Marvel's Russell Dauterman Shows Off Thor Odinson's New Look

Blackwell Stith

See You Space Cowboy ...
Jun 28, 2014
Marvel's Russell Dauterman Shows Off Thor Odinson's New Look

Thor, Prince of Asgard, has ditched his legendary winged helmet, cape, and armor for slacks, and a cloak. His left arm has also been replaced by a mechanical one.

Now that the God of Thunder has been deemed unworthy to wield his mythical hammer Mjolnir, Thor Odinson has undergone somewhat of a makeover. Today, Russell Dauterman (the upcoming artist for Marvel's monthly Thor title) posted some character sketches of Odinson's radical new look, as well as new art for the new female Thor [].

"Did these as I was starting work on the book," Dauterman wrote on his Tumblr []. "The costumes were designed before I came on board (by the great Esad Ribic, I believe), but here's my take on them."

Last week in an interview with Comic Book Resources, Thor writer Jason Aaron had high praise for Dauterman, who will replace notable artist Esad Ribic on the title. "I like the fact that Russell's work feels a little more sci-fi and maybe a little more Kirby," he said. "I think this is a brighter, poppier, more Kirby book, which makes sense in that it's a brand-new version of Thor; a Thor who has just kind of come into this world and is seeing it through different eyes. I really like that part of it. I'm excited to see what Russell does on it."

He also assured that the Asgardian prince, who is getting his own title come October, would still have a valuable role to play in the Marvel universe.

What do you think of Thor Odinson's new look? Plan on reading his solo title in October? Let us know in the comments!

Source: Tumblr []




Hingle McCringleberry
Dec 4, 2012
This is going to make me so confused... so Thor isn't Thor any more and there's a new Thor called Thor but Thor is still called Thor even though he's not Thor? Two Thors? Or more Thors? Boy that makes my head Thor- er sore... I mean it's insulting to call her Thorina but does she have to be called Thor at all? I mean Beta Ray Bill is Beta Ray Bill and he's worthy to wield Mjolnir (mewmew) and has when Thor's been out of commission, but the haven't called him Thor. There are plenty of cool Norse names you could name the new God(dess?) of Thunder- Skadi comes to mind, as does Sigyn- actually Sigyn would make an awesome new "Thor" If I turn out to be right you heard it here first.

Captcha: usual suspects (or you could call her Keyser Soze)


Unequivocal Fan Favorite
Nov 30, 2009
Thor Odinson and Thor, God of Thunder are not necessarily one and the same in the Marvel comics universe. This is literally the full extent of the complication this change implies.

If this somehow actually confuses you, and you don't just have the vapours over a change to the status quo that you don't like, then I'm not sure how you've managed to deal with with the last 60-odd years of comics (dis)continuity.



New member
Dec 3, 2011
Maybe he'll just go by "Mr. Odinson". And every time there's a thunderstorm, he'll look up and sigh wistfully.

"Did I ever tell you I used to -"
"Yeah, Odinson, you mentioned it once or twice. Those TPS reports done yet?"

Dire Trout

New member
Jan 6, 2014
Kuredan said:
This is going to make me so confused.
I don't think it's confusing, personally--it's just stupid. Thor is the character's name, not his title. This is like if Marvel announced that the Falcon was becoming Steve Rogers instead of Captain America. There's absolutely no chance that this is going to stick, of course; the smart money says that Dude Thor will get the hammer back just in time for his third movie.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Those are some nice designs, I like the look of both, but I don't know how I like the girls face being covered like it is. I know Thor had a similar look going back into the 80's, but it's just not a good look, then or now.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
So, basically, "Odinson" looks like the old character "Thunderstrike." Also, "Thor" the woman and "Thor Odinson" aren't going to get confused...nope...not at all...


Aka Corporal Yakob
Dec 5, 2013
ThatDarnCoyote said:
Maybe he'll just go by "Mr. Odinson". And every time there's a thunderstorm, he'll look up and sigh wistfully.

"Did I ever tell you I used to -"
"Yeah, Odinson, you mentioned it once or twice. Those TPS reports done yet?"
He'll take to twirling one of those squeaky hammers and then crying himself to sleep.


Both designs look snazzy enough to me, but considering I don't read the comics that doesn't really matter. Was Thor Dudeson not found worthy of wearing shirts as well or is this design just the typical shirtless look of the angsty comic character?


Unequivocal Fan Favorite
Nov 30, 2009
Dire Trout said:
Kuredan said:
This is going to make me so confused.
I don't think it's confusing, personally--it's just stupid. Thor is the character's name, not his title. This is like if Marvel announced that the Falcon was becoming Steve Rogers instead of Captain America. There's absolutely no chance that this is going to stick, of course; the smart money says that Dude Thor will get the hammer back just in time for his third movie.
Except it's not like that, because "Thor" is a channeled persona in marvel comics, and there have been no less than four previous human beings that have become Thor in the past- they were all just white dudes so no one noticed or cared.



New member
Aug 5, 2007
I am deeply offended by all of this. I cannot believe how insensitive Marvel is. I mean, consider the following:

a) The blatant cultural appropriation of a major Nordic deity by American consumerism. Followed by said deity's emasculation by stripping him of his ancestral name and title.

b) Equally horrifing is the equally blatant objectification of the male form. There is no reason to portray Thor's naked upper body. His perfect ABS may act as a trigger for many vulnerable teenagers, already unhappy with their bodies.

All of this is quite shocking, really...


Hingle McCringleberry
Dec 4, 2012
Matt_LRR said:
Thor Odinson and Thor, God of Thunder are not necessarily one and the same in the Marvel comics universe. This is literally the full extent of the complication this change implies.

If this somehow actually confuses you, and you don't just have the vapours over a change to the status quo that you don't like, then I'm not sure how you've managed to deal with with the last 60-odd years of comics (dis)continuity.

I'm fine with a female Thor, so please don't project misogyny on me, but I didn't know Thor "Odinson" would still be in the comics until I saw the article and attached imagery. I guess I was surprised they left his name Thor at all if that was just his title and that they would keep him in the new series. It begs the question: "Who is Thor without his title?" and perhaps the comic will explore that as well origin of the new Thor, who I still maintain might be Sigyn. From what I looked up she kinda looks like new Thor and it would be interesting to have Loki's wife as the new Thor.

On an unrelated note, I wonder how Thor lost his arm. Was it Jörmungandr? Robothor has a nice ring to it in any case.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Kuredan said:
This is going to make me so confused... so Thor isn't Thor any more and there's a new Thor called Thor but Thor is still called Thor even though he's not Thor? Two Thors? Or more Thors? Boy that makes my head Thor- er sore... I mean it's insulting to call her Thorina but does she have to be called Thor at all? I mean Beta Ray Bill is Beta Ray Bill and he's worthy to wield Mjolnir (mewmew) and has when Thor's been out of commission, but the haven't called him Thor. There are plenty of cool Norse names you could name the new God(dess?) of Thunder- Skadi comes to mind, as does Sigyn- actually Sigyn would make an awesome new "Thor" If I turn out to be right you heard it here first.

Captcha: usual suspects (or you could call her Keyser Soze)
Before he was Thunderstike, Eric Masterson was called Thor. Both as someone fused with him and then someone who took over for him.

More to the point:

Matt_LRR said:
Thor Odinson and Thor, God of Thunder are not necessarily one and the same in the Marvel comics universe. This is literally the full extent of the complication this change implies.

Matt_LRR said:
Except it's not like that, because "Thor" is a channeled persona in marvel comics, and there have been no less than four previous human beings that have become Thor in the past- they were all just white dudes so no one noticed or cared.

Dire Trout said:
I don't think it's confusing, personally--it's just stupid. Thor is the character's name, not his title.
Not according to Marvel.


New member
May 6, 2013
Even when they make a relatively bad ass female design, they can't resist the urge to have her stand around with her hips swayed awkwardly.


New member
Jan 21, 2014
So Thor's new design is basically 90s Aquaman with a slightly different prosthetic? Ok then.

I still say it's kind of sad to know this whole stunt is more a temporary change for attention than a genuine stab at more inclusion.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I love how Thor suddenly is "Odinson".
Yes, yes, I'm sure he's called that in the comics or something.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
I'm getting Aquaman vibes from that prosthetic arm. Make of that what you will.

Matt_LRR said:
Thor Odinson and Thor, God of Thunder are not necessarily one and the same in the Marvel comics universe. This is literally the full extent of the complication this change implies.

If this somehow actually confuses you, and you don't just have the vapours over a change to the status quo that you don't like, then I'm not sure how you've managed to deal with with the last 60-odd years of comics (dis)continuity.

You're assuming, of course, that some of us have even bothered to. You gotta admit this stuff is hard to wrap one's head around if you're a newcomer:

"Okay, there's this superhero called Thor...well actually there's been multiple guys given the 'Thor' persona...well actually the latest guy is a girl (who's still called 'Thor')...well actually the last Thor is still around and named Thor, even though he's not 'Thor' anymore..."

There's a reason why MovieBob tends to preface this stuff with "COMICS...ARE...WEEEEIIIIRRRD!" I'm also going to assume it's the reason why most of these retcons have never made it into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. They have to keep it accessible enough for John and Jane Q. Public to grasp what's going on.

Let's face it, if this stuff is hard to follow for a guy who likes Star Trek, then it's one hell of a rabbit hole. Sometimes I think comics take a perverse pleasure in making things convoluted.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
All Thor needs now is a big ass two handed sword, some plate armor, one less eye and a hair cut and he'll be a dead ringer for Ol' Guts here:

...OK, anyone else actually kind of want to see that happen now, or is it just me?


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
What, exactly, did Thor do to lose Mjolnir? I mean, fine, a chick gets to wield it now, but what happened? Also, why the robotic arm?


New member
May 19, 2011
The mantle of 'Thor' can be transferred into another bulky white guy else while he's missing, and it's fine. Thor can have his mantle transferred to an Alien Robot Horse, have his dad want the two Thors to fight to the death, and no problem. Thor can be dual inhabited in an *Inch High Frog* (and STILL IS by the way) and no one causes a fuss about there being two Thors.

But a Thor that's Female?