Galactic Starfighter First Impressions - Not Quite On Target


New member
Jul 28, 2009
Galactic Starfighter First Impressions - Not Quite On Target

The Old Republic's latest expansion has some great ideas, but doesn't quite launch out of the hanger with a full arsenal.

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Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
I've gotta agree with this overall. I'm a sub to the game, so I've been able to play it for the last month, and while it's fun, it's hampered by the game's incessant need to monetize every single thing they possibly can.

On top of that, the controls are weird. They work pretty well once you get used to them, but I hate the "firing arc" shit. Ships should really turn with the mouse, not force you to move over half the screen before you start turning.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
I liked it when I tried it, even though I suck at it :)

It's a good addition to the game, but yes, due to lack of other content SW:TOR suffers from making all of it's endgame stuff far too grindy.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Maybe if it didn't look so blindingly generic I'd be more interested. We're looking at a period 3400 years before the films, and they just look like blockier X-Wings and Tie Fighters. Same could be said for the entire visual design of The Old Republic.

Seriously, its not like Bioware can't do something unique with Star Wars' art design. Look at the stuff they made for KOTOR, those Sith Interceptors and Interdictors were unique designs while still sharing the same universe.


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
Soviet Heavy said:
Maybe if it didn't look so blindingly generic I'd be more interested. We're looking at a period 3400 years before the films, and they just look like blockier X-Wings and Tie Fighters. Same could be said for the entire visual design of The Old Republic.

Seriously, its not like Bioware can't do something unique with Star Wars' art design. Look at the stuff they made for KOTOR, those Sith Interceptors and Interdictors were unique designs while still sharing the same universe.
To be entirely fair, that was back when Bioware had a soul.

EA has long since consumed that.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Soviet Heavy said:
Maybe if it didn't look so blindingly generic I'd be more interested. We're looking at a period 3400 years before the films, and they just look like blockier X-Wings and Tie Fighters. Same could be said for the entire visual design of The Old Republic.

Seriously, its not like Bioware can't do something unique with Star Wars' art design. Look at the stuff they made for KOTOR, those Sith Interceptors and Interdictors were unique designs while still sharing the same universe.
I think that's just playing it safe, because people expect X-wings when they hear Star Wars.

*shrug* It's an MMO, appealing to pretty much everyone is the whole goal.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
Agayek said:
I've gotta agree with this overall. I'm a sub to the game, so I've been able to play it for the last month, and while it's fun, it's hampered by the game's incessant need to monetize every single thing they possibly can.
And this is more or less why I hate free to play games(though admittedly, SWTOR is a particularly bad example of one). I always get the feeling that I would enjoy the game more if I had just paid $60 up front. Only with SWTOR I did that. And paid several months of subscription fees. Oh well.


New member
May 22, 2010
Unfortunately, Galactic Starfighter isn't quite the robust return to the likes of Rogue Squadron and X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter some of us have been hoping for.
That "and" should be an "or". Rogue Squadron had nothing in common with the X-Wing/Tie Fighter series aside from the setting. One is basically Star Fox: Star Wars edition, while the other one is a full blown flight sim. Totally different genres.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
WMDogma said:
Unfortunately, Galactic Starfighter isn't quite the robust return to the likes of Rogue Squadron and X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter some of us have been hoping for.
I'd call anyone insane if they thought Galactic Starfighter could ever hope to be like the X-Wing/TIE series OR Rogue Squadron. Simply because it's an MMORPG.

And because it's an MMORPG, it comes with all of that shit I hate; no exhibition matches, all pvp-online, over-monetization and of course, the motherfucking grind. That entire genre is the biggest killjoy in gaming right now IMO, because it ALWAYS turns gameplay into work (and not the good kind of work for games) or constructs an even bigger paywall with a worse payout than any "regular" non-MMO model game.

Before, I'd have considered giving GS a try. But after reading the review and some user comments, I know it'd just be one more disappointment to add to the list; sharing company with Tribes Ascend, Mechwarrior Online, Hawken and Warframe.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
A casual game that's mostly about hotkey combat on a 2D plane was never gonna get fairly difficult dogfighting controls like in TIE vs X-Wing, people who thought that are delusional tbh.

The current system with freelancer-like controls could become something great, only problem is the lack of maps and the grind.


New member
Sep 30, 2010
It kinda sounds like a less crappy version of World of Warplanes, with a Star Wars skin. Did I interpret that right?


Fuzzy Cuddle Beast
Jan 3, 2011
Whoa whoa wait. Laborious XP grinds that a premium account makes faster? Vehicles that are surprisingly resilient, creating gameplay that requires a more tactical approach than one would think? Upgrading various lines of crafts with additions and crew skills? Going entire matches without scoring a single point?

Is this mother fucking World of Tanks in space?


New member
Sep 6, 2009
If instead it were a revamp of the rail shooter pve starship content, I might not have cancelled my subscription last year.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Nimcha said:
people expect X-wings when they hear Star Wars.
Pretty much, yeah. What they should've done is just had X-Wings and TIE Fighters. They're like the Spitfire and Bf 109: The two classic dogfight adversaries that are like age-old sparring buddies, and lets you know where we are instantly by the mere sight of one of them.

Owyn_Merrilin said:
Unfortunately, Galactic Starfighter isn't quite the robust return to the likes of Rogue Squadron and X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter some of us have been hoping for.
That "and" should be an "or". Rogue Squadron had nothing in common with the X-Wing/Tie Fighter series aside from the setting. One is basically Star Fox: Star Wars edition, while the other one is a full blown flight sim. Totally different genres.
True, but both are great for wildly different reasons. By saying 'and' instead of 'or', I think Dogma is grouping them together not as identical gaming experiences, but as Star Wars starfighter games that are good, robust games.


A Guy In A Hat
Feb 7, 2012
Also, it's just PVP, which is why I won't touch it at all. It's a bit sad that when you choose to opt out of all PVP activity this part of the game doesn't offer anything at all. It's one of the things where I'll have to go all "SWG: Jump to Lightspeed" did it better.

Still, the rest of the game is fun, and as for a good old space sim, I'll just hold out for Star Citizen / Squadron 42.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
No PvE? No thank you. While it might be nice to dogfight, I'm not happy with a one-sided "feature" of a game that isn't pure PvP. Fuck me they didn't even seem to bother. Plus any starfighter game feature should have both and at this point larger scale battles. Up the fucking ante, give us surface to space transitions, battlefield maps that alter physics due to lack of atmosphere, gravity changes, and most of all CAPITAL SHIPS.
That would be an "expansion", this is just crap.


New member
Nov 25, 2013
This is just one of the many contemporary Star Wars games I have learned to ignore completely.
I still own all X-Wing, Tie-Fighter, X-Wing vs Tiefighter and X-Wing Alliance games in their original boxes. So that is where I am coming from. Compared to those this new game seems to embrace the devolution to mediocrity and childishness.
I just want a remake with graphics upgrade of the original Star Wars space sims. I would even be happy with a mere GOG re-release.

During the decades my expectations for Star Wars games had to be lowered again and again. I am at a point now that I consider the franchise lost to the likes of me... older, mature fans who grew up with the original mind blowing x-wing spacesims and games like Dark Forces and Jedi knight and KotOR 1 and 2.
For a few moments I even thought Star Wars 1313 might be the return of the Star Wars of old, but of course it was killed off as soon a possible by the Dark Disney Forces.

Now I expect nothing from the Star Wars franchise anymore, but thinking of what could have been hurts.

Don't taze me bro

New member
Feb 26, 2009
So one of your complaints was the 5-10 minute wait to enter the battle? Seems on par, or even better than other MMOs with dungeons / battlegrounds you can queue for. As much as I liked my time with Swtor when it first launched, I just have no desire to go back.