Guillermo del Toro: Pacific Rim 2 "Very Different" From the First

Alex Co

New member
Dec 11, 2013
Guillermo del Toro: Pacific Rim 2 "Very Different" From the First

Director Guillermo del Toro reveals that he wants to make Pacific Rim 2 as "multicultural" as possible," and to make characters from many nationalities or gender "equal in the scope of the adventure."

Just last month, Director Guillermo del Toro and Legendary Pictures confirmed that Pacific Rim 2 is scheduled to hit theaters in April 7, 2017 []. While that might be a good three years from today, that hasn't stopped people from asking del Toro on his plans for the Kaiju-filled sequel. Speaking to the Wall Street Journal, del Toro was asked what fans can expect in Pacific Rim 2, and while he obviously can't divulge spoilers, he did let on that the two movies are "very different from each other."

We are three years away, so to spoil anything would be fantastically silly of me. What I can tell you: [screenwriter Zak Penn] and I really went in, we started with [screenwriter Travis Beacham] about a year and a half ago, kicking ideas back and forth. And, admittedly, I said to Zak, let's keep kicking ideas till we find one that really, really turns the first movie on its ear, so to speak. (...) It was hard to create a world that did not come from a comic book, that had its own mythology, so we had to sacrifice many aspects to be able to cram everything in the first movie. Namely, for example "the Drift," which was an interesting concept. [Then there was] this portal that ripped a hole into the fabric of our universe, what were the tools they were using? And we came up with a really, really interesting idea. I don't want to spoil it, but I think at the end of the second movie, people will find out that the two movies stand on their own. They're very different from each other, although hopefully bringing the same joyful giant spectacle. But the tenor of the two movies will be quite different.

In the same interview, del Toro was asked whether we should expect new characters in Pacific Rim 2. Short response? It's a yes.

I'm hoping to bring the same idea I had in the first movie, that was to make it multicultural and humanistic as much as possible, to make characters from many nationalities or gender, to make them equal in the scope of the adventure, in the day-to-day of the adventure. So, we're bringing a few characters that are new and hopefully doing good work managing those that survived the first movie. (laughs)

The famed director finishes by saying it takes nine months to design a movie like Pacific Rim 2; and adds that they are "creating some new jaegers and a lot of new kaiju" as well, with del Toro and the outfit set to start designing the production this August.

Source: SuperHeroHype []



New member
Jul 12, 2009
I take one movie at a time.
Next up is Guardians of the Galaxy, then something else and I guess a few more movies in between before I need to worry about this one :D
Still, liked the first one, hopefully this is as good, or even better :)


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
So you mean all the non-english speaking characters won't get killed off in the first fight this time?

Well, that's nice.


[small]Why yes, I am still bitter. The Russians had a nuclear power station on legs for a mech! The Chinese triplets drove one with three arms and buzzsaws! What kind of monster kills them off to make way for the boring-bot?![/small]

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
I might be alone in this but I think a prequel would have been better, the story was really well wrapped up at the end of Pacific Rim anyway. Having it set either in the early stages of the war with the first Jaegars or at the height of the war when they where losing would be exciting, a story about Pentecosts exploits in the MK Is would be cool.


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
So it is going to be a sequel then?

Thats the main thing I want to know at this point. Oh, and hopefully MORE MAKO PLEASE!!! The giant poster I have of her makes me have good dreams.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Kasual13 said:
I hope there will be a new Jaeger from the Japans named Jet Jaguar
If Jet Jaguar made an appearance, they need to use his Godzilla Unleashed theme music. He's like a pro wrestler.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
Well, the first movie had a giant mecha use a cargo ship as a bat to smack a giant monster in the face. I'd accept the giant mecha using the Eiffel Tower as a spear. Not sure if the dimensions work out, but it would still be awesome!

I'm with Honest Trailers, the movie had some dumb moments, but it was a lot of fun and had some great action. I left the theater happy and ready for more.

The new Jaegers would need to be powerful as we can expect Category 4 and 5 Kaiju to be the norm based on the last movie. Wasn't there someone who suggested a Pacific Rim crossover with Godzilla? Or did I make that up in a fever dream?


New member
Oct 5, 2009
I guess that means something like 5 more years until another Hellboy movie, if it does end up happening. Either way, I love del Toro's movies, and I'll be looking forward to any film he makes.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
I hope it either has more action or better story because while the action was great it did had a lot of talk in a movie that is very dumb (I dont mind it being dumb, how could it not be if its about giant robots versus giant monsters? But dont focus so much on the plot then).

Also I agree with the multicultural, it didnt even made much sense for all the other robots to die so easily and have the poor american robot underdog to be the one to kick every alien ass around.

Keiichi Morisato

New member
Nov 25, 2012
josemlopes said:
I hope it either has more action or better story because while the action was great it did had a lot of talk in a movie that is very dumb (I dont mind it being dumb, how could it not be if its about giant robots versus giant monsters? But dont focus so much on the plot then).

Also I agree with the multicultural, it didnt even made much sense for all the other robots to die so easily and have the poor american robot underdog to be the one to kick every alien ass around.
actually... there is a reason for why everyone else was taken out so quickly. remember when the one guy drifted with the Kaiju? well as Ron Pearlman's character explains, it's a two way street. they found out the weaknesses of those Jaegers, and the reason Gypsy Danger did well was because the knowledge they had about the Jaegers was the same as his, and he didn't know if Gypsy Danger was operational, so the aliens didn't know.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
Phrozenflame500 said:
Wonderful, maybe it will actually be a good movie then.
Didn't really expect to be ninja'd by the first post, well done.

Didn't quite enjoy the first one, so yeah, hope that it will turn out better than the first.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Pyrian said:
Zhukov said:
So you mean all the non-english speaking characters won't get killed off in the first fight this time?
IIRC, they all spoke better English than Mako.
Nah, the Russian woman says a few lines in both English and Russian. Russian dude says one or two lines in Russian. The Chinese trio say a couple lines in Chinese.

Then they all die.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Zhukov said:
So you mean all the non-english speaking characters won't get killed off in the first fight this time?

Well, that's nice.


[small]Why yes, I am still bitter. The Russians had a nuclear power station on legs for a mech! The Chinese triplets drove one with three arms and buzzsaws! What kind of monster kills them off to make way for the boring-bot?![/small]
Finally, someone else who gets it. I was so disappointed in that part. And to make it even worse, they are both taken out by the same monster. I thought these were supposed to be the best pilots in the world, and they got stomped straight away.

Here's hoping that these new pilots and their Jaegers actually get to stick around for the whole movie and be useful. Because that's what I want to see. I wanted to see a three on three battle, and instead I got...that.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
So... Are we talking about being "very difference" like comparing the first Pirates movie and Pirates 3: At World's End or being "very difference" like comparing the original Tron movie to Tron Legacy?

Either way, I'm just pumped just thinking about the new possible Kaiju/Jaeger designs... and then some...

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009
What? A Hollywood sequel that isn't just the same movie again? Del Toro, you're such a crazy dreamer.