Hmm, looking over it.
The nominees for your Game of the Year are not that bad.
Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag seems to be a step up from the last one, how much of a step ... not more then Assassins Creed 2. Personally I'm loving it with the open-world, I'm just hoping that in the next game that there will be more of a focus on the Assassins of Assassins Creed rather then pirates or whatever. Still hoping for Ninjas in the next addition and a better focus on the modern day time.
Pokemon X & Y. Don't get me wrong, brought it, loved it for a short while, but I haven't completed it or picked it up in a while. It does look damn good, it is simply the same thing we know and love, nothing bad, but nothing good. My pick for this section would be Fire Emblem: Awakening, of course this is due to my own opinion. This game embraced my love of the strategy genre once more and it made me a instant fan of the Fire Emblem series.
XCOM: Enemy Within. Even though I have not played it due to my crappy PC and lack of funds, I could tell that this game was good from the footage I have seen, but since I haven't played it myself, I can't really say anything about it. The original looks great, a bit buggy and this new expansion looked great as a addition. I makes me realize that we should have more expansions and less DLC.
Now ... Bioshock: Infinite and The Last of Us.
These are the ones I think are the biggest overrated games of the year. Don't get me wrong, they mostly looked good, but the gameplay looked bland and boring. Bioshock: Infinite, it manages to take away the "shock" out of "Bioshock", it was removed from the horror genre and place it in the FPS genre. Played it, completed it in a day, got bored of it and gave it back in. The game was a "better then okay" to me, but I wished that the series was a bit better ... but I think Bioshock 2 had something to do with that.
The Last of Us ... *sigh*
A game that is loved by most people, yet I believe it is the most overrated game this year.
I will admit, it looks wonderful, even better then uncharted, but the setting seemed a bit boring for the most of it. The gameplay to me was a bit bland and boring. Characters, uninteresting, story was good I have to admit.
Still, I would still just call it "good", and that still means it is good in my books, it just isn't masterpiece or GotY rating.
I wish that Naughty Dog didn't change from Jak & Daxter, but that is just my past talking.
This year huh, I do have to admit. It was a tad disappointing. The new consoles worry me, the games worry me, I feel like it will go downhill from here as shit will get worse. That is why I am glad that people like Jim Sterling and Angry Joe and TotalBiscuit are around, still, there are not many of them. I wish to become someone who can voice himself in this industry, to call out the bullshit and make everything for the future of the industry we all have fun in.
But other then that, it was a worse then average year for us and I only wish for a better one tomorrow.