Mechwarrior Online Raises $100,000 For Cancer Research

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Mechwarrior Online Raises $100,000 For Cancer Research

More than 10,000 gamers have purchased Sarah's Jenner, a Mechwarrior Online mech created in honor of a five-year-old player who fell victim to brain cancer earlier this year.

Back in July, Piranha Games unveiled [] Sarah's Jenner, a special in-game unit created in memory of five-year-old player Sarah Parries, who died of inoperable brain cancer in May. The studio offered the mech to players at a cost of $10 - real money only - with a promise to donate 100 percent of the funds raised to the Canadian Cancer Society. And the gaming community, as it so often does, took the ball and ran.

Piranha Games Creative Director Bryan Ekman told Game Informer that the studio had targeted $10,000 as an amount "we could all be proud of," but on August 10, not quite three weeks into a month-long campaign, Sarah's Jenner broke the $100,000 mark. "The response from the MechWarrior community and from the games industry at large has been overwhelming," Ekman said. "We can't thank everyone enough for unifying in this effort to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society and cancer research."

Mechwarrior Online Community Manager Niko Snow said in a forum post [] that Sarah's Mech has been featured "on radio, television, print news and website articles" in more than 30 countries. "With over 10,000 people donating we have collectively driven funds for cancer research and social programs while showing how gamers can unite with overwhelming support to accomplish awesome and noble goals," he wrote. "You all really stepped up for this one."

Sarah's Jenner will remain on sale until August 20, so there's still time to do a really good thing for a really good cause and add a unique mech to your lineup in the process. The mech can be purchased at detailed FAQ [] is up on the Mechwarrior Online forums.

Source: Game Informer []



New member
May 29, 2008
This is the bright spot in my day.

Doubt that you'll see any of the major news outlets pushing this story since it doesn't suit their agenda (games = bad).


New member
Nov 2, 2007
Aw. I haven't played MechWarrior Online in a while. Probably why I didn't hear of this until now. Just bought the 'Mech.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
FreedomofInformation said:
What results has cancer research achieved, in what way is that $10000 going to be used?
Better treatments, less aggressive methods, unique treatments for specific cancers, 5 year survival rate increasing 4 fold for most cancers, cancer you died from 5 years ago now are completely curable in 85% of all cases of that particular type of cancer and so on.

I doubt this was like a cynical question that aimed at pretending like research into cancer is pointless, but you should have phrased it better. The money goes to the Canadian Cancer Society, who also have a research wing that funds cancer research.

As closing to a fellow pilot gone from this world I say.

"Fare Thee Well MechWarrior"

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
FreedomofInformation said:
What results has cancer research achieved, in what way is that $10000 going to be used?
As somebody else has said, that comment does sound like "why bother? Cancer will just carry on killing people with or without that $100K

I would buy it if money wasn't so tight for me at the moment.

Between this, child's play and humble bundle stuff, us gamers give a lot of cash to charities!

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Goddammit, I've got something in my eye. Can't seem to get it out.

Ickabod said:
This is the bright spot in my day.

Doubt that you'll see any of the major news outlets pushing this story since it doesn't suit their agenda (games = bad).
You won't hear this in the major news outlets because ratings don't go up when you talk about the good things that bring you hope for humanity. Sad, tragic shit and scaremongering is what people want to see on the news.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Adam Jensen said:
Goddammit, I've got something in my eye. Can't seem to get it out.

Ickabod said:
This is the bright spot in my day.

Doubt that you'll see any of the major news outlets pushing this story since it doesn't suit their agenda (games = bad).
You won't hear this in the major news outlets because ratings don't go up when you talk about the good things that bring you hope for humanity. Sad, tragic shit and scaremongering is what people want to see on the news.
Hey did you hear about the goverment using phone tapping to give people cancer? I hear like 20 blind puppies have died from it already.

OT: This is a nice little bit of news, especially for someone like me who loves their little Jenner-F. Turns out big lasers and high speed doesn't just kill Assualt mechs, it also helps fight cancer!


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
Just bought it. Now I just need to figure out how to use it. It says delivery is on August 23rd but I have seen the little bastards running around already.