Sony Snubs Sony Ericsson

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Sony Snubs Sony Ericsson

Insider sources have revealed that Sony have allegedly refused Sony Ericsson the use of the PlayStation brand for a new PSP handset.

Rumors about a PSP/phone hybrid aren't exactly new, but according to Mobile Today [ ], "several sources close to the matter" say that Sony Ericsson made a business case in December to make a PSP handset, but was turned down, with Sony claiming that it would only make a PlayStation branded phone on its own, effectively ending the partnership with Ericsson.

Sony and Ericsson have been in partnership since 2001 with the stated goal of combining Sony's electronics expertise with Ericsson's leading position in the mobile communications market, but since the beginning of last year, Sony Ericsson has seen its profits plummet by 97%, and posted a $346 million dollar loss, nearly four times what was projected.

Although, to be fair, Sony isn't doing much better.

Source: via Joystiq []



New member
Feb 25, 2008
Isn't this old news?

It was in the Telegraph months and months ago that Sony were not happy about the way Ericsson has been using the Walkman brandname and that they would not be allowing them access to any of Sony's other brands in the forseeable future. As well as not renewing when the Walkman phones deal ran out.


New member
Oct 10, 2007
fix-the-spade said:
Isn't this old news?

It was in the Telegraph months and months ago that Sony were not happy about the way Ericsson has been using the Walkman brandname and that they would not be allowing them access to any of Sony's other brands in the forseeable future. As well as not renewing when the Walkman phones deal ran out.
That bit about the Walkman brand's new to me, but it makes some sense. Sony's notorious for having its various branch interests collide with one another.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Sony started out fighting Sega, moving onto Nintendo, Microsoft, and finally their favorite punching bag, themselves.


New member
Nov 23, 2008
I'll have to admit, I never even knew that the two were separate companies at one point. I guess my expertise in the industry is not as great as I thought. Well, to be honest, I have never owned one thing Sony before. Ever. Except for that old tube TV from 1972. But that doesn't count.

If I were Sony in this scenario, I would rid myself of Ericsson, and the name "Sony" altogether. I would then rename the company to "Cake" and make small portable water dispensers for African children.


New member
Oct 7, 2008
unangbangkay said:
That bit about the Walkman brand's new to me, but it makes some sense. Sony's notorious for having its various branch interests collide with one another.
I own a sony ericsson w810i (w stands for walkman), and it makes me sad that sony won't allow partners to use other brands. It would be a great move to have a psp phone with some ericsson specs.


New member
Dec 17, 2008
ithink it's really sad that alot of big businesses are losing out on profits so much in such a short space of time! It's rediculous the ammount of damage that the recession is causing. One of the very few things that aren't hit, in fact, is the internet market. Since it doesn't pay for things like shop location rent etc. Either way though, if someone like Erricson and Sony can suffer, then no one is safe from it.


He who is not known
May 5, 2008
You can get VOIP clients for the PSP - which is kinda a phone - kinda.

I work for a market research firm and a piece i was doing tabs on today showed that of the 13-19 year olds (UK) we'd interviewed most had a Sony Ericsson mobile - more than double the number 2 handset provide (which was Nokia btw).

So it's a lot of business to give up - but if it's business that's costing you maybe not. Though you'd've thought if they were shifting product they'd make a profit - but this is Sony isn't it.

Personally I don't like them - I'm more of a HTC man, which is a whole different kettle of fish so not surprising.