Sam Raimi's Spider-Man Trilogy Tackled by Honest Trailers


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
Sam Raimi's Spider-Man Trilogy Tackled by Honest Trailers

Honest Trailers has released a new video running through "The Godfather trilogy" of superhero films.

In today's day and age where costumed characters dominate the box office and actors are practically scrambling to attach themselves to a superhero vehicle of some sort, it's almost hard to imagine a world in which the comic book flicks weren't the king. Their current spot spot on top however, owes no so small debt to Sam Raimi's Spider-Man films.

Hitting theaters in 2002, the original Spider-Man raked in more than $800 million worldwide and was regarded by many as the movie that finally imbued a taste for superheroes in moviegoers. It would, in turn, be followed up by a pair of sequels, one of which is considered by many to be one of the best realized superhero films ever made.

That being the case, the trilogy as a whole definitely has its rough edges, a good number of which were the subject of the most recent episode of Honest Trailers. The web series' latest video picked through the films, poking fun at a variety of their less than perfect elements. Chief among these were the nearly identical story structure of the three movies, the less than likely connection that Peter Parker had to seemingly all of his foes and Mary Jane's fairly persistent tendency to get all kissy-faced with someone else besides the person she's dating.

Easily the most hilarious segment of the video however, is its spot on treatment of Spider-Man 3 and its infamous dancing sequences. The narrator's response to them pretty much mirrors what audiences everywhere were feeling as they watched Tobey McGuire do his horrific strut through New York. All in all, the video just does a great job of taking the trilogy's most cringe worthy moments and transforming them into fodder for some genuine laughs. In other words, give it a watch. If nothing else it'll cheer you up after the abomination that is <a href=>The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

Source: <a href=>Screen Junkies


Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Honest Trailers has released a new video running through "The Godfather trilogy" of superhero films.
That was really unfair of them. The first two Godfathers were actually good.

Anyway, they still called these Spider-Man movies, so they're not really doing an Honest Trailer.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
Zachary Amaranth said:
Honest Trailers has released a new video running through "The Godfather trilogy" of superhero films.
That was really unfair of them. The first two Godfathers were actually good.

Anyway, they still called these Spider-Man movies, so they're not really doing an Honest Trailer.
But... it's actually a perfect description. Two really good movies that ended with a bad one. Only difference is that Godfather 1 was a true classic movie, while for the Spider-Man movies that title goes to the second one.

In any event, having recently seen the second Amazing Spider-Man movie, I can safely say the Sam Raimi trilogy is the better one when the movies eventually get to the trilogy point (no matter how good the 3rd Amazing Spider-Man movie could potentially be).

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Zontar said:
Only difference is that Godfather 1 was a true classic movie, while for the Spider-Man movies that title goes to the second one
Only difference is the Godfather movies were actually good, and the Spider-Man ones were bad. And false advertising. Tobey Maguire running around in Spider-Man jim-jams doesn't count.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Emo Peter Parker was funny, its what he thought being cool was. Like if you grew up with Fonze from Happy Days and acted like him thinking you were would be considered an idiot - though i agree they dragged that scene out way to long with the dancing in the club. Anyway, granted 3 had issues, mostly due to Sony making him add Venom in it. But overall Raimi did well and made those movies with passion and love. Venom should have been a starring villian in Spidey 4, not as an add on, and if treated right would make for an awesome movie. Being that he is stronger, has similiar powers and Spidey sense doesnt work on him.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Zachary Amaranth said:
Zontar said:
Only difference is that Godfather 1 was a true classic movie, while for the Spider-Man movies that title goes to the second one
Only difference is the Godfather movies were actually good, and the Spider-Man ones were bad. And false advertising. Tobey Maguire running around in Spider-Man jim-jams doesn't count.
Everything's subjective, everyone has their own canon and all are well entitled to what they suspend disbelief on, or mock incessantly.

OT: I felt the first two movies would have been great if the third hadn't shattered their memories and Sony pissed on the ashes by rebooting it with an even worse set of movies.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
SirBryghtside said:
In your opinion.
As opposed to it being indisputable scientific fact? Of course it's my opinion, and tossing in an argumentumad populum fallacy doesn't mean anything, either.

Imperioratorex Caprae said:
Everything's subjective
See above.

There is literally no reason to bring up the subjectivity or opinion nature of my opinion unless they occupy some differing status. Since both are givens....


Regular Member
Nov 21, 2009
I was wondering why the escapist kept linking to screen junkies youtube stuff as news articles turns out their all owned by defy media, so I guess its just a cross promotion kinda thing.


New member
Apr 21, 2014
Marik2 said:
Haha thanks for this, the guy has a new subscriber.
Not sure why they mentioned Honest Trailers this week and not bring up CinemaSins as well which they've featured on the site before.

They're practically brother channels and share a lot of similarities. They've also just tackled the Spiderman trilogy among others.
Give them a go too* :D

*[small]I am not affiliated with the channel in any way and this post should not constitute as an advertisement for the channel. Merely a topical adjacent to the article in question.[/small]


New member
Apr 21, 2014
MinionJoe said:
Cinema Sins just did all three Raimi movies as well:

Oh, and the first remake:
Damn I was ninja'd >< Not sure why they didn't mention them along with this article it's not like they haven't featured them before. Are they not part of the Defy Media brand then?

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Oh god the dancing part crack me up! I need to watched the rest of their honest trailers (I only seen and love honest trailer to Robotcop)!


New member
Apr 21, 2014
MinionJoe said:
Raku-Gosha said:
Damn I was ninja'd >< Not sure why they didn't mention them along with this article it's not like they haven't featured them before. Are they not part of the Defy Media brand then?
Sorry! And yeah, I was kind of thinking the same thing about which media groups each channel was associated with...

But I like them both enough to give them ad revenue. :)

Never apologize for your ninja skills man!.

Those two channels are practically two sides of the same coin. They've even shot the shit with each other about it. So more exposure to them is great! These channels are realy the only things I watch on Youtube regularly now a days barring the odd link or two.