Portal 2 Turret Statue Gets Sunburst Colors


New member
Feb 17, 2011
Portal 2 Turret Statue Gets Sunburst Colors

If you preferred those "custom" Portal 2 turrets from Valve's promotional trailers, then Gaming Heads has a figurine preorder for you.

The <a href=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGPIQ72-2Vg>Portal 2 "Turrets" trailer,where Cave Johnson offers custom versions of sentient, death-dealing robots to customers, was simply a humorous joke that advertised the game. Still, I'd be willing to bet money that somebody watching that video thought to themselves: "Yes! I can't wait for the statue versions so I can buy the whole set!" So far, most of Valve's plushies and miniatures follow the standard turret design, but videogame collectibles company Gaming Heads has finally produced a version that would prompt Cave to fire his creative team: The limited edition Aperture Science Sunburst turret, complete with motion-activated lights and slightly creepy sound effects.

I'm not sure to what extent Sunburst turrets are in demand among collectors, but they appear to be very high-quality. The model was crafted using Portal 2's actual in-game assets, rendering the custom turret as an impressive 16" figurine. A motion sensor has been fitted onto the turret's eye, activating its light and a few choice quotes whenever a target approaches. Of course, quality comes at a price. A single Sunburst model will set you back $325, which may seem high for a model purposely designed to look ridiculous.

Also, when I say this is a limited edition, I mean really limited; Gaming Heads will only produce 350 copies of this particular model, at which point Aperture Science fans will be out of luck. The company did a similar run <a href=http://www.gamingheads.com/index.php?option=com_myphp&Itemid=3&product=100>for its standard while turret model, which as you can see from its store page quickly sold out. If getting a Portal 2 turret that can talk is really important to you, you'll probably want <a href=http://www.gamingheads.com/index.php?option=com_myphp&Itemid=3&product=113>to get onto the pre-order page right away.




New member
Mar 27, 2013
Interesting that they're doing one of the unused skins, but I still would like to see someone do "Evening at the Improv".


New member
Jan 1, 2011
It would've interesting if Portal Turrets became the new Pokemon/TF2 hats.


New member
Jul 20, 2013
I actually skipped buying of these because they were out of the plain white. I don't think I like any of the skins. Certainly none of them I've seen.