Fox Planning Minority Report TV Sequel


New member
May 20, 2014
Fox Planning Minority Report TV Sequel

If you've been waiting for a Minority Report sequel, your wait is nearly over. Probably.

Whether you're familiar with bring Minority Report back to life with a TV series sequel [] written by Godzilla scribe Max Borenstein. Fox has just put money down on a put pilot for the series, which means we're one step closer to actually seeing this on screen. And for those not up on their Hollywood slang, this means Fox will either air the pilot or pay a hefty penalty -- so we're likely to see at least a one episode of this futuristic neo-noir drama.

The TV show will be set 10 years after the original movie and will show a former precog -- who used to predict crime before it happened, so the cops could step in to stop it -- trying to live a normal life, but still haunted by visions of the future. And, because this is TV, she teams up with a detective to fight crime find a purpose for her gift. So think future police procedural -- kind of like Fox's recently canceled Almost Human, but with precognition added in.

Because we aren't precognizant ourselves, additional details are scarce on the series-to-be. We don't have a set air date, though we can say we're likely see the show on Fox in the future... unless Fox thinks the pilot is so bad it would rather pay a fine than air it.

Source: Deadline []


Steve the Pocket

New member
Mar 30, 2009
harpere said:
The TV show will be set 10 years after the original movie and will show a former precog -- who used to predict crime before it happened, so the cops could step in to stop it -- trying to live a normal life, but still haunted by visions of the future. And, because this is TV, she teams up with a detective to fight crime find a purpose for her gift. So think future police procedural -- kind of like Fox's recently canceled Almost Human, but with precognition added in.
Or like Person of Interest or Early Edition, only with almost nothing different at all.


New member
Jan 28, 2013
They shouldn't have cancelled Almost Human in the first place.

Had a great cast, good buddy-cop chemistry between the leads, very grounded but still cool sci-fi setting.
Lots of potential.

I'm actually surprised Fox is throwing money at yet another sci-fi series considering their track record for cancelling them after 1-2 seasons.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Judging by how they treat their other sci-fi tv shows: This is going to be brilliant, and then canceled after one season


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
So...let me get this straight.

Almost Human gets CANNED.
But a TV equal to a MEDIOCRE film gets green-lit?


Smiley Face

New member
Jan 17, 2012
ron1n said:
They shouldn't have cancelled Almost Human in the first place.

Had a great cast, good buddy-cop chemistry between the leads, very grounded but still cool sci-fi setting.
Lots of potential.

I'm actually surprised Fox is throwing money at yet another sci-fi series considering their track record for cancelling them after 1-2 seasons.
Tanis said:
So...let me get this straight.

Almost Human gets CANNED.
But a TV equal to a MEDIOCRE film gets green-lit?

Thoroughly agreed. And given their track record with these things, I think it's better than even odds that this goes the exact same way - one 13-episode season, decent-good quality but canned due to thorough mismanagement on Fox's side. It truly baffles me how they've been doing things this way for SO LONG. Are they just that incompetent? Or does it make some twisted kind of business sense to keep creating lovely sci-fi gems before smothering them in their cribs?


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Excludos said:
Judging by how they treat their other sci-fi tv shows: This is going to be brilliant terribly mismanaged, and then canceled after one season
I'm sorry, but the cynic in me had to change that to something a bit more accurate.


Tiger Robocop
Aug 29, 2010
Hey, this sounds like Person of Interest. I like Person of Interest, and might be on it's final days so it's probably gonna leave an empty space. I also kinda liked Minority Report, despite it's many flaws it had a lot of interest concepts to work upon. So while I not gonna be excited about mostly because it's a sci-fi show on Fox and we all know how those end up. I will be giving this a try. Why not? I lose and a few hours of my live on the first episodes, there are worse ways to waste my time.


New member
Dec 11, 2013
As someone who actually liked the film version of Minority Report (which is probably further biased by how much my cousins and I liked the Minority Report game), this is an incredibly stupid idea. The film's ending is already discordant with the rest of the film, so why tack even more story on after it? The premise itself is also flawed since the process required all three precogs to function properly. So what is this not-Anderton muscular white guy going to do with this not-Agatha precog, walk back into PreCrime after 10 years and start doing episodic crime of the week nonsense? Although I have not seen or really heard of Almost Human, I sympathize for those of you out there who are fans. Neither of these properties deserve this.


New member
May 13, 2011
echoing many here this is basically going to be Person of Interest minus Jesus? If it's as fun to watch as person of interest is then I'll certainly check out the pilot.

of course we must remember
A) this is Fox
B) it's a sci fi show on Fox.
C) it'll be cancelled faster than you can even begin to sing the first syllable of the firefly theme's first word.

still in two years maybe netflix will rescue it.


Migratory coconut
Oct 7, 2010
ron1n said:
They shouldn't have cancelled Almost Human in the first place.

Had a great cast, good buddy-cop chemistry between the leads, very grounded but still cool sci-fi setting.
Lots of potential.

I'm actually surprised Fox is throwing money at yet another sci-fi series considering their track record for cancelling them after 1-2 seasons.
Totally agree here, i loved Almost Human. I'll take this as a replacment but i'd much rather have Karl Urban back


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
For the movie being meh as it is, people to this day, more than a decade later, still think fondly of the technology shown therein. I mean who doesn't want the screen Tom Cruz used to be a real thing?


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
ron1n said:
They shouldn't have cancelled Almost Human in the first place.
This. 1,000,000 times this. This was my first thought upon reading the title. They dropped one of the coolest, most promising new shows (after pulling their usual stunts like airing the episodes out of order) to make yet another Sci-Fi show based on a barely decent Tom Cruise vehicle. And the worst thing is, it won't have Karl Urban. Do you know what Almost Human had? KARL MOTHERFUCKING URBAN!

At this point I'm pretty much convinced that the decisionmaking process at Fox is determined by the specific mix of drugs the executives in charge happened to take that morning. That or it's run by a former school bully who has found a new way to torture geeks and nerds by greenlighting Sci-Fi shows and then cancelling them, just to mess with people...


New member
Apr 9, 2010
DTWolfwood said:
For the movie being meh as it is, people to this day, more than a decade later, still think fondly of the technology shown therein. I mean who doesn't want the screen Tom Cruz used to be a real thing?
In no way am I trying to pick a fight.... but why meh? I know it comes down to personal preference, but honestly it's one of my favourite pieces of science fiction. That could just be my love of Speilburg and Cruise talking though (Cruise the actor, not the human being).

OT - It's a cool world and everything, but doubt this will be as stellar as it could be. Those force guns though...


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
jFr[e said:
DTWolfwood said:
For the movie being meh as it is, people to this day, more than a decade later, still think fondly of the technology shown therein. I mean who doesn't want the screen Tom Cruz used to be a real thing?
In no way am I trying to pick a fight.... but why meh? I know it comes down to personal preference, but honestly it's one of my favourite pieces of science fiction. That could just be my love of Speilburg and Cruise talking though (Cruise the actor, not the human being).

OT - It's a cool world and everything, but doubt this will be as stellar as it could be. Those force guns though...
No need to be all defensive brah lol tho it may seem the internet trains one to be XD

It's meh to me for 1 reason. I can't remember what happened in the second half of the movie. The beginning had me hooked on the setting and the premise of the plot. But half way through my brain just refused to remember what happened. I think it had to do with something generic, saving someone? running away from authority? there was some explosions i think? Mind you i've seen this movie in theaters than a couple of more times when it came out on DVD.

So if a movie doesn't leave an impression other than its setting, i'd consider it "Meh." Not bad, not good.

OT: Setting is all you need for a TV series, so Minority Report has that in spades.