Doctor Who Returns This August


New member
May 20, 2014
Doctor Who Returns This August

Peter Capaldi will begin his run as everyone's favorite Time Lord this August.

Though we've seen a few a new teaser trailer [] promises an August premiere. The 15-second trailer gives us the briefest possible glimpse of the new Doctor with the TARDIS appearing to explode around him. Does this mean we'll see another TARDIS redesign in season 8? Though the show does love to shake things up with each new Doctor, we'll have to wait until August to find out for certain.

We expect another 13 episode season - if the series follows its typical 12 episodes plus a Christmas special format - featuring Capaldi as the Doctor with Jenna Coleman continuing as Clara Oswald. We'll also see some faces old and new, including the return of Madame Vastra, Jenny Flint and Strax along with the addition of Danny Pink (played by Samuel Anderson) [] as one of Clara's co-workers.

August is still a long ways off, but if you just can't wait Humble Bundle is currently offering a great Doctor Who comics bundle [] that will help you while away the hours before the Doctor returns to your television screen once more.

Source: BBC America []



Tunnel Open, Communication Open.
Nov 18, 2009
Uuuuuggghhh Just stop trying to make Clara interesting she really isnt! Thee's no bloody flaw to work with, none of the sarcastic wit of Donna nor the intellect of Martha or (I can't believe I'm speaking highly of Rose) Rose's down to earth level-headedness.

Although at least she isn't Amy... Okay fine Moffat I'll give her another try just PLEASE let someone else write women for you because you aren't very good at it.


Sheen Lantern

New member
May 13, 2013
vallorn said:
Okay fine Moffat I'll give her another try just PLEASE let someone else write women for you because you aren't very good at it.
And while you're at it let someone else write the entire show for you.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Why the sillhouette? We know it's Peter Capaldi and we know what he looks like as the Doctor.

vallorn said:
Rose's down to earth level-headedness.
Wot. When was Rose level-headed? She was less grounded than a Pete and Pete villain.

Although at least she isn't Amy...
Again, wot....Amy was more or less Rose done proper.

Sleekit said:
i think the TARDIS has basically already been redesigned for him in the last season of Smiths run.

to do again so soon after...would raise eyebrows with BBC accountants if nothing else...
Once every four-ish years seems enough, anyway.

I'm more curious as to whether or not he gets a new sonic screwdriver. I've really come to identify the last one with Smith's run.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Sleekit said:
oh i think all the actors get a personal screwdriver now don't they ?
it's kind of a thing that they've adopted that at the end of their run they get to keep it afaik.
Tennant and Eccleston used the same model, except Tennant used the BBC shop toy or some such. Smith's was the first new screwdriver (unless you count River's), so there isn't a given pattern.

notice not green like smiths but aqua/teal like the new console...

also there is a video...but im not posting that here...just google "capaldi doctor screwdriver"
I don't really count a lighting change as a different version, but cool. However, it looks green in some of the pics online and a couple of sites are describing it as green. I guess I'll wait and see how it looks in the show itself, but it looks like superficial changes at best.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Mcoffey said:
Are they ever going to address what happened at the end of the last season? When Clara stepped into the Doctor's timeline and was sent somewhere? How did she and the Doctor leave that place? What happened to the bad guys who had cornered them there? Seriously, that really made me mad how they just acted like nothing had happened in the 50th and the X-Mas episode.

Honestly, while I liked Matt Smith's run, I dont think Moffat has been as good a showrunner as Russell T. Davis was. Maybe it's time for someone new to take the wheel?
The power of love I suspect. Or the Human spirit. Or the Magic screwdriver. Fuck it, I'm not even sure why the timelords helped out Smith in his last episode. Last time they showed up they were trying to destroy the universe, and considering they've been time locked or in stasis, when did that change? My vote goes to the screwdriver. Nevermind the amount of paradoxes that came about due to the 50th anniversery episode.

vallorn said:
Uuuuuggghhh Just stop trying to make Clara interesting she really isnt! Thee's no bloody flaw to work with, none of the sarcastic wit of Donna nor the intellect of Martha or (I can't believe I'm speaking highly of Rose) Rose's down to earth level-headedness.

Although at least she isn't Amy... Okay fine Moffat I'll give her another try just PLEASE let someone else write women for you because you aren't very good at it.

Rose was pants! She certainly wasn't level headed, half the time she cried or freaked out. Clara's alright, shes nothing special, but not everyone needs to be flawed, sometimes curiosity works too. I'd go with Amy over Rose any day of the week, Rose is what makes it so hard to watch the seasons with her in them, I'm not even sure what she was doing in the 50th anniversary episode, there was no reason for her to be there at all. And not just because I dislike her, there was no in universe reason for her to be there.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
vallorn said:
Uuuuuggghhh Just stop trying to make Clara interesting she really isnt! Thee's no bloody flaw to work with, none of the sarcastic wit of Donna nor the intellect of Martha or (I can't believe I'm speaking highly of Rose) Rose's down to earth level-headedness.
But...she's "feisty" and says the hero is wonderful. That's how you write a good female character, right?
Dec 14, 2009
Can we get someone to come on and rein in Moffat's writing?

He setup so many plot points, that he didn't know what to do with them and just brushed them aside in the season finale, with no payoff.

Albino Boo

New member
Jun 14, 2010
All you people hating on Moffat are going to be in for a disappointment. Moffat has got viewing figures up in the states and seeing the trailer has been played on BBC America but not on the BBC in the UK, thats were the priority is. Moffat is running two of the 3 biggest and most successful shows that the BBC has and he isn't going anywhere in a hurry.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
albino boo said:
All you people hating on Moffat are going to be in for a disappointment. Moffat has got viewing figures up in the states and seeing the trailer has been played on BBC America but not on the BBC in the UK, thats were the priority is. Moffat is running two of the 3 biggest and most successful shows that the BBC has and he isn't going anywhere in a hurry.
It doesn't really need to be advertised in Britain though, I mean Doctor Who gets in the papers here, it's part of our culture. Besides it will be on BBC UK, it just hasn't been aired yet.

I think Doctor Who would've gotten the same amount of popularity in the states regardless of who was running it, it was gaining steam before Moffat, Moffat just happens to be in charge when it became big state-side. Plus Americans are sort of...sticklers for the sort of stuff Moffat writes, the human spirit, love etc.

Plus as much as I love Sherlock and the way he's done it, he does sort of have a cheat sheet in that department, seeing as most of the stories have already been written and he just needs to adapt them.


New member
Jan 30, 2013
I'm more interested in when Season 7 is coming to Netflix, honestly. Need to catch up and I really want to see "Angels take Manhattan" and "Day of the Doctor".

Albino Boo

New member
Jun 14, 2010
elvor0 said:
It doesn't really need to be advertised in Britain though, I mean Doctor Who gets in the papers here, it's part of our culture. Besides it will be on BBC UK, it just hasn't been aired yet.

I think Doctor Who would've gotten the same amount of popularity in the states regardless of who was running it, it was gaining steam before Moffat, Moffat just happens to be in charge when it became big state-side. Plus Americans are sort of...sticklers for the sort of stuff Moffat writes.

Plus as much as I love Sherlock and the way he's done it, he does sort of have a cheat sheet in that department, seeing as most of the stories have already been written and he just needs to adapt them.
The BBC needs money. It wasted £100 million on failed IT system and has vast management structure that is overpaid and given reducanies that in some cases went way beyond what their contracts said. They have also been damaged by the Savile/Lord McAlpine disaster. The licence fee is up for renegation in the next parliament, and whoever wins the next general election, they won't even get an inline with inflation increase. This means that the BBC has to make money abroad just to have the same budget. Moffat has increased viewing figures in the States since he took over running Dr Who. More bums on seats watching BBC America means more money to the BBC. The BBC is not going to kill the goose that laid the golden egg to revert to the RTD style which has less viewers and therefore brought in less money.

Boba Frag

New member
Dec 11, 2009
vallorn said:
Uuuuuggghhh Just stop trying to make Clara interesting she really isnt! Thee's no bloody flaw to work with, none of the sarcastic wit of Donna nor the intellect of Martha or (I can't believe I'm speaking highly of Rose) Rose's down to earth level-headedness.

Although at least she isn't Amy... Okay fine Moffat I'll give her another try just PLEASE let someone else write women for you because you aren't very good at it.

I couldn't agree more with your assessments of all the companions :p

Amy grew on me, but it took a very, very long time to do so.

Hell, I still miss Donna.

Let the flaming begin!

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Well it's about damn time. I was beginning to wonder if the show was ever going to resume.
Daystar Clarion said:
Can we get someone to come on and rein in Moffat's writing?

He setup so many plot points, that he didn't know what to do with them and just brushed them aside in the season finale, with no payoff.
Also second. So much wasted potential from River Song to Trensalor. Old age, Moffat? Really?


New member
Sep 8, 2008
albino boo said:
-snip-Moffat has increased viewing figures in the States since he took over running Dr Who. More bums on seats watching BBC America means more money to the BBC. The BBC is not going to kill the goose that laid the golden egg to revert to the RTD style which has less viewers and therefore brought in less money.
Viewing figures have increased while Moffat was running the show, it didn't just suddenly become a thing when Moffat took over, figures for Doctor Who had been on the rise in the US since the reboot, they've just now reached levels where it could be considered mainstream. Still, less than England (1.55 Million versus 6.4 in the UK).

There's nothing to say Moffat is directly responsible, and didn't get handed an already rolling ball. True, there's nothing to say that he in't directly responible either, but if figures were already rising, it stands to reason that they would continue to rise, regardless of if he or someone else took over. There were less viewers for the RTD era, because it was still small and gathering a following at that point, minus old school fans.