Learning to Love Bad TV


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Dec 31, 2008
Learning to Love Bad TV

MovieBob looks at some of the really bad TV shows from syndication TV that were so bad, they were interesting.

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Steve the Pocket

New member
Mar 30, 2009
OK, this is surreal. The following is a conversation I had with a friend of mine one time:

"If you could have any superpower you wanted, but it had to be something 'lame', like something that would get you relegated to sidekick status in Sky High, what would it be?"

"Probably the ability to never have to sleep. Then I could lead a double life without worrying about scheduling issues."

"......... I think that's Batman's power, actually."

Who knew that someone actually made that into a real thing? There really is nothing new under the sun.


New member
Apr 7, 2014
I've always been puzzled by the "So Bad It's Good" mindset, especially since it can't excactly be applied to other things without looking silly.

Just to give two examples:

"That burnt steak tastes so horrible it's kind of delicious!"
"You got an F on that test? Wow! That's so bad it's kind of awesome!"

Tono Makt

New member
Mar 24, 2012
1/5. That I have ever heard of, not that I've ever seen an entire episode for. I've heard of the Beastmaster, but I've only seen maybe 20 min of it overall. The other 4 I had never heard of until this article.

I thought I watched a LOT more bad TV in the 90's, but man. Wow.


New member
Jul 24, 2011
I prefer to remember the 90's as the age of SciFi television and funny as hell cartoons, since those shows were the best thing on TV.
Jan 12, 2012
Uriel_Hayabusa said:
I've always been puzzled by the "So Bad It's Good" mindset, especially since it can't excactly be applied to other things without looking silly.

Just to give two examples:

"That burnt steak tastes so horrible it's kind of delicious!"
"You got an F on that test? Wow! That's so bad it's kind of awesome!"
Those are not great examples. For "so bad it's good", consider:
"8 1/2 pounds of steak, smothered in cheese sauce and peppercorns? You bet your ass I'll try that challenge!"
"Yeah, I didn't know the answer to that question, but I bet my answer will get the biggest laugh.

Things can be good or bad, but to me "so bad it's good" is the combination of earnest intentions with a complete lack of understanding how to fulfill them.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
I remember "Thunder In Paradise"! Hulk Hogan and comedy sidekick jetted across various exotic locales, fighting evil brown people. (Come to think of it, it occasionally came off as hilariously racist at times.) I remember the episode where serial hostage Jessie (precocious little girl character) has a dream where Hulk and friend escape a perilous situation on a magic carpet. Literally the entire episode is these two arguing about how much faith to put in this kid's dream, before they finally escape a perilous situation... by jumping down from a high place using a (tiny) rug as a parachute. Absolutely hilarious.

It did look utterly gorgeous though (although that might be ten-year-old me talking). I'd like to find this series but nobody seems to sell it. For some bizarre reason there doesn't seem to be a market for it any more. I mean, what the F--K, internet? Why have you let me down like this?

Anyway, I utterly recommend this series. It's like "Knight Rider", but with more Hulk and less David Hasselhoff. And more ocean and less turbo boost. And a bit dumber. (And considering "Knight Rider"'s star was a talking car who finished each episode by jumping over a large gap in slow motion for no reason whatsoever except "Turbo boost! YEEEEHAAAAAA!!!!" that's quite a feat.)


New member
Dec 24, 2008
TheMadDoctorsCat said:
Anyway, I utterly recommend this series. It's like "Knight Rider", but with more Hulk and less David Hasselhoff. And more ocean and less turbo boost. And a bit dumber. (And considering "Knight Rider"'s star was a talking car who finished each episode by jumping over a large gap in slow motion for no reason whatsoever except "Turbo boost! YEEEEHAAAAAA!!!!" that's quite a feat.)
I'm gonna guess that Thunder in Paradise was the other half of the inspiration behind The Simpsons' fictional series "Knightboat", then. :)


New member
Nov 30, 2013
TheMadDoctorsCat said:
I remember "Thunder In Paradise"! Hulk Hogan and comedy sidekick jetted across various exotic locales, fighting evil brown people. (Come to think of it, it occasionally came off as hilariously racist at times.) I remember the episode where serial hostage Jessie (precocious little girl character) has a dream where Hulk and friend escape a perilous situation on a magic carpet. Literally the entire episode is these two arguing about how much faith to put in this kid's dream, before they finally escape a perilous situation... by jumping down from a high place using a (tiny) rug as a parachute. Absolutely hilarious.

It did look utterly gorgeous though (although that might be ten-year-old me talking). I'd like to find this series but nobody seems to sell it. For some bizarre reason there doesn't seem to be a market for it any more. I mean, what the F--K, internet? Why have you let me down like this?

Anyway, I utterly recommend this series. It's like "Knight Rider", but with more Hulk and less David Hasselhoff. And more ocean and less turbo boost. And a bit dumber. (And considering "Knight Rider"'s star was a talking car who finished each episode by jumping over a large gap in slow motion for no reason whatsoever except "Turbo boost! YEEEEHAAAAAA!!!!" that's quite a feat.)
I preferred Viper for my weaponized vehicle show of the 90's.


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
I remember liking Beastmaster and The Lost World TV series when I was younger.
Same goes for Hercules and Xena.

I also LOVED Andromeda.
-Even if the whole 'stars are alive' and 'lets add time travel shit' kind of bonked out the later seasons.


New member
Jul 6, 2009
Beastmaster wasn't any worse then that Conan TV show with Ralf Mueller.

What about Jack Of All Trades, that privateer themed starring Bruce Campbell? That was delightfully horrible.

Also there was that Mortal Kombat TV. I loved the ending of it

Shao Khan is revealed as the big baddie and kills all of the kombatants.


Hat Man
Jul 8, 2011
San Diego, CA
"Thunder In Paradise" sounds awesome.

I periodically wonder what I'd think if I went and watched Knight Rider and/or The Master and/or Buck Rogers again now. Re-watching Robotech was kind of painful...


New member
Sep 6, 2009
I think Agents of Shield taking so long was because they had to wait for the movies to establish some big events to get the series rolling. No doubts though, in 15 or 20 years when the show is cancelled, MovieBob Jr. will include it on a similar list.


New member
Jan 3, 2014
I watched one episode of Deadly Games and it seemed kinda fun. There was an enemy from the game who guy's mother-in-law and was basically a witch, and plotted to blow up this boat for some reason. They could only kill her either by hitting her with mud or by dropping a house on her. So during the episode they desperately try to hit her with mud and fail (obviously accidentally hitting the real mother in law accidentally). Then, as she's on this wharf about to hit the detonation button, the guy has a brainwave and hijacks a mobile home from a car park and drives it off a pier onto her and so defeats her.

Thought it was a clever idea. Gotta try to watch more eps.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
I remember Deadly Games. (I have been wondering what it was called, actually, because I think it was one of those interesting failures.)

I don't think just making the game made him a jerk. It was a fantasy he made just for himself, no-one else was ever even meant to see it, right? I recall the problem being that it was too formulaic and too light on characterization.

I recall being really frustrated with it because the idea (masturbatory fantasies coming to life) had potential, but it didn't work.


Clerical Error
Mar 29, 2009
tehroc said:
What about Jack Of All Trades, that privateer themed starring Bruce Campbell? That was delightfully horrible.
Shut your dirty mouth! Anything with Bruce Campbell in it is simply delightful. Just...um...don't ask him to act much. I watched my first episode of Burn Notice about a month ago. I was suprised to see him do the best acting on the show. I am therefor suprised that Burn Notice is in like its 7th season. It is gawdawful. Oh, and Lucy Lawless was a guest hitperson on that episode. ...and she out-acted Bruce. Nice contemporary Autolycus/Xena vibe.