Sony Makes It Easier for the Little Guys, Says Paradox CEO

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
Sony Makes It Easier for the Little Guys, Says Paradox CEO

The President and CEO of Paradox Interactive, makers of Europa Universalis, has gotten into bed with the PlayStation and it feels good.

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New member
Jul 9, 2012
Buckshaft said:
Incoming comments on purity of PC gaming being tainted are yet to be confirmed.
PC gaming purity has been polluted.

Sony make take our exclusives, but they'll never take our air of smug superiority!

On a slightly less silly note: For me PC gaming is as much about ridiculous discounts and being able to slack off on the machine I'm claiming I use to work as anything else. It's hard to pretend that 'No seriously, I'm going to get to work any minute now' when holding a controller for a machine dedicated to playing games.


New member
Jan 12, 2014
Falterfire said:
PC gaming purity has been polluted.

Sony make take our exclusives, but they'll never take our air of smug superiority!

On a slightly less silly note: For me PC gaming is as much about ridiculous discounts and being able to slack off on the machine I'm claiming I use to work as anything else. It's hard to pretend that 'No seriously, I'm going to get to work any minute now' when holding a controller for a machine dedicated to playing games.
Yeah, cause you're one of the alright ones. It's the overly-aggressive fucks with 300-dollar dong extending keyboards with names like peasant-slayer 3000 I'm worried about.

(In case any PC gamers read this, I am being facetious.)


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
Buckshaft said:
It's called a Plebeian-Eradicator GTX 500, and it's the only keyboard that compliments my Rad-X 52 gaming mouse with 50 macro keys and my obviously massive penis. God, it's ignorance like this that makes my blog so angry. I need to go have a drive in my hummer to cool me down.

OT: I'm not surprised that both of them are after the smaller studios now in full force. If it wasn't for the indie games, really neither console would have anything to play besides those big yearly released games, and even those you could get on your previous console. And yes, you can play them on your computer, but it's still more things that you can play, even if you can do it somewhere else. It's not a console seller, but it keeps me entertained at the very least while I wait for my reasons of buying a next gen console.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Buckshaft said:
Incoming comments on purity of PC gaming being tainted are yet to be confirmed.
Purity? My 780ti pumps so many pixels so fast it doesn't matter what the consoletards try to fling in the files, it will simply devour it all AND SHOW ONLY BEAUTY WHERE ONCE THERE WAS ONLY CODE!

And it will do it all at faster than sixty frames per second at all times.


New member
Jan 12, 2014
fix-the-spade said:
Buckshaft said:
Incoming comments on purity of PC gaming being tainted are yet to be confirmed.
Purity? My 780ti pumps so many pixels so fast it doesn't matter what the consoletards try to fling in the files, it will simply devour it all AND SHOW ONLY BEAUTY WHERE ONCE THERE WAS ONLY CODE!

And it will do it all at faster than sixty frames per second at all times.
'My name is PC Gaming, king of kings:
Look on my framerates, ye console peasants, and despair!'

-PC Bysshe Shelley


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
LaochEire said:
EU IV on my PS4? Oh my....

Think I'd be in heaven if that occurred.
Same here, I love quite a few Paradox games, Cities in Motion would do well on it as well. Smart move on their part backing Sony, I suspect the DRM side of the XBO gave them quite the cause for concern (assuming they were approached a few years back before the storm that arose).


Social Office Corridor
Mar 31, 2010
Buckshaft said:
Yeah, cause you're one of the alright ones. It's the overly-aggressive fucks with 300-dollar dong extending keyboards with names like peasant-slayer 3000 I'm worried about.

(In case any PC gamers read this, I am being facetious.)
I will say though. If they do invent a keyboard that can extend your penis, it'll sell for a lot more than 300 dollars.

Edit: Oh yeah, on topic.

Uh. That'd be cool. I enjoy the occasional Paradox game. And the ones I do enjoy (Mount and Blade) would probably translate well to consoles. Maybe would get Magicka on a console (whenever I finally get one) rather than on PC, because multiplayer on the same screen might be neat. I'd probably leave it at that though.

Not sure about their super detailed strategy sims like Hearts of Iron or EU or whatever. It would be tricky getting them to work on a console. And the market for RTSs on consoles is probably pretty slim pickings.

But yeah, Paradox are cool. Whatever makes them happy. Thumbs up. Big smile. Gold star.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
If a bigger potential market base was really one of the reasons why they sided with Sony, then they should have went with Xbox One. When Halo 5 comes out, mark my words, the market base will be there.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Greg Tito said:
The President and CEO of Paradox Interactive, makers of Europa Universalis, has gotten into bed with the PlayStation and it feels good.
it feels good being raped in the ass by Sony? whatever flaots your boat Paradox.

Now expect scaling back on controls, having modders fix the UI and other problems that happen when PC developers decide to optimize their games for consoles. and in a few years when that happens remmeber this post.

Buckshaft said:
'My name is PC Gaming, king of kings:
Look on my framerates, ye console peasants, and despair!'

-PC Bysshe Shelley
Creation of valve 4:14
Lord GabeN's bible.

Arnoxthe1 said:
If a bigger potential market base was really one of the reasons why they sided with Sony, then they should have went with Xbox One. When Halo 5 comes out, mark my words, the market base will be there.
can we also mark your word when you realize noone cares a bout HALO anymore?


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Buckshaft said:
Strazdas said:
...I was being facetious. I'm actually totally against this whole "WAHHH CONSOLE GAMERS RUIN IT FOR THE MASTER RACE" Bullshit.
i quoted a fictional bible of GabeN.... and you seriuosly thought i wasnt being facetious?


New member
Jan 12, 2014
Strazdas said:
i quoted a fictional bible of GabeN.... and you seriuosly thought i wasnt being facetious?

Edit: Lol, banhammrd


New member
Mar 1, 2014
They should be careful...but good news to see. I've only ever played their strategy games (playing one right now, ha), but maybe I'll pick up one of their other games as I'm more likely to "notice" it...that and I'll be getting it by way of PS+.