Runaways Film Was Postponed After The Avengers' Success


New member
Feb 17, 2011
Runaways Film Was Postponed After The Avengers' Success

Brian K. Vaughan's Runaways might one day join the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but not until Phase 3 at the earliest.

With Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel seems willing to bring several obscure characters to film. For comics readers, that's a good thing, because there are many lesser-known titles we'd love to see on the big screen. High on that list is Runaways, a series about teenage superheroes confronting supervillain parents that actually came close to getting its own movie. So why aren't the Runaways part of Marvel's film canon yet? According to Iron Man 3's Drew Pearce, who also penned the Runaways script, it's because the project was shelved so Marvel could focus on the Avengers brand.

"We were really close to being made, and then this movie started to happen called The Avengers," Pearce <a href=>told Jeff Goldsmith during a Q&A podcast. "Oddly, it pulled focus from the unheard-of brand Runaways, and it really did kind of consume the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It's there ... maybe it'll be a Phase Three movie. I really hope so. I'm really proud of it and I think it'll be a brilliant film, but I think it all depends what Kevin Feige, the president of Marvel, his master plan is."

Runaways was created by Brian K. Vaughan, introducing a group of teenagers who discover their parents make up a powerful supervillain cabal. After running away from home, the Runaways end up confronting canonical Marvel villains, bounty hunters sent to retrieve them, and even superheroes concerned about "gifted" children wandering the streets. The series was praised for its unique premise, strong writing, and well-rounded teenage characters, over half of whom are women.

It's a little disappointing that Runaways never got a feature film, but I'd say it has a very strong chance of being considered down the road. First of all, teenage superheroes are one of the few genres Marvel Studios hasn't covered yet, and Runaways nicely fits the bill. Second, a Marvel-oriented Runaways makes more sense once other movies have established canonical backstory, which is much easier post-Avengers. Third, <a href=>Pearce has proven himself a capable writer with Iron Man 3, which may convince producers to give Runaways a second chance. Finally, <a href=>Joss Whedon himself wrote Runaways after Vaughan's departure, so if anyone knows how to tie Runaways with Avengers, it'll be him.

That's not to say a Runaways movie should be expected anytime soon. "They make two [movies] a year," Iron Man 3 director Shane Black reminded, "but that's still at least three years down the line." In other words, once Avengers 2 is out of the way, Marvel might consider giving Runaways its shot.

Source: Comic Book Resources



New member
Dec 5, 2008
My personal opinion (because you know you wanted it) was that Runaways had a great initial premise with the fight between generations, but after that arc was complete it's steadily been devolving into "more is more" superhero comic excesses and arbitrary plot developments/teen drama with the throwaway excuse that teenagers are prone to emotional outbursts so we don't need to expect excessive consistency from them.

Whedon's run wasn't bad, but it also benefited from having a pretty strict arc with a beginning and an end. I wouldn't mind a Runaways movie based off the initial parent vs. child story arc, but if it was to continue in movies after that, I'd really want a single strong hand to rein it in.


New member
Aug 2, 2011
Teenage super heroes with sex drives really works better as a TV show, if you ask me.
And with the character of Victor being a creation of Ultron, it would make more sense for the Runaways film to be after Avengers 2.



New member
Oct 12, 2009
You're telling me we were this close to having a live action Molly Hayes? Are actual human children capable of pulling off hats that wonderfully ridiculous?

Honestly though, Runaways seems like it would work better as a series rather than a feature film. The cast is just too big to work in a 90 minute film and still make everyone more or less equally important. As a feature film (with no previous four tie-in movies like The Avengers), someone is more than likely going to get shafted. Six protagonists, if I recall correctly, along with their corresponding antagonists is just way too many characters to juggle without making half of them secondary.

an annoyed writer

Exalted Lady of The Meep :3
Jun 21, 2012
saintdane05 said:
That... that looks like the dream I had two nights ago. This coming from a Lesbian, formerly teenage Transgender kid, who might be an alien(?).


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Yeah, it would sooooo do better as a series, mini or regular. The main cast is too ginormous for them to all get equal treatment in a standard film without the benefit of previous introductions via other series/movies.

Also, yeah, how exactly are they planning on having Xavin when that would mean explaining Skrulls, who are apparently owned by Fox (because Fantastic Four).


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Well if we're gonna delve into the works of Brian K. Vaughan why not "Saga" or "Y:The last man". Some of the greatest printed stories known to man. (Seriously if you get a chance read them. You will regret nothing.)


New member
Apr 9, 2009
In addition to having written for it, Whedon actually wrote a fan letter to BKV complaining about Runaways' apparent cancellation after #18. Fortunately it wasn't cancelled, just put on hiatus, although the first arc is still my favourite. Point is, Whedon is very fond of the series as a fan as well as a writer, so I think this has a good chance of being made somewhere down the line.

I really hope it does get made, Runaways is one of my favourite Marvel books. If Guardians of the Galaxy ends up being successful, I think that'll be the proof that they can make films out of obscure characters and still do well with them. Here's hoping it's good.
Fanghawk said:
well-rounded teenage characters, over half of whom are women
Hell, by the end of the first big story arc, four out of the five members of the team are girls. It would certainly be a welcome change of pace.
JaredXE said:
Also, yeah, how exactly are they planning on having Xavin when that would mean explaining Skrulls, who are apparently owned by Fox (because Fantastic Four).
I'd assume the first film would be based on issues #1 through #18, where it's just the kids fighting the Pride. Xavin doesn't come in until later, so they could at least put off worrying about that. Alternatively, just make him/her another kind of shapeshifting alien that isn't a Skrull.

Mr. Q

New member
Apr 30, 2013
Personally, I think Runaways might fair better as a TV series instead of a movie. Would offer more breathing room for the characters to develop over time and offer new stories. That's just how I see it. Hope we don't have to wait any longer for this project to get off the ground.


New member
Mar 26, 2012

Yeah, I should point out that I freaking LOVE the Runaways, and I would LOVE to see any adaptation.

Though, yeah, a TV show would work better.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2011
Aw, I was looking for to it too. But so long as it's just delayed instead of cancelled outright, I'm willing to wait.

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
Callate said:
My personal opinion (because you know you wanted it) was that Runaways had a great initial premise with the fight between generations, but after that arc was complete it's steadily been devolving into "more is more" superhero comic excesses and arbitrary plot developments/teen drama with the throwaway excuse that teenagers are prone to emotional outbursts so we don't need to expect excessive consistency from them.
Care to elaborate on that statement?

And just to be clear, when you're talking about the first arc, do you mean the first three books?

cricket chirps

New member
Apr 15, 2009
Even though its a major delay, this sounds so promising to me that I almost cried out of sheer joy.

YOU KNOW Joss Whedon wants to tie in Victor(son of Ultron) to the second Avengers movie, since Ultron will be the main villain. that I think about it O_O I wonder if that is going to be the after credits scene???


New member
Jan 30, 2010
I would be happy to see the guy who wrote Iron Man 3's take on the comic. Didn't like it very much after reading only the first volume, though. I'm fine with waiting until all this other stuff is done.


New member
Aug 2, 2011
JaredXE said:
Also, yeah, how exactly are they planning on having Xavin when that would mean explaining Skrulls, who are apparently owned by Fox (because Fantastic Four).
In Ultimate Marvel, the Skrulls are called Chitauri.

They were the aliens in The Avengers.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
saintdane05 said:
JaredXE said:
Also, yeah, how exactly are they planning on having Xavin when that would mean explaining Skrulls, who are apparently owned by Fox (because Fantastic Four).
In Ultimate Marvel, the Skrulls are called Chitauri.

They were the aliens in The Avengers.

Oh, I know. But the Chitauri have already been shown to be random, skull-faced robot/aliens that have no shapeshifting abilities in the Marvel Movieverse. The Chitauri are not Skrulls, they just used the Ultimate name because.....reasons?