Assassin's Creed IV Trailer Highlights the Beauty of Next-Gen


Imperial Intelligence
Jun 13, 2012
Assassin's Creed IV Trailer Highlights the Beauty of Next-Gen

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag's next-generation technologies are creating the most advanced Caribbean simulator a pirate could dream of.

The tropical Caribbean region is a beautiful place, and Ubisoft is sparing no expense to make sure the digital Caribbean of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag lives up to the real thing. A new video from the developers shows off some of the next-gen technology powering Black Flag's graphics, and even though the rundown gets somewhat technical, you don't need a background in computing to appreciate how pretty it looks.

Ubisoft is releasing Black Flag on current and next-gen consoles, but next-gen players will be getting the best experience. A dynamic sea engine creates stunning oceans with rolling waves, foliage moves and sways in the wind, and rainstorms are so realistic that I'd be tempted to reschedule my assassination plans just to avoid going outside. In terms of gameplay, the video briefly touches on the game's system for handling mobile objects like boats in such a way that players can seamlessly parkour from one moving ship to another during actions like boarding.

If graphics isn't a big deal to you, then you should be fine with the current-gen versions of the game - this tech isn't going to change the core of the gameplay. Still, it's impressive work on the developers' part, especially considering the unfamiliar hardware. If this console generation sees as much improvement over its lifespan as the previous one, we're in for some serious eye candy in the coming years.


Alpha Maeko

Uh oh, better get Maeko!
Apr 14, 2010
I kinda got what they're saying, and I'm impressed by the purrrrrty stuff, but bushes moving when you go through them isn't an example of anything stellar.

But that ocean thing... really cool.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
I... what... now I'm even more tempted to get the PS4, this looks incredibly detailed and realistic. A shame I'm probably not going to be able to afford the 500? just so I can play one game on these settings.

Ace Morologist

New member
Apr 25, 2013
I don't care how many raindrops you independently lit. Will wet surfaces be harder to free-run on?
I don't care how your fog technology works. Will it be harder for dudes to detect me because it's foggy out?

Also, stop telling me that better graphics make for better immersion, game developers and PR guys. -WE- bring the immersion, not you guys. What you guys have to bring is consistency so as not to -break- our immersion. That means ironing out all the bugs and glitches you humanly can so they don't distract us.

Just do that, next-gen guys. Take the games that were your best from the current generation and devote your next-gen resources to ironing out bugs and shortening loading times (or eliminating loading screens altogether). Games already look great this generation, you don't have to waste so much time improving how they look.



New member
Mar 4, 2013
This would be impressive four or three years ago you know... also I love how they put those article quotes from various sites into their trailers even though the game isn't even out yet and no one have seen it's true scope.... ah gaming journalism objectivity at its finest.


New member
Sep 27, 2009
In terms a graphical quality, this is good stuff. Great stuff, even. When a new console generation comes out, I think it's good that developers play with those toys and flex the muscles a bit, even if the game itself likely won't be revolutionary.

Come on, most of us KNOW if we'll be getting AC4. We know what's coming. But seeing that ocean, and those rippling plants? That's awesome stuff, and it bumps up what we know can be done, and therefore can expect, from just the START of the next generation.


Dec 16, 2008
Ace Morologist said:
I don't care how many raindrops you independently lit. Will wet surfaces be harder to free-run on?
I don't care how your fog technology works. Will it be harder for dudes to detect me because it's foggy out?
The oft-forgotten key to immersion. I wish more people thought about it this way.

That said, the stuff about generating navmeshes effectively with moving ships could be really cool in the unlikely chance it works as well as presented.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
It looks just like current gen. Why are we upgrading when PS4 looks comparable to PS3

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Dendio said:
It looks just like current gen. Why are we upgrading when PS4 looks comparable to PS3
Because technically it is current gen. The game is coming out on PS3 and 360, the next gen systems will get the same game simply with more graphical bells and whistles.

Man, a lot of people here being overly negative simply because the game looks really nice.