True Blood Review: We Didn't See That One Coming


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Aug 15, 2013
True Blood Review: We Didn't See That One Coming

The threads of season 7 are wrapping up, but that doesn't mean True Blood doesn't have any more surprises in store.

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Reprogrammed Spambot
Nov 24, 2012
This episode was kinda a mixed bag. YAY Eric is cured, BOO Gus wants to stretch the cure as thinly as possible. I suspect Eric will find ways to stretch Gus as thinly as possible in the last 2 episodes - that's a thread that is ripe for the plucking. And Bill refuses to drink. Well that's just great. One would think that he could have a single drop to cure himself, then have his existential crisis in much the same way Godric did - fast until his body adjusts and no longer requires sustenance. Perfect ending if ever there was one but I don't think that's where this is going. Oh and Violet got surprise-splatted. I wonder if there's some way that Jason could inherit her mansion, cuz it's niiiiice. And finally Tara gets her closure. I'm glad this wasn't glossed over and that she left the show in a meaningful way, not just as a pool on the ground.