Nicolas Cage is Left Behind in New Trailer


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Nicolas Cage is Left Behind in New Trailer

It's the end of the world, and The Cage feels fine

The financial difficulties that began driving Nicolas Cage, for a time one of Hollywood's top box-office stars, to seemingly agree to damn near any role that was offered don't appear to have subsided. Today's new trailer confirms that what previously sounded like an elaborate joke is in fact a real thing: Cage is indeed starring in the new reboot of the Left Behind franchise, based on a series of religious future-fiction novels published between 1995 and 2007 that previously inspired a pair of low-budget Kirk Cameron features.

The story takes place in the aftermath of The Rapture, a kind of "pre-apocalypse" that some Christian sects believe will precede the end of the world. All at once, everyone on Earth whose souls are already in good standing gets preemptively zapped up to Heaven with the sinners left to suffer through the chaos of The End Times. Cage has the lead role of Rayford Steele, a pilot among the Left Behind who becomes leader of The Tribulation Force; a team of post-Rapture converts to Christianity who unite to battle a rising evil religion called The Global Community, led by The AntiChrist Nicolae Carpathia. These are all the actual names of people and things that appear in these books.

There are 16 books in the Left Behind series, which made headlines as a surprise New York Times best-seller in its heyday. Though popular, the series was widely panned by critics and drew heavy condemnation for plot elements that some saw as anti-semitic or attacks on Buddhism, Hinduism and pantheism. Its version of End Times theology was also criticized by Biblical scholars and religious leaders - The Rapture is an "extrabiblical" concept mainly popular among specific subsets of American fundamentalism.

Much of the film's supporting cast is said to have signed on for sequels, though it's not clear if Cage is among them. The film is scheduled for release on October 3rd.

Source: EW []



New member
Aug 22, 2009
Seriously? Someone got funding for a reboot of fucking left behind? I remember watching diamanda hagan's reviews of the originals!

Did someone decide that religion films were big at the moment? Y'know, that's probably what it is, isn't it? Some executive saw "God's not dead" and "Darkest dungeons" go viral and assumed it was because someone wanted more of those kinds of movies.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
This role he's in makes me think we will get the serious and/or morose Cage which is the no fun Cage in my opinion. Casting Cage as the anti christ on the other hand would be the better choice since we could get batshit insane Cage instead.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
When I was a young Christian a few years ago, I had the naive belief that any book in a Christian book store must be a good thing to read right?

Left Behind was the series to rid me of this fantasy. It's literally a series about explaining why all the people the authors hate won't go to heaven and why they don't deserve too. It's about as loving and forgiving as a twitter feud between Kim Jong-un and Magneto.

And you'd never expect the writing in a christian bookstore book to be good (Sturgeons Law and all)... but we're talking My Immortal here. The reason the protagonist is Raymond Steele is because they're an author insert and so they have to be cool and manly and you don't get cooler than Raymond Steele right?

The thing that best sums this all up is a line where a nurse explains that she's sad all the babies have miraculously disappeared from the earth, because now she can't perform any more abortions.

There's a reason why Left Behind ain't scripture folks.

My one hope is that Nicholas Cage goes supernova in this, concentrating so much Nicholas Cagey-ness into one scene that the density of wackyness creates a nuclear reaction that rips this film to shreds. This is all set to be the world's greatest disasterpiece and there's only one man good enough for the job.


New member
Feb 13, 2010
I'd rather see a movie set in the post-Rapture world we saw in that one episode of American Dad...

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
Let's hope they change the way the books don't have people all that shocked and traumatized about all the world's children disappearing. I found the first book in the library where I live, and you won't believe how little people seem to care about that sort of thing. I feel pretty sure the people that wrote this book have never met actual human beings.


New member
Jan 18, 2013
I like the part of the trailer where a woman says 'The god my Mother talked about would NEVER do something like this!'. It's as if she doesn't know about children with cancer, world hunger or AIDS. Unless she's actually talking about those things, which I doubt is the case in a christian movie.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
Too bad, Left Behind is the official hallmark of being a bottom of the barrel actor. He may not have been a good actor, but by god was he an entertaining one. I just hope the results are as camp as they should be with him on board, since we know it's going to be terrible just by the fact it's a movie based on Left Behind, a series which exists only because publishers know which idiots will by anything with a cross on it.

Those books shouldn't exist, the story isn't worth the paper its printed on. Hell, digital copies aren't worth the tiny memory space they take.


New member
Jun 26, 2013
Hollywood: Wait, fundies will pay out the rear for terrible stuff. Reboots are big. I HAVE AN IDEA!


New member
Jun 8, 2011
MCerberus said:
Hollywood: Wait, fundies will pay out the rear for terrible stuff. Reboots are big. I HAVE AN IDEA!
Right, just pander to the right which is kinda funny since the religious right hates hollywood.


New member
Jun 26, 2013
synobal said:
MCerberus said:
Hollywood: Wait, fundies will pay out the rear for terrible stuff. Reboots are big. I HAVE AN IDEA!
Right, just pander to the right which is kinda funny since the religious right hates hollywood.
To be fair, Hollywood hates the right. Hollywood also, however, hates the left. They especially hate children and millennials. Because vomiting out terrible THINGS that only exist to extort money out of your pocket AKA pandering, is a pretty clear sign that someone hates you.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
MCerberus said:
synobal said:
MCerberus said:
Hollywood: Wait, fundies will pay out the rear for terrible stuff. Reboots are big. I HAVE AN IDEA!
Right, just pander to the right which is kinda funny since the religious right hates hollywood.
To be fair, Hollywood hates the right. Hollywood also, however, hates the left. They especially hate children and millennials. Because vomiting out terrible THINGS that only exist to extort money out of your pocket AKA pandering, is a pretty clear sign that someone hates you.
Here I was thinking it was a clear sign that they loved money.


New member
Jun 26, 2013
synobal said:
MCerberus said:
synobal said:
MCerberus said:
Hollywood: Wait, fundies will pay out the rear for terrible stuff. Reboots are big. I HAVE AN IDEA!
Right, just pander to the right which is kinda funny since the religious right hates hollywood.
To be fair, Hollywood hates the right. Hollywood also, however, hates the left. They especially hate children and millennials. Because vomiting out terrible THINGS that only exist to extort money out of your pocket AKA pandering, is a pretty clear sign that someone hates you.
Here I was thinking it was a clear sign that they loved money.
It's both really, kind of like someone who acts like a jerk to pick up women for sex. They like sex, but they have issues that lead to them hating and seeing women as objects.


New member
Oct 20, 2011
BrotherRool said:
My one hope is that Nicholas Cage goes supernova in this, concentrating so much Nicholas Cagey-ness into one seen that the density of wackyness creates a nuclear reaction that rips this film to shreds. This is all set to be the world's greatest disasterpiece and there's only one man good enough for the job.
That's what I'm hoping for too. You know, some funny quotes or a gif of Cage freaking out about the Rapture, something we can get a laugh out of for a few months after the movie gets released.


New member
Jan 22, 2013
Awesome. I loved the Left Behind movies, and now they're rebooting them with Nicolas Cage? Sign me the fuck up!

Man, I hope Kirk Cameron is in these somehow for maximum cheese. I know you can't plan these things, but if it's terrible enough can this somehow become the new midnight movie sensation after The Room? So. Excited.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Raziel said:
This would be sad if I had ever thought he was a good actor.
Zontar said:
He may not have been a good actor, but by god was he an entertaining one.
digital warrior said:
Cage I usually wouldn't normally say this given your recent track record but, you can do better.
I would suggest you guys give the movie Joe a chance. I'm surprised MovieBob didn't do a review of this.


Cage can be pretty good.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
MovieBob said:
Much of the film's supporting cast is said to have signed on for sequels, though it's not clear if Cage is among them.
I think we all know where to put our money on this.

OT: Sold. Already hyped, excited, bought the tickets, invited a friend. This is going to be amazing.