Welcome to The Escapist Channels

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
Welcome to The Escapist Channels

All of the insightful and informative commentary you love is now organized in channels on The Escapist.

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Albino Boo

New member
Jun 14, 2010
I would like an up top link straight to the general news section. Its the main area I visit and if have go looking for it in the spare 5 minutes I have in the day, I'm less likely to do it. That means less pageviews for you.


New member
Apr 13, 2010
Main two thoughts: This site doesn't have enough content to make me want to go through all your tabs or feel it entirely necessary. I still mainly go through your main page to see if anything new comes out. Improving that is easily the best way to get me to view more, but letting me know what's new. The new site design doesn't help with that, which I find annoying.

The other thought is as it stands they look like tabs, and I'm used to me selecting a tab, and knowing where I am because of that. Your color choices, with a big bright yellow inbetween 2 colors that barely contrast with the dark grey below it, make me think that I'm constantly on the movies tab, which disorients me.

The rest is standard "now I need to learn where they moved everything" angst. Like moving the forums button way to the left so muscle memory makes me want to click my profile/mail.

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
albino boo said:
I would like an up top link straight to the general news section. Its the main area I visit and if have go looking for it in the spare 5 minutes I have in the day, I'm less likely to do it. That means less pageviews for you.
As always, you can use the news only stream there on the front page. You're probably going to love the everything page [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/everything], as that's a one stop shop for all the sites content in one easy to view location much like the news page you were so use to.


New member
Aug 1, 2012
I'm liking the new redesign, especially for the new customization options, But, like Xeorn said, the top bar has a few constrast issues (mostly in the video games and tabletop sections), a lighter shade of blue and purple will probably fix that. That said, I like the channels, especially if it means you'll bring more content to the site.

Edit: I just noticed the background color changes when I move to a different channel, which is cool.


ThyNameIsMud said:
As always, you can use the news only stream there on the front page. You're probably going to love the everything page [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/everything], as that's a one stop shop for all the sites content in one easy to view location much like the news page you were so use to.
I noticed how the weeping angel moves when I scroll away from it, neat!
Jan 12, 2012
Strange and new, it must be burned!

Actually, it's not bad. I like the ease of checking text sizes and fonts. It's kind of weird that you're keeping the old forum layout when there are new tabs, though; are you planning to break down gaming (and merge relevant threads from off-topic) into Science, Video Games, TTRPG, etc.?

Albino Boo

New member
Jun 14, 2010
ThyNameIsMud said:
albino boo said:
I would like an up top link straight to the general news section. Its the main area I visit and if have go looking for it in the spare 5 minutes I have in the day, I'm less likely to do it. That means less pageviews for you.
As always, you can use the news only stream there on the front page. You're probably going to love the everything page [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/everything], as that's a one stop shop for all the sites content in one easy to view location much like the news page you were so use to.
Sub menus are not very helpful when you trying to view on a tablet in a commuter train in the rush hour. The old design was easier for me to use in those circumstances.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
Thank you for completely screwing up the best looking and easiest to navigate layout this site has ever had.

It now takes several more clicks to get anywhere, and the brightly coloured buttons at the top of the forums are very distracting. Most importantly, you can't mouse over the categories to see the latest content appear on the front page like you used to be able to.

Also some of these categories are arbitrary at best, why is Loading Ready Run under "Movies and TV"?

Boba Frag

New member
Dec 11, 2009
Holy crap, I think I'm in love... Seriously, I really, *really* like what you guys have done!

Great idea, makes it a lot easier to navigate the site, especially putting the videos into proper categories.
The table top section in particular is a blessing, I've been wondering why I haven't seen more Shut Up & Sit Down videos.

Awesome work, guys :)


New member
Aug 22, 2010
An update to this site that isn't an eye sore and not only doesn't make the functionality objectively worse, but actually seems to improve it?

Is it April fools again? Have I suddenly shot forward in time?


New member
Dec 19, 2010
I really like the customization options. That said, the lack of a link at the top that sends me to the news feed directly is not a good design decision so far as I'm concerned. We all know The Escapist does more than videogames and the like... which is why the news feed was the thing I used the most. I just want to see what's happening. I don't want to scroll through individual pages devoted to the different areas directly. I also find the layout of the "Everything" selection to be horrendous. But, I'm never disappointed to see things changed, only when the changes hurt my ability to navigate the site.


New member
Oct 2, 2010
Seems very useful for those who don't frequent the site on a daily basis, although just slightly less so for the constant reloaders. Then again, I imagine that's not really a bad thing. Looks fine to me, and can make quickly accessing some older articles a bit easier (probably).

Either way, hope it works :D

The Last Melon

New member
Mar 19, 2012
No particular complaints - pretty colours - but am I insane in thinking that it's odd how much MovieBob is going to dominate the new Movies/TV section? I don't have anything against that, or him personally,* but I feel like the section would be improved by adding new voices in the future. Again, I'm perfectly content with it the way it is.

*Although he is from Boston, which means there's a decent chance he's a Bruins fan, and I hate the Bruins. So I guess I'd have problem there. Other than that...
(kidding, kidding...)


Top Todger
Jun 25, 2008
So according to the new colour coding system, this editorial is "Comics and Cosplay", while Dr. Strangelove's similar thread in the Off-Topic forum is "Video Games".


Categories and labels are all very well and good, but only when they make sense, so what makes this count as "Comics and Cosplay" while the other thread is "Video Games"?

Admittedly I am neither interested in comics nor cosplay, so I could very well be missing something here... but was I supposed to be dressed up in some sort of costume while reading this editorial?


New member
Feb 2, 2011
I'm going to be honest here:

I don't like this new layout


Because when I want a complete list of the latest news... now I have to check five seperate pages. The same for videos. I find that an inconvenience.

Plus, its no longer readily apparent where certain things will appear.

Will The Big Picture with MovieBob fall under comics when he talks about "Comics. Are. Weird" or will that still go under movies? That kind of distinction... there shouldn't be one - and yet I can see it making sense going either way

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
Jamash said:
So according to the new colour coding system, this editorial is "Comics and Cosplay", while Dr. Straneglove's similar thread in the Off-Topic forum is "Video Games".
The display for this announcement is an anomaly in our new system, I'll admit. We didn't anticipate into which channel site-wide announcements would go. This article is in all of the channels, but the display has a hierarchy which means Comics and Cosplay is what's shown. 99.9999% of what we publish will not have this problem, thank the maker.