Rumor: Wesley Snipes to Return as Blade?


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Rumor: Wesley Snipes to Return as Blade?

NY Daily News claims Wesley Snipes will return to his iconic Marvel vampire-hunter franchise

It's easy to forget, but before Blade. [] Wesley Snipes played the title character in three theatrical features, the first two of which were box-office hits, providing a surprise career-resurgence that was cut short by his arrest and imprisonment for income tax evasion in 2006.

Now, the NY Daily News' "Confidenti@l" it was reported [] that Marvel does indeed have a preliminary script for a new Blade feature, though it's unclear whether said script is for a new version of the character or a continuation of the previous series.

Introduced in the pages Marvel's Tomb of Dracula #10 in 1973, Blade (real name: 90s Spider-Man cartoon [] and the Snipes films elevated him to one of the more prominently-known African-American superheroes.

There has been no comment from Marvel Studios, Disney or Snipes as to the veracity of the report - which also claims that Snipes stands to earn a $3 million payday for the role along with a share of the profits.

Source: NY Daily News []



New member
Aug 18, 2009



Get on that Marvel. I Want to see the shit out of that. The Blade movies were the shit when I was a kid. Shame about Trinity though.


Reprogrammed Spambot
Nov 24, 2012
I would definitely approve of this, so long as whoever scripted the 3rd movie is not involved. More Guillermo Del Toro. With his weird sensibilities for the surreal, his style, as shown in Blade 2, could be a better fit for integrating Blade as a character into the MCU somehow. It certainly worked for the Hellboy movies.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
I hope the years haven't dulled his edge. I really enjoyed his sharp performance in the previous films.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
Jandau said:
I hope the years haven't dulled his edge. I really enjoyed his sharp performance in the previous films.
He's done around a dozen or so low...budget?talent? action movies, that's about it. And according to Doug Walker, there's only been like three that have been absolutely bad because of his performance. He's kept himself in really good shape too considering how long he's been working.

In any case, I'm really looking forward to him returning, I'm not sure there's another actor that can be Blade as well as he did it. Now we just gotta get Kristofferson back too...

ZeroAxis said:
Let's get him warmed up with a cameo on "Agents of Shield" :p
Oh dear...just imagine it...Colson/May and Blade...


New member
Jan 28, 2013
Remus said:
I would definitely approve of this, so long as whoever scripted the 3rd movie is not involved.
David S. Goyer wrote the scripts for all three films so make of that what you will.

The third film (to me) always reeked of Production/Warner Bros interference.

I think studios need to start realizing the earning potential of R18+ rated comic flicks. Hopefully if this has as much traction as is being reported, and it does well, it might pave the way for a proper Deadpool film.


New member
May 14, 2012
Well, he probably would be the primary choice for a new Blade Movie. He and the movies did kind of re-define Blade as a character (as before the movies, he was just a normal human in the comics, not a half-vampire.)

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Blade movies were freakin' awesome. But I hope new Blade doesn't have anything to do with the MCU. Vampires just wouldn't fit IMO.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Is he too old for the part maybe? I liked the first movie, second was... horrible (the cg fight scene in front of the lights, ugh), didn't bother with the third, mostly because of Ryan Reynolds.

I doubt he will be included as part of the MCU, he had nothing to do with the Avengers, apart from his peripheral involvement in Civil War.


Ate My Neighbors
Oct 10, 2007
Since Marvel has the rights to Ghost Rider back as well, maybe we could finally get a big screen version of Midnight Sons?

Anyway, since he's already played a role opposite Sylvester Stallone, I think it's obvious what movie they NEED to be making, a long awaited sequel to Demolition Man. Which, all kidding aside, I do truly love despite it's baked in silliness.

Be well!


Lono Shrugged

New member
May 7, 2009
Guess he needs the money.

I would be surprised if they bring him back after the nightmare shoot that was Blade Trinity. Remember? The film that was going to set up a spin off franchise? Here is a great interview with Patton Oswalt from the AV club:

AV Club said:
PO: Oh, Christ. That was the third Blade movie. And there?s a scene where Blade goes in and confronts this guy for harvesting humans. That scene was supposed to be the whole basis of the film. Blade is fighting for the last shred of humanity. But they thought that it was just so fucking grim, so they decided to just have Blade fighting Dracula. It was just one of those; it was a very troubled production. Wesley [Snipes] was just fucking crazy in a hilarious way. He wouldn?t come out of his trailer, and he would smoke weed all day. Which is fine with me, because I had all these DVDs that I wanted to catch up on. We were in Vancouver, and it was always raining. I kept the door to my trailer open to smell the evening rain while I was watching a movie. Then I remember one day on the set?they let everyone pick their own clothes?there was one black actor who was also kind of a club kid. And he wore this shirt with the word ?Garbage? on it in big stylish letters. It was his shirt. And Wesley came down to the set, which he only did for close-ups. Everything else was done by his stand-in. I only did one scene with him. But he comes on and goes, ?There?s only one other black guy in the movie, and you make him wear a shirt that says ?Garbage?? You racist ************!?

And he tried to strangle the director, David Goyer. So later that night, Ron Perlman was in the city. Everyone who makes movies in Vancouver stays in the same hotel. It?s like an episode of The Love Boat. Every time the elevator stops, you?ve got a different celebrity getting on. Like, [announcer voice] ?Hey, now we?ve got Danny Glover!? So we went out that night to some strip club, and we were all drinking. And there were a bunch of bikers there, so David says to them, ?I?ll pay for all your drinks if you show up to set tomorrow and pretend to be my security.? Wesley freaked out and went back to his trailer. [Laughs.] And the next day, Wesley sat down with David and was like, ?I think you need to quit. You?re detrimental to this movie.? And David was like, ?Why don?t you quit? We?ve got all your close-ups, and we could shoot the rest with your stand-in.? And that freaked Wesley out so much that, for the rest of the production, he would only communicate with the director through Post-it notes. And he would sign each Post-it note ?From Blade.? [Laughs.]

AVC: There?s a rumor that he tried to stay in character the entire shoot.

PO: Oh yeah, he did. When I met him I was like, ?Hi!? And he was like, ?I?m Blade.? And also, Natasha Lyonne was on that set, and she was going through some kind of mental breakdown. Wesley is all boundaries, and she has no boundaries. She played a blind computer expert. So the first scene they had together, she put her hand right on his face, and he just recoiled. It was awesome.

AVC: If you were trying to be in character all the time as a vampire killer, being high all the time might not help.

PO: A lot of the lines that Ryan Reynolds has were just a result of Wesley not being there. We would all just think of things for him to say and then cut to Wesley?s face not doing anything because that?s all we could get from him. It was kind of funny. We were like, ?What are the worst jokes and puns that we can say to this guy?? And then it would just be his face going, ?Mmm.? ?Smiles are contagious.? It?s so, so dumb. [Laughs.] That was an example of a very troubled shoot that we made fun. You have to find a way to make it fun.

AVC: In a weird sort of way, it sounds like Wesley Snipes united the production against himself. Everyone had a common enemy.

PO: Everyone was just like, ?This is going to be such a great story.? I?m in this business for two reasons: the money and the anecdotes. That?s all I want. I either want to do the best films or the fucking worst films. I don?t want to do the ?eh? film.

AVC: Well, the second Blade movie is great.

PO: Yeah, the first Blade is fucking genius. That, more than anything, is what really put forth the idea of vampires as exclusive, high-tier night-clubbers who are young and beautiful forever. They took that idea done clumsily in Lost Boys and really made it amazing.

Wesley Snipes sounds like a fucking tool...


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
ZZoMBiE13 said:
If Marvel could get the rights to Ghost Rider back as well
They did. The only characters they don't own the rights to are x-men, mutants in general, Fantastic 4, Spider man and Namor. There are a few where the lawyers would be needed to determine whose they are (such as Alpha Flight) but Ghost Rider's rights fell back to Marvel some time ago.


Ate My Neighbors
Oct 10, 2007
Zontar said:
ZZoMBiE13 said:
If Marvel could get the rights to Ghost Rider back as well
They did. The only characters they don't own the rights to are x-men, mutants in general, Fantastic 4, Spider man and Namor. There are a few where the lawyers would be needed to determine whose they are (such as Alpha Flight) but Ghost Rider's rights fell back to Marvel some time ago.
I thought I read that they had, but I couldn't recall for sure. And didn't want to try looking it up. Figured it was better to err on the side of caution. Thanks for the clarification.

That's actually good to know. GR is a long time favorite of mine.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Lono Shrugged said:
Guess he needs the money.

I would be surprised if they bring him back after the nightmare shoot that was Blade Trinity. Remember? The film that was going to set up a spin off franchise? Here is a great interview with Patton Oswalt from the AV club:

AV Club said:
PO: Oh, Christ. That was the third Blade movie. And there?s a scene where Blade goes in and confronts this guy for harvesting humans. That scene was supposed to be the whole basis of the film. Blade is fighting for the last shred of humanity. But they thought that it was just so fucking grim, so they decided to just have Blade fighting Dracula. It was just one of those; it was a very troubled production. Wesley [Snipes] was just fucking crazy in a hilarious way. He wouldn?t come out of his trailer, and he would smoke weed all day. Which is fine with me, because I had all these DVDs that I wanted to catch up on. We were in Vancouver, and it was always raining. I kept the door to my trailer open to smell the evening rain while I was watching a movie. Then I remember one day on the set?they let everyone pick their own clothes?there was one black actor who was also kind of a club kid. And he wore this shirt with the word ?Garbage? on it in big stylish letters. It was his shirt. And Wesley came down to the set, which he only did for close-ups. Everything else was done by his stand-in. I only did one scene with him. But he comes on and goes, ?There?s only one other black guy in the movie, and you make him wear a shirt that says ?Garbage?? You racist ************!?

And he tried to strangle the director, David Goyer. So later that night, Ron Perlman was in the city. Everyone who makes movies in Vancouver stays in the same hotel. It?s like an episode of The Love Boat. Every time the elevator stops, you?ve got a different celebrity getting on. Like, [announcer voice] ?Hey, now we?ve got Danny Glover!? So we went out that night to some strip club, and we were all drinking. And there were a bunch of bikers there, so David says to them, ?I?ll pay for all your drinks if you show up to set tomorrow and pretend to be my security.? Wesley freaked out and went back to his trailer. [Laughs.] And the next day, Wesley sat down with David and was like, ?I think you need to quit. You?re detrimental to this movie.? And David was like, ?Why don?t you quit? We?ve got all your close-ups, and we could shoot the rest with your stand-in.? And that freaked Wesley out so much that, for the rest of the production, he would only communicate with the director through Post-it notes. And he would sign each Post-it note ?From Blade.? [Laughs.]

AVC: There?s a rumor that he tried to stay in character the entire shoot.

PO: Oh yeah, he did. When I met him I was like, ?Hi!? And he was like, ?I?m Blade.? And also, Natasha Lyonne was on that set, and she was going through some kind of mental breakdown. Wesley is all boundaries, and she has no boundaries. She played a blind computer expert. So the first scene they had together, she put her hand right on his face, and he just recoiled. It was awesome.

AVC: If you were trying to be in character all the time as a vampire killer, being high all the time might not help.

PO: A lot of the lines that Ryan Reynolds has were just a result of Wesley not being there. We would all just think of things for him to say and then cut to Wesley?s face not doing anything because that?s all we could get from him. It was kind of funny. We were like, ?What are the worst jokes and puns that we can say to this guy?? And then it would just be his face going, ?Mmm.? ?Smiles are contagious.? It?s so, so dumb. [Laughs.] That was an example of a very troubled shoot that we made fun. You have to find a way to make it fun.

AVC: In a weird sort of way, it sounds like Wesley Snipes united the production against himself. Everyone had a common enemy.

PO: Everyone was just like, ?This is going to be such a great story.? I?m in this business for two reasons: the money and the anecdotes. That?s all I want. I either want to do the best films or the fucking worst films. I don?t want to do the ?eh? film.

AVC: Well, the second Blade movie is great.

PO: Yeah, the first Blade is fucking genius. That, more than anything, is what really put forth the idea of vampires as exclusive, high-tier night-clubbers who are young and beautiful forever. They took that idea done clumsily in Lost Boys and really made it amazing.

Wesley Snipes sounds like a fucking tool...
Either that or he is a hardcore method actor like Val Kilmer and Marlon Brando.

Lono Shrugged

New member
May 7, 2009
Darks63 said:
Val Kilmer and Marlon Brando were both notorious for being tough to work with, and both had their fair share of stinkers. I know a few method actors and some of them are tools, and their fellow actors think they are tools.

Also I quite like this line "AVC: If you were trying to be in character all the time as a vampire killer, being high all the time might not help."


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Eh, Blade 3 was appalling rubbish.

However, Blade as a series unkilled the superhero movie, which had died with Batman and Robin and other not well regarded movies,

But, eh, they are unlikely to make a movie about a black superhero, that sort of thing just doesn't happen, especially when it does.


Mandatory Madness!
Aug 31, 2010
I dunno, I think they could drag Blade into the MCU if they branch it off. A Cosmic movie route (GotG, Captain Marvel, etc), a regular line (Advengers, Iron Man etc), and a Dark line (Blade, Punisher, Ghostrider, Dr. Strange, Man-Thing)that touch each other, but can follow their own thing once the Infinity stuff is out of the way. Especially since that'd open up their ability to really flush out their world instead of just following the main four or five characters over and over.

youji itami

New member
Jun 1, 2014
ZZoMBiE13 said:
If Marvel could get the rights to Ghost Rider back as well, maybe we could finally get a big screen version of Midnight Sons?

Anyway, since he's already played a role opposite Sylvester Stallone, I think it's obvious what movie they NEED to be making, a long awaited sequel to Demolition Man. Which, all kidding aside, I do truly love despite it's baked in silliness.

Be well!

Marvel do have the rights to Ghost Rider, Sony gave them up after the 2nd one bombed.