I re-played Arkham City before starting on Origins, and I really think that was a mistake. The devs tried to do some good here, but it seems like every step forward requires three steps back. Some of the controls are tighter, but the timing of the combat has changed significantly.
The Ground Takedown is never really safe to use outside of Free Flow Focus, not that it ever was. In Asylum, that move put you in slow motion, but nobody else. They removed some of the delay in City, but in Origins, it feels like most moves have a delay that gets you hammered outside of Focus. They also screwed with the way Ground Takedown is aimed. In AC I was able to knock a guy down, jump to him and do the takedown, then get back into range with enemies. In Origin, I tilt the stick toward the guy I want to take out, and I still jump the opposite way to the guy I just knocked down that is standing next to the guy with the baseball bat who is about to take a swing.
I find I'm using the Beatdown attack more than just about anything else. It lets me focus on one guy, usually the jerk with the knife, and funnels everyone else into pretty much a straight line. Beatdown, counter, keep beating, counter, keep beating, finish, take out enemy with charged attack, repeat. Combat in the first two games was a lot more fun, because I kept experimenting to find ways to make it look like an elegantly choreographed fight scene, and when AA and AC were on, you came out of a big battle feeling like a total badass. In Origins, any time I don't play it safe, I get caught up and juggled between a bunch of cheap hits. The countering is a lot less responsive. Not on hard mode yet, but I don't think it makes a difference. Most of the time, my successful counters happen when I'm already on the button before the icon shows up. If I wait for the game to tell me I should counter, I usually end up taking the hit.
I get that it is possible that Batman is supposed to feel different being at an earlier stage in his career, but most (all) the animations for the attacks are the same, they just have a different timing. I would rather have seen different moves, showing off a younger, more kinetic, brutal approach. They treat the character this way in cutscenes, why not do it with gameplay?
The new seeking grappling hook shots feel like the wall split from Splinter Cell. You couldn't find a promotional ad without showing it off, but in the game it wasn't ever that useful.
I also hate the way the upgrade trees are structured. In Asylum and City, I never had to invest a level up in Combat or Ballistic armor, until the end of the game when I ran out of other upgrades to unlock. I didn't need them with my playstyle. Here, I had to waste six or so levels just getting armored up before I could get into the upgrades I'm used to playing the game with.
The first few lines Batman spoke made me literally say "The Conroy impression is pretty spot on," then it devolved into Bale-Voice most of the time.
I do like the Nolan-esque approach to Batman's armor here. He's new at it, so he is decked out like a tank (which could be why they screwed with all the reaction times). I like the idea that he streamlined and went more mobility oriented by the point of Asylum and City in the chronology.
The main fault with the way the game handles for me just clicked. I remember one of my martial arts instructors explaining the difference between the way young men and older men fight. The problem here is that the older Arkham games featured a more acrobatic feeling Batman who fights like a younger man. In origin's we have a slower character who tends to deal with things like an older fighter.
Overall, it feels like an old-school style expansion to Arkham City instead of a new game. Origins is to City as Mysteries of the Sith was to Jedi Knight.
Old Gotham also feels entirely too empty. This would work in a No Man's Land type story, but here it just feels strange. I'd have liked to hear news broadcasts about traffic jams and other issues caused by a mass exodus from the area of Gotham the game takes place in. All they needed was something about a public announcement of the contract on Batman, and give the public x hours to evacuate the region. Then we could have had some "rescue a school bus full of kids" and "disable to bomb on the cable car/ferry/train tracks" segments that would have made it feel a little more populated, and give Batman someone other than cops and criminals to rescue from each other.
EDIT - The Deadshot room is absolute bullshit. Went slow and careful the first time, eliminated everyone quietly and went to get the drop on Deadshot. He gets back up after the combo. In keeping with my way of dealing with this game's annoying bullshit, I would stunlock him with the cape and then beatdown, ending early for another stunlock, until I depleated most of his healthbar, at which point he automatically gets away, and the room refills with henchmen. Pissed off now, I do the loud/flash takedowns. I hang everyone I can up with the hook shot and turn off everyone else's guns on my way to Deadshot. Standing on a railing above, I use a remote batarang to hit him FROM BEHIND to distract him so I can drop down and finish him off, and he "sees" me. Have to start all the way over. Done variations of this about twenty times now. I have the choreography memorized. Hookshot between gargoyles, drop down silent takedown, grate takedown, grate takedown, grate takedown, silent takedown, silent takedown. Cape stun + beatdown. Respawn. Hang everybody up, this time sneak carefully up behind Deadshot. The game gives me the takedown prompt, I press it. Batman strikes the "I am countering in this direction even though nobody is attacking" animation, and Deadshot kills the hostage. Complete bullshit.
EDIT AGAIN - When I do finally clear the room properly and take him down, the game freezes.