Command & Conquer Closed Beta Begins This Summer

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Command & Conquer Closed Beta Begins This Summer

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Gamers can sign up now for a chance to play and offer feedback on Victory Games' upcoming free-to-play Command & Conquer. (And there's an E3 trailer in here, too.)

Command & Conquer was revealed last year [] as a free-to-play online game and today, Electronic Arts announced that closed beta testing will begin this summer. Developer Victory Games says it is dedicated to "player-driven design," with a significant portion of game content set to be based on community activity and feedback.

"Being a live platform, we have the freedom to be responsive and to deliver content that our players care about at launch and beyond," Victory Games General Manager Jon Van Caneghem said. "As developers, this sort of direct and evolving relationship with our audience is incredibly exciting and we can't wait to hear what players think about this new Command & Conquer experience."

The new game will return to the "core gameplay" of the series and offer a variety of unique Generals, each with his or her own arsenal, style and personality, allowing players to formulate strategies based on their own personal gameplay preferences. Command & Conquer will feature three unique factions - the Global Liberation Army, the European Union and the Asia Pacific Alliance - battling for worldwide domination in a variety of multiplayer modes both old and new.

Command & Conquer is set to launch later this year, exclusively for the PC. Closed beta signups are being taken now at [].


Hero in a half shell

It's not easy being green
Dec 30, 2009
The new game will return to the "core gameplay" of the series
You mean they've returned to being able to build bases because taking that mechanic out was the work of an absolute imbecile?

Actually it doesn't look too bad, with the "more control than ever" line I'm guessing they're going for even more micromanagement, which I was never a fan of, but without a proper campaign mode I'll probably not bother too much with it. Never was much of a multiplayer guy, I preferred the crafted levels of the campaigns, they were just more fun to experiment and dick around in.


New member
Jul 9, 2012
Hero in a half shell said:
Actually it doesn't look too bad, with the "more control than ever" line I'm guessing they're going for even more micromanagement, which I was never a fan of, but without a proper campaign mode I'll probably not bother too much with it. Never was much of a multiplayer guy, I preferred the crafted levels of the campaigns, they were just more fun to experiment and dick around in.
I'm hoping we at least get the Generals Challenge mode back since that was my favorite part of Zero Hour.

King Kazma

New member
Apr 25, 2013
Command & Conquer Zero Hour was unbalanced. I bet this will be too. Also, I'll never forgive them for C&C4.


New member
Jan 2, 2011
King Kazma said:
Command & Conquer Zero Hour was unbalanced. I bet this will be too. Also, I'll never forgive them for C&C4.
Different dev.

OT: Looking good, we'll have to wait and see if it is any good.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
It won't be any good. But compared to C&C4 it will be good. Then again, a mule kicking you in the liver would be better than C&C4.

The Forces of Chaos

New member
Mar 25, 2010
Well at least they are sticking with the Generals Universe rather than ruining the tiberium and red alert series. I really liked playing as Dr Thraks, Prince Kassad and General Juhziz when I played Zero hour.

Clinton Davis

New member
Jun 11, 2013
"The new game will return to the "core gameplay" of the series"

If that were true it would not be online only and would have a full single player campaign as well as offline multiplayer.

EA doesn't give to ****s about the core gameplay of command & conquer. They care about Money, and they'll get it no matter how many times they attach the word "free" to this.

In the history of PC gaming there has never been a truly free FULL game. This game is no different. I doubt there ever will be.

I would gladly pay $60.00 for a new real C&C game.


New member
May 25, 2011
Clinton Davis said:
"The new game will return to the "core gameplay" of the series"

If that were true it would not be online only and would have a full single player campaign as well as offline multiplayer.
Exactly. Why even bother calling it C&C, since it clearly has nothing whatsoever to do with that series? It's a completely different story with completely different gameplay. I'd assume they're just going for name recognition, but considering how shit the last game was and how long it's been since a decent C&C game was released I really don't see why anyone would think that's a good idea.


New member
Aug 28, 2011
The new game will return to the "core gameplay" of the series
i see no tiberium, i see no GDI, i see no NOD, so no, this game isn't "returning to the core gamplay".
i just want a proper continuation of the original storyline (no, c'n'c 4 doesn't count), but i gues this will not happen. :-(