Thai Government Bans Tropico 5: 'Threat to National Security'


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Thai Government Bans Tropico 5: 'Threat to National Security'

Kalypso Media doesn't intend to contest the ban.

Your Magnificence, I bring news from far-off lands! It would appear that certain aspects of your latest autobiog ... *ahem* fictionalized computer game history of our beloved Tropico has been causing concern in a place called Thailand. The Thai Culture Ministry has issued a ban! A BAN! Although the third and fourth portions of your autobi ... I do beg your pardon, Magnificence ... of the Tropico series were beloved in this far-off Thailand, Tropico 5 [] has been deemed to be detrimental to the country's security. Should I imprison someone, Magnificence?

According to a statement from New Era Thailand marketing manager Nonglak Sahavattanapong, Tropico 5 has fallen foul of the censor because "some part of its content might affect peace and order in the country." The current Thai government is a military junta, which seized control in May this year []; it was the 19th coup in 82 years. Tropico, as devoted fans will recall, allows the player to control the media and crush all opposition as an iron-fisted dictator.

Even before the May coup, the Thai government was notoriously difficult to deal with, cracking down on anything it deemed immoral, pornographic or critical of the government. In 2012, it banned a Thai adaptation of Macbeth [], claiming it could cause divisiveness among the people.

"Actually it's a good game with positive reviews," Nonglak said in a statement. "We've had licenses to distribute Tropico 3 and 4 before, but in the fifth installment, the story line has developed further and there might be some part of it that's not appropriate in the current situation."

According to Nonglak, Kalypso doesn't intend to contest the ban.

Source: AP []



New member
Nov 12, 2009
*sigh* It's shit like this that remind me that maybe it's not so bad living in America after all.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Funny, I would've thought this was going to be how they react in Cuba over these things.


New member
May 11, 2009
Is it the threat of riots from their awful DLC policy that "might affect peace and order in the country"?

Yeah, I got nothing. The game obviously has a sense of humor about the whole situation, but apparently that was lost on the censors.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
What? Do they think people are going to use the game to plot to overthrow their government? ...kinda like they did?


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Oh dear, and here I am visiting Thailand with Tropico 5 installed on me laptop. Any minute now the MP's will be breaking down my door!


New member
Oct 5, 2009
FalloutJack said:
Funny, I would've thought this was going to be how they react in Cuba over these things.
I'm reasonably sure they can't run this game. I did some looking around a little while ago, looking at the state of video games in Cuba, and based on what I saw, it's somewhere around 2001 level of graphics. I don't think they can actually play this. I may be wrong though, but I'd still assume the majority of people in Cuba can't afford expensive computers.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
redisforever said:
FalloutJack said:
Funny, I would've thought this was going to be how they react in Cuba over these things.
I'm reasonably sure they can't run this game. I did some looking around a little while ago, looking at the state of video games in Cuba, and based on what I saw, it's somewhere around 2001 level of graphics. I don't think they can actually play this. I may be wrong though, but I'd still assume the majority of people in Cuba can't afford expensive computers.
Ten years from now, they'll be able to run the right computers, and then go "HEY!".

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Which part of the game do you feel is a threat to "national security" compared to the others? This game just covers more eras of colonialism, starting with "second wave" 19th century industrial colonialism to the modern day. Are you really expecting people to learn rebel tactics from a game like this?

Thailand has a LOT of coups to take notes from, even yours.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Th37thTrump3t said:
*sigh* It's shit like this that remind me that maybe it's not so bad living in America after all.
Yeah. But Americans only have the illusion of freedom. They give you just enough to think that you're free, when the reality is that you're being used much like a product. They feed you with ideas that hard work is a virtue and shit like that and then they take your productivity and give it to themselves and CEO's. Average worker productivity in the US has increased tenfold in the past couple of decades but almost all of the benefits have gone to the top 1%. Then the politicians take your tax dollars to fund wars and kill your loved ones and meanwhile they give tax cuts to the rich who also happen to benefit from those wars.
But the illusion is necessary. And it works. A lot of Americans know that it's an illusion. Maybe not consciously, but they feel it deep down. They depend on it just as much as the top 1%. They're addicted to it. It is their way of life. And others are blind. They still believe in the American Dream. It's one of the greatest lies ever told. And without it the whole system would collapse.

Someone Depressing

New member
Jan 16, 2011
That reminds me...

How is Korea doing, what with all of that "Because of Seth Rogen, we're gonna invade you" business over that crappy film that's coming out. Or has it already? I don't know, is it a comedy.

Anyone know anything about that?


New member
Jan 14, 2012
What's this? I always thought Tropico was a racing game. What's this about it being about the media?

Seriously, I've been told it was a racing game, and I despise all racing games that don't start with "Mario" and end with "Kart." So I never really looked into it. This sounds really interesting.


Will fight you and lose
Mar 27, 2010
Censorship is like an award. It says your media is powerful enough to convey a message.


New member
Jul 3, 2014
Guess the royal family looks up to North Korea a lot.
You can't criticise them now, soon you'll have to thank Jim for them.

... 19 coups in 82 years... that's roughly 1 every 4 years... are you sure that "coup" doesn't actually mean "election" in Thai?