New Evidence Clears Up How Dinosaurs Died


Don't Take Crap from Life
Sep 16, 2012
New Evidence Clears Up How Dinosaurs Died

The theory that dinosaurs were wiped out by an asteroid has gained more legitimacy.

The theory that an asteroid impact near Chicxulub, Mexixo helped to cause the Creataceous-Tertiary extinction event (K-T) that wiped out the dinosaurs has gained major support from a report out of the University of California at Berkeley. The researchers studied volcanic ash at Chicxulub and in Montana, at a site with a huge number of dinosaur fossils from the estimated impact period. Radiometric analysis says that the impact and the K-T happened no more than 33,000 years apart. Radiometric dating lets scientists estimate ages based on the decay of materials - this case, potassium - in the soil. The extinction date we now have is accurate to within 11,000 years, and is the climax of nearly a million years of dinosaur decline set off by climate change.

"We've shown the impact and the mass extinction coincided as much as one can possibly demonstrate with existing dating techniques," said Paul Renne, one of the researchers. As to the timing of the impact and the extinction, Renne said that "the impact was the final straw that pushed Earth past the tipping point. We have shown that these events are synchronous to within a gnat's eyebrow, and therefore the impact clearly played a major role in extinctions, but it probably wasn't just the impact."

What set off the decline of the dinosaurs was dramatic climate swings in the million years before the Chicxulub impact, possibly combined with volcanic eruptions which releasing huge amounts of sulfur into the atmosphere. "These precursory phenomena made the global ecosystem much more sensitive to even relatively small triggers, so that what otherwise might have been a fairly minor effect shifted the ecosystem into a new state." Some scientists, like some gamers [], had been rethinking the role of dinosaurs in the extinction event - and whether or not a simple impact was enough to wipe out such resilient groups of species. The new model serves as a synthesis which may satisfy both parties, but will likely ignite a fierce round of scientific debate.

Source: Live Science []
Image: Don Davis []



New member
Jun 8, 2010
I've always been a follower of this theory since I was young so this news makes me very happy.


Noble and oppressed Kekistani
Nov 8, 2010
So it wasn't just global warming caused by dinosaurs farting and breathing? Dear God, I have to tell Al Gore!


New member
Feb 19, 2010
DVS BSTrD said:
Such resilient groups of species? Haden't most of the Dinosaurs already died off before the asteroid hit?
I don't believe so, dramatic climate shifts were running riot but we're talking about a massive group of critters here, as far as I know many were going fairly strong, especially dem Theropods. After the asteroid hit most things over 10 foot high snuffed it due to enviromental pressures, all the iddy biddy dino's either evolved or died out as is normal in nature. Don't hold me on this...


New member
Jul 24, 2011
Blablahb said:
DVS BSTrD said:
LysanderNemoinis said:
So it wasn't just global warming caused by dinosaurs farting and breathing? Dear God, I have to tell Al Gore!
That makes no sense, at all, whatsoever.

If you want to rip at something it would be climate denialists, because that group and creationists have a big overlap in membership, and are about equally adept at denying any facts that don't fit their story.
One top of that methane releases from animals is a major contributor to the global warming we have now (it might be considered by scientist the largest contributor but don't quote me on that) methane is 17x more damaging to global warming than CO2.


New member
May 16, 2010
lets kill all cows immediately. moar steak.

i have serious doubts that global warming is due to anything more than the warming up after the last ice age progressing, maybe you can argue human can nudge that temp up but the earth has been warming and freezing off and on for 100s of millions of years, we even had a mini ice age during the middle ages maybe due to a moderate meteor impact at that time.

our historic understanding of weather is basically the last 200 years. it is rather laughable that we can claim so much understanding of our role in such a utterly chaotic system as our planets ecosystems and its temperature swings.

and any amount of cow farts and car exhaust pales in comparison to a small planet sized chunk of rock slamming into you liquifying the surface of the planet and cause massive tidal waves that wipe out whole coastlines. and kick off a planetwide volcanic active streak, plunging the planet into ice age for 10,000s of years until our fairly recent era.

also you local weather is nothing more than guesswork and probabilities of what might happen because we simply cannot understand weather systems, global currents, winds, butterfly farts in china and all that.

but we got scientists that will claim "manmade" global warming without any data to back that up since the chemicals you would expect to see as indicators of that are not in concentrations that prove anything.

it was the 1970s that saw science claiming we were all sinking into another ice age was not until the 1980s we apparently maybe cooking ourselves to death, maybe we should start understanding that short term ups and downs are not long term global trends.

when we get studies that are falsified from the united nations to prove global warming why fudge the data if the data was there? the data was not there so they puffed the temperature reports from all over the world by several degrees. then claimed some software glitch that did it or something when found out.

so concerned about co2 and whatnot? plant some trees go out somewhere far out plant a ton of trees be fricking johnny appleseed.

i thought by 2020 we were all going to be underwater or something anyway was that that the old school worse case, apparently the antarctic ice sheet is about gone costal cities are slowly being submerged, and as far as we know the earth was always going to melt its poles as it warmed back up, who to say it was still not warming back up? oh wait i guess our 200 years or so of accurate temperature data when 1000s or 10,000 of years generally mark rather wild ups and downs within the general temperature trends.

general pattern earth warms up earth cools down, occasionally a super volcano or meteor pops a suprise ice age now and again, but the earth has an amazing ability to balance itself after planetary disasters and is constantly working to achieve balance it seems to have built in thermal triggers that keep it from getting too cold or too warm when it goes one way or the other.

and it will keep doing all that weither we are here or not shockingly. and if history is a judge we could even nuke the hell out of the planet and it would recover under its own means if we were so possessed.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
cerebus23 said:
To sum up: No, we are not making an ice age happen.
Yes, I think you've made that point succinctly. Rather a good grasp of things, I would say. There have been some record storms lately, though. If, as you say, humanity doesn't nudge very much in comparison to the planet's natural weather cycles, you might concede that there is SOME effect? I don't believe the doomsayers, but I believe that some things do get set in motion and make life just a bit harder sometimes.


New member
Nov 2, 2007
Alright. Now listen to Sagan already and lets put eggs in different baskets. Colony ships, come on, come on!

The Lugz

New member
Apr 23, 2011
interesting, so life did evolve again after the dinosaurs

does that mean alien species might be dinosaur like? if that's an earlier evolutionary step that works

it could also explain the scavenger nature of many animals if we evolved from what is essentially an apocolypse


New member
May 16, 2010
FalloutJack said:
cerebus23 said:
To sum up: No, we are not making an ice age happen.
Yes, I think you've made that point succinctly. Rather a good grasp of things, I would say. There have been some record storms lately, though. If, as you say, humanity doesn't nudge very much in comparison to the planet's natural weather cycles, you might concede that there is SOME effect? I don't believe the doomsayers, but I believe that some things do get set in motion and make life just a bit harder sometimes.
I seriously get the impression that most humans just buy into that oh well you all got here the rest of the universe can just take the rest of eternity off since we are the bright little centers of the universe. all of creation just stopped at the moment the first homo something became self aware.

sure i can somewhat maybe buy into the idea that all the heat we generate can nudge the temp of the planet up possibly, but what is to say we are any worse than 200 foot long reptiles or w/e dinosaurs are this week, chewing down millions of tons of vegetation and farting all day. nevermind what a t rex doody must have been like.

quite possibly you can argue that any uber successful species can have a massive impact on the biosystems of the planet be they dinosaurs or humans or w/e comes after us.

it is clear that we have altered many ecosystems that change local areas drastically, 100 years ago draining swamps was good, less mosquitoes and all that land back, after all this time we finally click into the fact that swamps are hurricane and tropical storm buffers and actually weaken and help kill storms before they come onland, absorb the stormswells like natural sponges and so on, and all that swamp clearing puts new orleans in way more danger than it already is in being physically below sea level.

can see the same thing with floods and damming rivers, forest fires not allowing forest fores to burn out scrub brush causes disasters when there is a fire, but many years eco people fought hard against controlled burns and in those areas when wildfires broke out countless property damage and lives lost.

alot of seemingly good intentioned eco movements are very bad for the environment, and especially where there is all this money involved in research, you arent going to get a grant for bucking the popular trends in pop culture science simple as that.

so until the current trend reverses and we see suddenly recovering ice shelves and what not over a period of years will anyone other than global warming researchers get a penny of that tuition/government money. if that happens at all probably will since everything goes in cycles. and we can flip flop to the ice age is going to kill us all burn a tree today campaign.

so yes i tend to give way more attention to the scientists that come out against global warming, most interesting one is the founder of the weather channel that insists that is all smoke and mirrors, simply because there really is no incentive for them to buck the general mood, no financial incentive, some of the public buys into man man global warming well enough and probably a good chunk of them some version of global warming, so not like many people will even bother to listen to them.

express any doubt about global warming as a thing and your generally met with shock and horror after all.


New member
Aug 22, 2011
Gaias said:
You know, I don't think I have ever heard of the place call Mexixo.
Funny, my religion prevents me from entertaining the notion that a place called 'Mexico' even exists.

I've heard of dinosaurs before. Did not Jesus wage a war against the Muslims and the Romans riding laser-equipped dinosaurs?


New member
Aug 22, 2011
cerebus23 said:
express any doubt about global warming as a thing and your generally met with shock and horror after all.
You speak the truth, kind sir.

Too bad we have to pull conspiracy-level shrouds of silence over anything until there's new scientific proof, which currently drips in only to go poof in the heated debated about what to do concerning something we have but very little to absolutely no power over anyway.

We are too many, yes. And we have sinned severely - we drained lakes the size of some countries to get crops growing where they otherwise wouldn't have grown - and we killed those lakes and everything around it. We built dams to flood entire valleys, and we're still polluting shit like there's no tomorrow. The countries we rely on the most to produce whatever crap we fancy as cheaply as possible destroy their share of nature like they just don't care.

Somehow, I can't shake the feeling the whole CO2 drama is but a cult to press rather elaborate wealth transfer schemes into motion that will, inevitably, only speed up the process of things going to shit, as they are absolutely inefficient at solving the problems they claim to address proper. Did you know that a large portion of vegans are actually believing their enlightened choice might actually save the one world we got because we'd need another world to place and feed the planetload of humans we're getting because we breed like rabbits?

Islands will eventually get flooded, and there's just nothing we can do about it. People have settled there and given the places names and built villages and towns and cities on them, but nature doesn't care about any of that.

There are still scientists eager to serve truth and promote the, y'know, general striving for knowledge and enlightenment stance, but they are, indeed, met with a frosty and harsh climate that will all too readily see them burning in hell fire, wearing dunce caps. Science these days, only happens when it's being funded properly. The unnatural selection already happens at the funding stage, and you just plain wouldn't believe what insane propaganda pieces get funded these days. It's a shame.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
"New Evidence Clears Up How Dinosaurs Died

The theory that dinosaurs were wiped out by an asteroid has gained more legitimacy."


Those two sentences are very different.