Your 2009 Academy Award Nominees

Jared Rea

New member
Aug 11, 2008
Your 2009 Academy Award Nominees

"The Dark Knight" and Bruce Springsteen get snubbed amongst other confusing choices as the Academy weighs in on the years best.

Unlike the world of science-fiction, it appears as though the The Reader []," which also under performed with critics.

The absence of "The Dark Knight" from the best picture race isn't the least bit surprising, but in a year where there is no clear front runner a nod to the Batman flick could have shown that the typically self-aware Academy was both in touch with critics and audiences alike, as well as a lack of fear to show respect towards a genre film much as they did with Peter Jackson's "Alien []" were nominated for Academy Awards yet denied best picture nominations, despite being two of the most influential films of all time. Likewise, the Batman won't be without statues as "The Dark Knight" is up for eight awards including the eventual best supporting actor award for the departed Heath Ledger.

Even the boss himself, Bruce Springsteen, isn't invincible from the scorn of Oscar as his Happy-Go-Lucky []" also came out relatively short, only earning one nomination for original screenplay.

If you're looking for the silver lining in what is ultimately an uninspired list of nominees, here it is: Robert Downey Jr. has been nominated for best supporting actor for his performance as Kirk Lazarus in the comedy "Tropic Thunder []." Granted, his victory is a long-shot, but at least its something to smile about.



New member
Apr 15, 2008
Robert Downey Jr. in ?Tropic Thunder? (DreamWorks, Distributed by DreamWorks/Paramount)



New member
Dec 11, 2007
Oscar nominations really make no sense to me. Of course there are always actors/films i agree with, but there are more that leave me wondering why the hell they got picked over something that was ultimately better. If this Batman can't get an academy nomination, then I do believe there is not much hope for any Batman in the future to garnish that title. Oh well, I said I would snub the oscars after the year Jennifer Hudson and Reese Witherspoon won awards. There should be a rule that if you make a sequel to a movie like Legally Blonde, u deserve to be tagged B list actor for the rest of your years.


New member
Dec 9, 2008
Benjamin Button... blaugh.

The Wrestler was a great film though. Aronofsky has never made a bad movie, even though his subject matter is all over the place.


New member
Nov 11, 2008
RAKtheUndead said:
I have to say that I've grown to really dislike the Lord of the Rings films and believe that their success with Academy Awards was one of the biggest mistakes made in the film world. Apart from Titanic, I believe they got the most unwarranted awards ever.
News Flash! This just in! The Academy Awards don't really matter!