Rockbottom87 said:
You could do one about the way "Biologists" handle diseased animals, like in The Bay (2012). As a Marine Biologist myself I just got angry at the two "Scientists" that investigated the fish deaths in that movie...
Yay, a fellow Marine Biologist!
I knew about number one easily, it was obvious that volcanic ash is deadly, and I knew that Lava is super hot, and that you should stay as far away from it as possible. I did not know there were different types of lava, and if I did learn it I forgot. After explaining the viscosity, it became obvious that one would float in it and not sink. However, I can let the sinking part go for dramatic effect, especially if it's in a fictional world. It's like me enjoying the various shark movies even though sharks don't hunt down people to kill them. The main shark that is aggressive enough to attack people is bull sharks. Beyond that, just keep a safe distance and don't be a dick towards it.