Report: Apple to Ditch Headphone Jack for Future iPhones

Steven Bogos

The Taco Man
Jan 17, 2013
Report: Apple to Ditch Headphone Jack for Future iPhones

If you want to use non-proprietary headphones on future iPhones, it looks like you'll have to buy another adapter.

A rather disturbing rumor is surfacing regarding Apple's iPhone, that suggests that the tech giant may ditch the headphone jack in future revisions of the phone. If true, headphones on future iPhones would instead be plugged in to the proprietary "Lightning" jack on the phone, meaning that any non proprietary headphones would require users to purchase yet another adapter to use them.

This rumor comes following the earlier news that Apple bought Beats Audio [] for a fairly ludicrous $3 billion. It certainly makes sense for Apple to acquire a high-end headphone manufacturer, and then force all of its customers to either use it, or purchase a pricey adapter (for reference, the standard Lightning to 30-pin adapter costs $29).

The rumor was first reported by 9to5mac [], which has learnt that Apple submitted a specification to its MFi (Made For) licensing program for headphones which connect using the company's proprietary Lightning port instead of the standard 3.5mm jack. Reportedly, all it will take for the Lightning port to start accepting these new headphones is a firmware update.

As well as the obvious downsides, this update would come with some upsides. Piping audio through the Lightning port will enable a switch from analogue to digital audio with an exceedingly high lossless stereo 48 kHz digital output and mono 48 kHz digital input. The Lightning port would also allow headphones to perform more advanced functions over the standard lower/increase volume, end calls and skip tracks, such as cause a specific app to start when they are connected.

Source: Forbes []



New member
Jul 8, 2012
Does anyone else feel that the whole Apple VS Android thing is kinda like the whole Consoles VS PC? One keeps trying to lock you down and the other one finds new ways of being more adaptable and customizable?


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Well... that would be dumb.

Given that the majority of people aren't playing lossless audio through their audio players, it seems likely that most improvement in sound quality would largely be lost in translation. And while losing an $6 pair of earbuds is an inconvenience, if Apple's new headphones are priced on a par with typical current-day Beats products, losing or breaking them would be a freaking tragedy.

All well and good if they want to make such high-end audio an option, but if it's mandatory... Well, I hope Apple's fans aren't so blind in their loyalty that they stand for it, because frankly, it sounds downright abusive.

All this assuming, of course, that the rumor is true.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
Seems likely, I don't think it would negatively effect sales either.

Apple fans are hilariously loyal.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
Damn, it Apple! I'm already smug enough without you continually justifying my decision to avoid you like the plague.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Steven Bogos said:
If you want to use non-propitiatory headphones on future iPhones, it looks like you'll have to buy another adapter.
Why would anyone want to do that? My headphones have to atone for their sins every day or thunder and lightning follow me around just everywhere.

Seriously, Escapist? Spell-check can't help you if you use a correctly-spelled word in the wrong context. You have to read what you've written before posting it.

Anywho, this is ridiculous, and just makes me glad I've never jumped on the iPhone bandwagon. The sad thing is that Apple die-hards are going to look at this and, even if they think it's a problem, they've got so much money invested in their Apple gear that jumping ship and buying new apps all over again on another platform will be too painful.


Anas Charisma
Oct 17, 2007
Apple's core userbase might not be that bothered but I'm sure the European Union would have something to say about ditching a globally accepted standard in favour of their own proprietary solution. I also doubt bundling a free Lightning to earphone jack connector in Europe is going to cut it this time either. Their current Lightning to USB adaptor may be on borrowed time, the EU have a directive going through that would lead to all mobiles requiring a common charger without the need for adaptors or connectors.


New member
Jun 10, 2009
Welp... I'm never "upgrading" then. Fool me once into getting my iTunes Library all custom built to use towards a dependace, fool me twice, nope. I predict a sales tank, with just cause too.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Shaidz said:
Does anyone else feel that the whole Apple VS Android thing is kinda like the whole Consoles VS PC? One keeps trying to lock you down and the other one finds new ways of being more adaptable and customizable?
I dunno... that seems an incredibly gracious assessment. Google may have got in late to the "pointlessly dick our blindly loyal zealots for no rational reason than our corporate profit" game but fact is fact Google has done an amazing job of playing catch up. The more google as an entity moves toward "evil empire" territory, the more customer unfriendly design choices restricting users freedom in the name of towing the line to ensure not only their own profits, but the profit of tightly tied partners like HTC, Samsung, etc. rear their head.

On Topic: Apple announcing they are making a design choice that serves no purpose than milking their cash cows, and those cattle enjoying the milking a little too much really isn't news. Apple demands their customers abdicate more power to be greeted with elation and joyful anticipation really does not constitute news, perhaps a decade ago or more. If anything it would be newsworthy had apple hadn't had intention to manipulate and exploit their customers for once.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
I think the picture with the article is priceless. Oh Apple, you innovators. Soon you'll find out how to take our money without even offering a product or service in return!

Shamanic Rhythm

New member
Dec 6, 2009
I'm not even vaguely surprised. Apple have form in this regard, I had to purchase an adapter to use a HDMI cable with my MacBook.

John Tomasi

New member
Jan 6, 2013
Guess who's switching to android if this ends up being true?

If you guessed me, then you would be correct.

Atrocious Joystick

New member
May 5, 2011
What´s good about apple today anyway? The only thing special about their phones is the design and their computers are super expensive PCs that can do less stuff.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
wait... doesn't that mean you won't be able to charge it and listen to music at the same time because they use the same jack?
whatever, when my sub is up, I'm not getting another iPhone. I like this one, but they're getting a little too dictatorial for my tastes. I want one of those blockphone thingies :D


New member
Apr 7, 2011
It will be another greatest thing since sliced bread and the audio will be 100 times better than on anything else. Sorry cant say that with a straight face... But that will be what Apple fanboys will say and the Apple reviewers will say it as well on Cnet.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Steven Bogos said:
Piping audio through the Lightning port will enable a switch from analogue to digital audio with an exceedingly high lossless stereo 48 kHz digital output
It what?...

What the hell does "exceedingly high lossless" mean? If its lossless then it would be pointless to also say its exceedingly high quality, and thats the only thing I can think of that is a coherent interpretation.

It also doesnt make any sense anyway. At best you move the digital-to-analogue conversion from the iPhone to the headphones - generating a sound wave to send into your ears is an analogue process no matter how you look at it - and while Im not particular fan of the iPhone Id much rather have a $600 electronic device doing the processing than a $20 pair of earphones, or even my $200 headphones. Transmission loss over the headphone cable is pretty negligible.


New member
Jun 15, 2013
Sooo, will we now hear more smug comments from members of the Apple cult about how this is the best idea since the creation of the internet or something outrageous like that? Really though, how stupid is this idea? but then again most hardcore Apple fans and users will just be lining up outside for days waiting for this latest whatever. They wouldn't care either way.

*Sigh* Poor Humanity.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
So lets see;

Apple forced the new flat icons (everyone I know, which is more than a few, hates this change), the mail app is broken (well, buggy to the point of non-useable), and now they are forcing their loyal (lol, amiright?) customers to buy (more) over priced crap. You know what? Apple are just upset that people are buying cheap ear buds rather than the overpriced (and absurdly fragile) official Apple product.

Steve Jobs has rolled over in his grave so much, that he has drilled through the earth all the way to China.