piracy isn't that big of a deal anyway.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
If this is true then im not interest for a 2 reasons.
1. One time only games - As most games are not worth paying full price for then a console would be a waste of money for me, would buy hardly any titles for it.
2. Always online - Unless its got an wifi included then not interested. Not paying a load of money extra just to game, i have no interest in gaming online at all so am not going to pay for seperate wifi thing for it for nothing. Look at the price for wifi on 360.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
Journalism at it's finest. No source, no research, nothing but a (anti)fan fic story.

Gaming "journalists".


New member
Oct 9, 2008
MikeWehner said:
Wow, so as far as rumors go, this one reads like a laundry list of features that are designed to cause internet uproar. Will the next Xbox console feature Blu-ray discs? It's entirely possible, as the HD-DVD format is firmly in the grave, and Microsoft definitely needs higher capacity discs for the next generation.
That statement right there sounds like the Bullshit-Meter(TM) pinging. While it is quite possible, given the current apparent thinking of the corporate moguls in the game industry regarding such issues, that the elements of this rumor could become reality; it seems to me that certain elements of it are customer hostile enough that Microsoft may take the two seconds necessary to rethink such a design and consider it a bad idea. Even so, this convergence of issues below

MikeWehner said:
According to Edge - which reportedly got its information from its own reliable sources - the next Xbox console will come equipped with a number of features we've not yet seen from Microsoft. Namely, physical copies of games for the system will be sold on 50GB Blu-ray discs, and the console itself will require an always-on internet connection in order to function.

Along with the console, a new and improved version of the Kinect sensor will be included. Oh, and games will come with a one-time use activation code, completely eliminating any second-hand used game market.
all in one article definitely smells of link-bait to me as well (i.e. my Bullshit-Meter(TM) is having some agreement with your Bullshit-Meter(TM)). About the only likable things are an improved Kinect sensor and games on 50GB blue-ray (although, it may be possible to make an argument, centering around the amount of graphics bloat and worthless playtime extension that goes into a lot of current games to fill that kind of space, that having that much space to use could be a bad idea; in other words, the games may become bloated in a vain attempt to fill the space just because it's there, not because it's really necessary for the game's design or concept). Even so, it does sound like an attempt to hit the gaming community's hot buttons.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
I didn't get an Xbox back in the day. I didn't get a 360 this gen, though I plan to when it start running a bit cheaper since there are a few 360 exclusives I want. However, as someone with a shit internet connection and a bandwidth cap, I can safely say that if this is true, the 720 will need several god-tier games to get me to even think about buying one.