Apple Reports $10 Billion App Sales In 2013


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Apple Reports $10 Billion App Sales In 2013

$1 billion of that comes from December sales.

Apple customers spent $10 billion on apps and in-app purchases in 2013, of which about $1 billion came from December sales. Since the creation of the iStore back in 2008 the folks who make Apple apps have earned about $71 billion worth in sales. Of course, Apple takes its 30% share, which translates to $21.4 billion.

Downloads went up about 50% year-on-year, when compared to 2012, and the total number of apps available went up by 225,000 in 2013, taking the grand total to over a million apps. Estimates suggest that the average daily app revenue in 2013 was something in the region of $27.4 million, while in December that figure went up to $32.3 million per day.

"The lineup of apps for the holiday season was astonishing and we look forward to seeing what developers create in 2014," says Eddie Cue, Apple senior VP, internet software and services.

Apple has every reason to celebrate, and also every reason to publicize. Google is close on Apple's heels, taking away smartphone and tablet market share. Apple doesn't want developers to start thinking the cash is greener over on the Android side of the street. For the moment, with sales figures like these, Apple seemingly has little to worry about; but time will tell.

Source: Reuters []


Alpha Maeko

Uh oh, better get Maeko!
Apr 14, 2010
I already own KOTOR on Steam.

And yet, here I am, suddenly wanting an iPad. For a $10 game.

I am a sad individual.

Hairless Mammoth

New member
Jan 23, 2013
So, I guess Apple can survive without Steve Jobs. The guys who could think of innovative ideas(even if it's just slapping a touch pad/screen on something) just won't have someone in the top management who will even bother looking at it. They'll be blind by the huge string of zeros on their checks that the App Store is providing them.
Alpha Maeko said:
I already own KOTOR on Steam.

And yet, here I am, suddenly wanting an iPad. For a $10 game.

I am a sad individual.
Fight the power, brother. You can get a decent laptop that could run KOTOR for less then the price of an iPad, if you don't already got one. Plus, it could run Portal among other good games. I don't know your tastes, but mine outweigh a PC compared to the touch screen junk Android and Apple bring to the table.