Joss Whedon Defends Ben Affleck as Batman


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
Joss Whedon Defends Ben Affleck as Batman

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Joss Whedon and several other figures in the film industry believe Ben Affleck will "crush" his new Batman role.

The announcement that <a href=>Ben Affleck would be the new Batman in the 2015's Batman/Superman crossover sequel to Man of Steel, sent practical shockwaves through the internet. While some adopted a wait and see attitude, others were outraged, branding it a huge mistake. While there are many in the fan community who think Affleck may be miscast in the role, however, several of the actor/director's Hollywood peers have come to his defense.

Val Kilmer, a former Batman himself, <a href=>urged fans to "Give Ben a chance!" Meanwhile, Joss Whedon, writer and director of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (and The Avengers we suppose) <a href=>Tweeted his own assessment of the decision to cast Affleck as the Dark Knight. "Affleck'll crush it," he said. "He's got the chops, he's got the chin -- just needs the material. Affleck & Cavill toe to toe -- I'm in."

Perhaps the most spirited response came however, from actor and comedian Patton Oswalt who posted a lengthy defense of Affleck on his <a href=>Facebook page. "Yeah, the dude's made some bad films. Every actor has. Every actor does. Every actor will. It's a huge, arcing career and NO ONE has control over where it goes," he said. "A Batman portrayed by someone who's tasted humiliation and a reversal of all personal valences -- kind of like Grant Morrison's "Zen warrior" version of Batman, post-ARKHAM ASYLUM, who was, in the words of Superman, "...the most dangerous man on the planet"? Think for a second and admit that Ben Affleck is closer to THAT top-shelf iteration of The Dark Knight than pretty much anyone in Hollywood right now."

Oswalt makes an intriguing case, which leads us to ask the question of whether or not people are being a tad too hard on Affleck. Even we'll confess to being a bit shell shocked by the initial news, but honestly, with many in Hollywood expressing their confidence in Affleck we can't help but wonder if maybe the right man for the job is the man we'd least expect. What's your take on it folks?

Source: <a href=>IGN



Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
I wasn't fussed on Affleck as Batman, but if Whedon is defending him, now I feel obliged to suspect him of something.


Where's the Kaboom?
Dec 26, 2009
I agree with Joss Whedon, if the material is there both actors will totally own it. After Man of Steel, which I liked but I know a lot of people didn't, that is the real question.

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
NoAccountNeeded said:
People had doubts when Heath Ledger was cast as Joker.
People also had doubts when George Clooney was cast as Batman too, look how that turned out. We can see how well Ben Affleck handled a superhero movie already... look how that turned out too.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
SweetWarmIce said:
Affleck will nail it seeing as Bruce Wayne is the actual character. Batman is just a costume.
Debatable, depends on whose writing him. For example,
in an episode of Batman Beyond,Shriek I belive, villian of the week Shriek was attempting to kill Bruce Wayne. He did this by using some future tech to make Wayne hear voices telling him to kill himself. Wayne is sure he's still sane, and there's the usual investigate/track/takedown. At the end, Terry asks him why he was so sure the voices weren't him. Wayne replies "(The voice) kept calling me Bruce. Thats not how I think of myself."
Personally, I've always prefered thinking he is Batman and Wayne is mostly a cover, I just find that more fun.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
Wicky_42 said:
He might not be the Batman we want, but maybe he's the Batmen we need... ?
Beaten to the punch!

But honestly, I like Affleck and think that it could be great. A new Batman following from the Nolan trilogy will never be good enough though so I feel like the guy is fighting a losing battle.

In conclusion:

Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms, yo!

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Ya Affleck does good things when his role is teen dreamboat, hard ass however he can't do.
And let's get real for a moment, people who made the last 3 Batman movies are not in any way involved in this new mash up, so don't even start dreaming of the same bats because he ain't coming back. This is just pie chart fan service time, pick some popular franchises, some popular actors, mix into a new movie... hopefully profit.

I have far more hope that as a comic nerd and director Affleck will keep the clueless directors on track.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
J Tyran said:
NoAccountNeeded said:
People had doubts when Heath Ledger was cast as Joker.
People also had doubts when George Clooney was cast as Batman too, look how that turned out. We can see how well Ben Affleck handled a superhero movie already... look how that turned out too.
That could also be because the person who directed daredevil is a bad director. I have seen good actors give mediocre performances due to bad direction.

If Joss Whedon or Peter Jackson were to direct Man of Steel 2 I think they could get Ben Affleck to give a good performance as Batman.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Not to fussed about Ben as Batman, im more concerned how crap this movie will be. Batman can never beat Superman. Ever. Not in the real world that these heroes are set in. An i will walk out the cinema if they play the krytonite card again. Sick of that. Thing is even if Bats has a ring or gloves or whatever with kryptonite, Superman can just fly out of his reach and burn/freeze him from a distance. The whole idea of this movie is stupid, though the idea of them teaming up it good. An yes i know their was a comic where bats beat superman......but im sure there is a comic where Pee Wee Herman beat the Hulk.


New member
Nov 15, 2012
I'm sure he'll be fine as Batman. Which is a shame, because he'll probably be the only remotely good thing in the movie.
Feb 22, 2009
Did anyone else read the headline as meaning Joss Whedon, in a Batman costume, was defending Ben Affleck from criminals? Nope? Just me?



Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Yep, I definitely think people are being way to hard on Affleck as Batman when you know... Zack Snyder is still directing and the movie is called "Batman versus Superman"... I mean seriously, I think this movie is going to suck... but for reasons completely unrelated to casting.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Still don't understand what all the "outrage" is about. It is just like people complaining about Doctor Who switching actors every few seasons: Get over it, they are actors and being paid to fill a role. The role isn't limited to a single actor. Some may be better than others but if one is bad and you don't like him, simply don't give him your money!


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
Of course everybody is screaming bloody murder that Affleck is going to be Batman, they do that EVERY TIME a new guy gets cast as Batman or Joker or any other Batman character for that matter before it gets released, only to say "BEST. [INSERT BATMAN CHARACTER HERE.] EVER." the moment it actually comes out. He did well in Daredevil (a great movie that doesn't get the love it deserves BTW) and he's had many good roles since. Is Affleck the best possible choice? Probably not, but he's nowhere near the worst.