Evil Genius Online Schemes Its Way To Open Beta


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Evil Genius Online Schemes Its Way To Open Beta

Early 2014 is the proposed Capricorn Device launch date ... no, wait, that's the game's launch date. My mistake.

Evil Genius, the beloved megalomaniac simulator from 2004, has been undergoing a metamorphosis into Evil Genius Online [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/127138-Evil-Genius-Onlines-F2P-Explained-True-Sequel-Teased], a Facebook title. The time has come for it to emerge from the cocoon and spread its wings, like a murderfly off to big boy town. Big boy town being open beta, and this is free-to-play, so if you want to arch some would-be science guys, now might be a good time to get on board.

"Free-to-play and browser games aren't for just one kind of person, or one kind of game," says Rebellion's Jason Kingsley. "We think Evil Genius Online's blend of strategy, black humour, and cutting-edge browser tech will resonate with a lot gamers."


The idea is to create an Evil Empire, but you're not the only one out there with a bunch of henchmen and an attitude. The original had you dealing with secret agents who infiltrated your secret base, and now the other villains - your fellow players - are the bigger threat. Spy on their plans, sabotage them, and send your minions out to ruin the world.

After open beta comes open release, which is tentatively scheduled on Facebook for early 2014.



New member
Oct 17, 2008
Really wish this social media gaming hype would gtf away. I've been waiting on an Evil Genius 2 for what seems like a lifetime. Think I'll give this one a miss tbh.


New member
Mar 13, 2012
I'm going to try this out just to register some interest with Rebellion, which hopefully will encourage an EG2.

That said, at the first sign of microtransaction BS it's going to way of the rest of them.


Elite Member
Nov 12, 2008
I seriously loved the original Evil Genius, so much so that even though I've still got a physical copy I own it on Steam as well. I'm honestly not sure how to feel about this game though. It's one of those things where they've got me by the balls, I hate facebook games but I really want to play this one...

mirage202 said:
I'm going to try this out just to register some interest with Rebellion, which hopefully will encourage an EG2.

That said, at the first sign of microtransaction BS it's going to way of the rest of them.
This probably sounds like the best way to go. Maybe I'll give it a look after a bit.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
I'm really disappointed that after nearly ten years, we aren't getting a real sequel to Evil Genius, and instead are getting a social game in its stead. I loved Evil Genius, and would gladly pay for a modern sequel; just not a Facebook game.


New member
Dec 20, 2013
I was fortunate to take part in the closed beta of the game. It definitely has the charm of the original EG. Many of the Beta Testers were fans of EG and we worked hard to make sure that it kept the spirit alive. Micro transactions are of course available, but there are no quests that require them. All they do is make the game progress faster. Also, if you play consecutively for five days you are rewarded with gems which are used to buy the special room items. I myself am saving up for a time warp machine.

Player support has been exemplar and the developers have communicated constantly with us. They have worked closely with the testers and the product you see now in open beta is much better and more refined that what we had at the beginning.

Right now, about half the rooms are ready to go. The missions are varied and they inject the dark humor of the original game. Two of the original Genius are available as NPC neighbors. The interface and graphics are above anything I have seen on facebook. Being able to zoom and rotate and entire map allows you to fully explore your lair. Furniture management and room building is simple. The help guides are also very informative and easy to understand.

Before you judge, I suggest you give it a try.


Apr 28, 2010
Lost in my mind
Sparafucile35 said:
You don't sound like advertising PR person no sir ee.

OT: Why must it be a FB game I refuse to use it and thus cant even hope to play this game despite loving the original.

I really want a full PC sequel and not some social media crap :/


New member
Dec 20, 2013
Well Veldie, look at it this way, the more people who play the facebook game, the more interest the developers can point to when they try to get funding for EG2.


New member
Jan 23, 2008
Well that was fast, not even half a page and we got our very first PR Guy from im assuming Rebellion. No beta-tester talks like that, not a single one, i know, i've been in countless beta's and i've never met anyone who ignores any potential fault to talk about positives. In fact, positives are ignored and everyone bitches about whatever new fault has popped up since the last patch. So yeah Sparafucile, nice try, but no cigar.

That being said, i was always interested in Evil Genius, but honestly..aside from never finding a copy anywhere (before steam) and then the whole "the game is buggy" stuff i never really gave it a shot, though i'd probably would have loved it, yet..a EG2 i would've bought because, chances are, not as buggy, better graphics, more content etc and what do they make? Facebook games. Seriously guys, the fuck you doing?


New member
Dec 20, 2013
Nah, no PR. Just a fan of EG who enjoyed being part of the Beta. I'm a draftsman in my day job.

If you want to talk negatives...let me see.
1. They changed the production of a 3-pack of Titanium from a level 3 to a level four metal foundry, which takes longer to upgrade to.
2. They haven't implemented the ability to have more than 10 super tools or super boosts at one time. (although that may be in the next update after the holidays)
3. Sometimes your minions get stuck in mid-action and you have to reload the screen.
4. When you are visiting another person's lair, sometimes it doesn't register when you steal an item from them in a mission requirements. I.E. if you steal turbo boards they count as you making them yourself.

Other than that, I can't think of any negatives. But if I do I'll be sure to let you know. ANy other questions?

Xio Rheims

New member
Jul 24, 2013
I hadn't even heard of Evil Genius Online until I read the title of this thread. I was tentatively excited for a moment at the prospect, thinking it was going to be a full fledged online game. Now I leave disappointed. I've played Facebook games. Lots of 'invite x friends to get x reward,' and constant badgering with unwanted micro-transaction popups requiring real money or their special E-currency. Either I do one of those, or I put in exponentially more work and time to get similar benefits. I rather just not play at all.


New member
Dec 20, 2013
Xio Rheims said:
Lots of 'invite x friends to get x reward,'
*scratching chin* I know there is one mission where you have to go visit three friends lairs, but the game gives you two NPC neighbors, so you just have to visit one of them the next day. I will admit that there are certain items you have to request from friends in order to upgrade or build certain things. One nice feature they added was a "community" tab in the add friends page. It randomly selects a group of EGO players each day you can friend request. It's a good way to find fellow players.

Xio Rheims said:
constant badgering with unwanted micro-transaction popups requiring real money or their special E-currency.
I will admit that recently there have been pop-ups for "bundles" that require gems to build. Fortunately, they go away after a single click. Most of the microtransactions involve skipping resource production or speeding it up. You can jump ahead of the curve and buy a Bean Counters Desk to increase your gold income by 10%, but to be honest I've never seen the need. Some of the "special" furniture will also increase you lair security. This translates into an obedience boost to your minions. However, my security is at 73% and I just used normal furniture to get it.

I can honestly say I went through the whole beta period without spending any gems. Like I stated before, you get daily rewards, and on the fifth consecutive day you get 5-10 gems. Been saving mine up for a time warp machine, which advances the in-game clock by six hours. Very handy if you are doing several long builds or actions.


New member
May 19, 2009
Sparafucile35 said:
Well Veldie, look at it this way, the more people who play the facebook game, the more interest the developers can point to when they try to get funding for EG2.
No, just no! At best, you will get funding for another facebook game.

But thanks to this news for reminding me about the original. Now where did I put it... oh its right here on my Steam list, silly me :)


New member
Dec 20, 2013
Veldie said:
Sparafucile35 said:
You don't sound like advertising PR person no sir ee.

OT: Why must it be a FB game I refuse to use it and thus cant even hope to play this game despite loving the original.

I really want a full PC sequel and not some social media crap :/

Hey Everyone,

Wanted to quickly step in. I do work for Rebellion [full disclosure], don't worry I'm not gonna try and the push Evil Genius Online onto you. The reason there are so many types of games in the world is because people like different things, we get that.

Just wanted to say Sparafucile35 isn't PR so please feel free to forward any insults to me instead ;)
Thanks for the support Sparafucile35, glad you are enjoying the Beta!

I don't want you to think we are trying to take over your thread, so please carry on and I wont interrupt.



New member
Nov 6, 2008
Ahh Evil Genius- I still remember the great cinematic trailer.

I don't suppose anyone knows what the name of that music is at the start? the music at 0:15? I've been looking for it since... well, since 2004...


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Martin-Rebellion said:
Veldie said:
Hey Everyone,

Wanted to quickly step in. I do work for Rebellion [full disclosure], don't worry I'm not gonna try and the push Evil Genius Online onto you. The reason there are so many types of games in the world is because people like different things, we get that.

Just wanted to say Sparafucile35 isn't PR so please feel free to forward any insults to me instead ;)
Thanks for the support Sparafucile35, glad you are enjoying the Beta!

I don't want you to think we are trying to take over your thread, so please carry on and I wont interrupt.

I am just wondering, when commencing the project was an Evil Genius reboot considered to risky? or was it never in the picture?


New member
Dec 20, 2013
SwagLordYoloson said:
Martin-Rebellion said:
Veldie said:
Hey Everyone,

Wanted to quickly step in. I do work for Rebellion [full disclosure], don't worry I'm not gonna try and the push Evil Genius Online onto you. The reason there are so many types of games in the world is because people like different things, we get that.

Just wanted to say Sparafucile35 isn't PR so please feel free to forward any insults to me instead ;)
Thanks for the support Sparafucile35, glad you are enjoying the Beta!

I don't want you to think we are trying to take over your thread, so please carry on and I wont interrupt.

I am just wondering, when commencing the project was an Evil Genius reboot considered to risky? or was it never in the picture?
Hi SwagLord (cool name BTW)

Approaching a reboot or sequel is always a risk with such a loved franchise. Evil Genius Online was definitely as risk. I'm glad we took it though, too many games have a formula for success that they just follow time & time again so it's good to step away from that.

I can't really say to much, but we did post an article on our blog about the Evil Genius franchise and you may find it helpful/interesting.




New member
Jul 21, 2010
Martin-Rebellion said:
Hi SwagLord (cool name BTW)

Approaching a reboot or sequel is always a risk with such a loved franchise. Evil Genius Online was definitely as risk. I'm glad we took it though, too many games have a formula for success that they just follow time & time again so it's good to step away from that.

I can't really say to much, but we did post an article on our blog about the Evil Genius franchise and you may find it helpful/interesting.


Thank you for your quick reply, a social Evil Genius isn't for me, but I hope you get the market you are looking for. Good luck.