Artist's Lady Knights Series Creates Diverse Women Warriors
Concept designer Sean Ng drew seven female knights based on randomized traits.
The lack of diversity in female characters in video games and other media has been a "boob plate" [] armor.
Showing just how simple it is to create interesting warrior women, concept designer Sean Ng dogbomber [] on Tumblr, shared the randomizer with a challenge to other artists, saying, "Pick three and run with it! Bonus challenge: do all five categories. And of course you're free to add to the categories if what you want isn't in there. Have fun with it!" Ng then shared his first piece based on the randomizer, a top heavy and nervous Indian knight with powerful fists and a shark theme. Since sharing the randomizer on February 20, Ng has drawn seven knights, each time incorporating all five traits.
Ng uses prompts like the Lady Knight randomizer as a drawing exercise for short practice projects. His previously series was a set of portfolio site [], which includes a complete character redesign for The Legend of Zelda.
Source: Sean Ng on Tumblr []
Concept designer Sean Ng drew seven female knights based on randomized traits.
The lack of diversity in female characters in video games and other media has been a "boob plate" [] armor.
Showing just how simple it is to create interesting warrior women, concept designer Sean Ng dogbomber [] on Tumblr, shared the randomizer with a challenge to other artists, saying, "Pick three and run with it! Bonus challenge: do all five categories. And of course you're free to add to the categories if what you want isn't in there. Have fun with it!" Ng then shared his first piece based on the randomizer, a top heavy and nervous Indian knight with powerful fists and a shark theme. Since sharing the randomizer on February 20, Ng has drawn seven knights, each time incorporating all five traits.
Ng uses prompts like the Lady Knight randomizer as a drawing exercise for short practice projects. His previously series was a set of portfolio site [], which includes a complete character redesign for The Legend of Zelda.
Source: Sean Ng on Tumblr []