Metal Gear Remake Greenlighted By Konami - Will be Free

Steven Bogos

The Taco Man
Jan 17, 2013
Metal Gear Remake Greenlighted By Konami - Will be Free

Konami has allowed a group of independent modders to remake the original 1987 Metal Gear title.

Most people know that Metal Gear Solid debuted on the PlayStation in 1998, but hardcore Snake fans will know that this release was actually preceded by two Metal Gear games on the MSX/NES. If you never got the chance to play them, I've got some good news for you. Konami has given the green light to a group of independent modders, who are aiming to remake the original 1987 Metal Gear title. And best of all, when it is released, it will be 100% free.

The mod will be made in Valve's free-to-play Alien Swarm engine - meaning that the original 2D Metal Gear levels will be brought to life in 3D. They've already got some work-in-progress shots, which you can check out here:


The modding group - "Outer Heaven" - contacted Konami to ensure it wouldn't be getting any cease and desist letters in its mailbox. Konami gave it the thumbs up - giving it all-access rights to rebuild the game, but said it wasn't allowed to use any copyrighted materials for the purposes of marketing and promotion.

Outer Heaven is reaching out to anyone with a good grasp of C++ or gaming design that might want to get in on the action - feel free to contact them at [email protected] if you're interested.

Source: Kotaku []



New member
Jan 18, 2013
This is cool and if they are using a Valve engine does that mean it's heading to the PC? I'm slightly amazed that Konami actually gave them the go ahead though, but if they haven't already gotten around to remaking the games by now they probably never would have.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
if it comes out for pc on steam and its still for free, i might give it a try. never played any of the previous titles since i never saw them on pc. but obviously it turned out that there are copies for the pc but no shop sold them or keep telling me that there are no pc version of the game.

Pedro The Hutt

New member
Apr 1, 2009
It's worth noting that this "Alien Swarm" engine is in fact the Source engine. Like any other Valve game released in the past ten years.


New member
Feb 7, 2014
i dont know if love can bloom on the battlefield, but it certainly can on the internet, i love these guys!

blessed be the modders


New member
May 13, 2010
Awesome! I have always wanted to watch Snake rub chocolate in acid in full 3d vision. I am not sure why, but I really wanna see that in 3d. :3

Uuugh, nostalgiaaaa~

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
Alien Swarm as a base for Metal Gear... fucking genious!, and it's Source!, meaning it'll run on any toaster!, and it'll be free!.


I remember trying the original NES Metal Gear with my cousin eons ago and... well... I feel asleep!. No, seriously, fucking game is a bore, I'm glad I played it as a curiosity after playing MGS on the PS1.

Now I'm wondering if they'll use the MSX version as a baseline or the shitty NES version.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
Pedro The Hutt said:
It's worth noting that this "Alien Swarm" engine is in fact the Source engine. Like any other Valve game released in the past ten years.
yeah i thought that too but i guess they are making the distinction that it will still be top down perspective


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Are the insides of the trucks still going to be fuck huge and basicly the size of the garage they are currently in or are they normal now?


New member
May 14, 2012
If I am not mistaken, the last screenshot shows an area from Metal Gear 2... could that mean that we get to see both original games in 3D?

Also, I wouldn't be surprised if they add voice-acting AND get Hayter to do Snake once again. But neither seems to be happening, I assume.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
That would be neat... if Metal Gear aged well at all and wasn't really poorly designed by today's standards...


New member
Dec 22, 2012
Metalrocks said:
if it comes out for pc on steam and its still for free, i might give it a try. never played any of the previous titles since i never saw them on pc. but obviously it turned out that there are copies for the pc but no shop sold them or keep telling me that there are no pc version of the game.
CriticalMiss said:
This is cool and if they are using a Valve engine does that mean it's heading to the PC? I'm slightly amazed that Konami actually gave them the go ahead though, but if they haven't already gotten around to remaking the games by now they probably never would have.

It only comes out for the PC, the team making it can't make any profit from it, and that isn't how consoles work, need to pay the kickback just to develop on them. Didn't you read the article?

The Feast

New member
Apr 5, 2013
Wishing that the Middle Earth Role Playing (MERP) mods for Skyrim receives the same treatment, but I guess Warner Bros are too paranoid for their own good.


New member
Feb 13, 2011
Honestly, it seems super odd to me that this was given the OK by Konami.

With the way things are going with the current Metal Gear Solid games, MGS 5 seems like it will chronologically take place right before Metal Gear. Then with that thought in mind, I'd expect the next Metal Gear Solid game to be complete remake of Metal Gear which would complete the loop.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Maxtro said:
Honestly, it seems super odd to me that this was given the OK by Konami.

With the way things are going with the current Metal Gear Solid games, MGS 5 seems like it will chronologically take place right before Metal Gear. Then with that thought in mind, I'd expect the next Metal Gear Solid game to be complete remake of Metal Gear which would complete the loop.
I doubt Konami would remake the original Metal Gear themselves if they are letting modders remake it. I'd think that they would do what Valve has done with certain mods and just hire the core modding team and release this updated Metal Gear game onto the next major collection of Metal Gear games on console. It'd be cheaper that way.

OP: Madly excited for this. Huge Metal Gear fan, and I hope this along with the recent success of Metal Gear Rising will have Konami thinking of porting the MGS series to the PC. A large bunch of Japanese titles have already done so lately which makes me happy as a PC gamer who grew up playing PS and Sega consoles. Power Stone, Yakuza, and Shadow of Rome on the PC would be dope.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
CriticalMiss said:
This is cool and if they are using a Valve engine does that mean it's heading to the PC? I'm slightly amazed that Konami actually gave them the go ahead though, but if they haven't already gotten around to remaking the games by now they probably never would have.
I'm assuming the free bit would mean it's PC only, I can't see Microsoft giving them a free release given their history with valve related products being free. Sony maybe, but I don't see it more than a smidging more likely.

I am really surprised Konami gave them the go ahead, not from a business perspective, because I can see this being something Kojima himself is interested in, but just that they're /not/ remaking the originals now that Metal Gear Solid 5 is on it's way, which as far as I'm aware will lead right up to Metal Gear 1, the loops closed! There's no more Metal Gear Solid games to be had!

I'd play the crap out of a prequel with The Boss and the Cobra Unit though.


New member
May 14, 2012
elvor0 said:
There's no more Metal Gear Solid games to be had!
People also said there can't be any between Peace Walker and the original Metal Gear. Cue MGSV (twice!). They also said there won't be any Metal Gear after MGS4. Hello Metal Gear Rising!
There can easily be even MGS2 and MGS4, showing (among other things) how Snake rescues Sunny.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Wasn't it Raiden and Boris who rescued Sunny though? I thought that was the original planned plot of Rising when it was still MGS: Rising.

Pedro The Hutt

New member
Apr 1, 2009
heroicbob said:
Pedro The Hutt said:
It's worth noting that this "Alien Swarm" engine is in fact the Source engine. Like any other Valve game released in the past ten years.
yeah i thought that too but i guess they are making the distinction that it will still be top down perspective
Well, by now Dota 2 should've made everyone aware that you can have the Source engine for games that aren't in the first person. But it's a point to make yes, but at the same time, Alien Swarm was only popular in the week/month that it came out, after that it kinda dropped off the face of the earth as Valve hasn't released any new content for it since.