Shamus Young said:
The PC is the smallest part of the market and you're not obligated to go out of your way to make the PC version look any better than the other versions.
Actually, PC's status as being the small fry of mainstream gaming platforms is quite questionable now.
Consoles started big and ended big for the previous console generation but PC has only grown unchecked for that same period.
Apart from that, I'm in complete agreement thus far...
"While the mod in question may indeed offer improved visuals to some users, we want to stress that this isn't endorsed or supported by Ubisoft. The diverse configurations of PCs made it infeasible to test these settings in time for a concurrent launch with the other platforms."
A fair hypothetical statement, and one that's certainly better than what Ubisoft offered.
However, I'd counter this by pointing out that this "mod" was developed entirely by Ubisoft, and not a third party.
They just buried the option in the game config files.
Apart from that, the article is spot on.
Ubisoft lied openly and repeatedly about the issue because they are still stuck with having to choose between preserving the interests of the console giants, and acquiring revenue from the now-powerful PC platform.
In the previous generation they could perform whatever contemptible acts towards the PC market with impunity because console sales were powerful while PC was secondary at most. But that has changed. If Ubisoft wants to maximize their exposure they
must deal with PC now, even while their ingrained business philosophy dictates that they treat PC like shit.
Their statements, their repeated lies and PR doublespeak is simply the product of a business who is trying to double dip, once int a market they have close ties to, and again into a market they absolutely despise.
They just happened to get caught while doing so this time.
I pray that the gaming public makes a big deal out of this and kills more of the pre-order exploitation culture that makes this dishonest shit effective.
And to be clear, I'm not railing against consoles here, I'm railing against companies who use clumsily use consoles as leverage over the market like this.