American Dad's Next Evolution: Moving to TBS


New member
Dec 31, 2008
American Dad's Next Evolution: Moving to TBS

The American (Dad) revolution isn't over... it's just moving from Fox to TBS.

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New member
Jun 9, 2008
Really like American Dad, it did have a rough start but then it started to mess around with genres and more experimental stuff that make it worth watching a lot.

I think for me it clicked with that golden poo gag where it changed to a serious thriller out of nowhere for a short period of time in multiple episodes.

The episode of Jeff in the spaceship was amazing, to me probably the best episode of the series


New member
Jan 26, 2009
If there's one thing that truly separates American Dad from any other show it's their christmas episodes. While other shows usually ends up with the old tropes (saving christmas, don't be greedy, finding the christmas spirit) American Dad instead takes a completely different road and creates the most violent episode of the entire season. They're a blast to watch and probably the thing I anticipate the most on my entire TV calendar.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Hmmm... I watch it on BBC3 over here so this should hopefully make little difference to me, provided the quality doesn't go down. I would be pretty bummed if it did though, American Dad is probably my... Fourth? favourite show (after South Park, Game of Thrones and QI) on the air at the moment, I love its sense of humour and how the characters have more fleshed out personalities than Family Guy or South Park. Besides- Roger. Roger is a role model for all.


Ate My Neighbors
Oct 10, 2007
The first time I saw American Dad! I outright hated it. I can't recall which episode it was, but I went forward under the impression that the show was pure trash and not worth my time.

Then one day my best friend showed up and he kept giggling. I asked what he was so giddy about and he told me he'd caught an episode of American Dad! that was still making him laugh. He convinced me to look up the episode so I would get the joke he was so enamored with and lo and behold, it was hilarious. After that I binged the first 5 seasons or so on Netflix and have been a fan ever since. In fact, I'd say it's one of my favorite shows.

As I said earlier, I do not remember what episode it was that put me off originally, but I can only assume it was one of the early season 1 episodes. Regardless, I'm glad my friend talked me into giving it another try. Episodes like Ricky Spanish and the Christmas episodes where they war with Santa are so much fun.

Hope things go well for them on their new network.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
I find it odd how Family Guy became MORE politically preachy (I wouldn't call it satire if they straight up say the side they don't like sucks) than American Dad, which drifted more into sci-fi and espionage weirdness, which was for the better. The thing about Roger is he almost never answered for his heinous actions, but when he did it was cathartic. Like that time Stan's alien-hunting ex-girlfriend from the CIA Academy vivisected him, and Stan and Francine went in full Benny Hill mode to put his body back together. I also like the episode with Steve and his friends playing that fantasy MMORPG, and they changed the animation style to show the game world (which the Simpsons failed to do when they did it). And in a break from today's TV comedies have the dad be a dumbs, American Dad had Stan be right about things and Francine be wrong.

Let us also not forget Sir Patrick Stewart as Deputy Director Avery Bullock; every line from him was a gem!


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
Seems I'm not the only one who really grew to like American Dad. Like others, I hated it at first, especially the early first season. But over time I began to like it more and more, and now I definitely prefer it over Family Guy. As the article mentions, I love how Roger's character has become, and I don't seem to get tired of his antics, which is odd for me since I normally would have tired of such characters over time.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
MovieBob said:
...a "microseason" of four previously-unaired episodes having begun the week prior...
Wait, four? Are you sure, I've only seen three? Two episodes last week and one episode yesterday. Anyone else who knows if I've missed one?


New member
Sep 15, 2010
I really like American Dad. I hope that TBS keeps putting the new episodes up on Hulu (as Fox generally has) or I'm going to be missing out on one of my favorite weekly relaxation shows.

Also - the evolution of Roger is one of my favorite aspects of the show. The early seasons where he hides in cupboards are practically unwatchable anymore since I find myself going "why isn't Roger in a costume?!"


New member
Mar 15, 2011
I kinda want to like this because it does has its funny moments (Defineately more fun than newer Family Guy which is void of such these days). I just can't most of the characters, i don't see any appeal in the son and his friends, they are just plain unfunny. Klaus, Stan and Patrick Stewart are pretty damn funny though, especially Patrick Stewart.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
As many have already said, I grew to love American Dad, while I grew to dislike Family Guy more and more, and now I think American Dad is the better show by miles.

I don't mind "random" humor, but to me, Family Guy has always felt like they decide the jokes first, and then mold the characters around it, while American Dad has always felt like it's the other way around; they mold the jokes around the characters. Because of this, the characters themselves feel far more endearing and interesting.

As someone already mentioned, it's ironic that American Dad became the much less politically preachy show, while Family Guy increasingly became a giant left-wing wankfest. I've found that even when you wholeheartedly agree with a show's political bent, it gets REALLY tiring listening to them preach after a while.


New member
Oct 15, 2007
Trucken said:
While other shows usually ends up with the old tropes (saving christmas, don't be greedy, finding the christmas spirit) American Dad instead takes a completely different road and creates the most violent episode of the entire season.
Didn't Futurama kind of do that too?


New member
Nov 29, 2008
MovieBob said:
American Dad's Next Evolution: Moving to TBS

The American (Dad) revolution isn't over... it's just moving from Fox to TBS.

Read Full Article
Hope it's back to back with Married with Children. That just seems right somehow.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
Wasn't aware fox cancelled the show, well their the ones missing out. I'm just happy the series is continuing. I prefer American Dad! so much more than Family Guy.


New member
Feb 23, 2014
Just like a lot here, I initially did not like American Dad, until I saw the Clooney episode. I loved that episode, and since then I have becomes a fan.


New member
Jan 23, 2014
I actually liked American Dad from the get go. I was enjoying rediscovering Family Guy at the time as well. However I quickly grew tired of Family Guy whereas American Dad remains one of my favourite comedies.


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
At least it didn't end up on Comedy Central, that's where really great cartoon shows go to die.


New member
May 25, 2011
American Dad is basically the Futurama to Family Guy's Simpsons. A bit of a slow start as basically a slightly weirder copy of the existing show, but which quickly jumped off the deep end and became far funnier that the original.

SgtFlaman said:
Trucken said:
While other shows usually ends up with the old tropes (saving christmas, don't be greedy, finding the christmas spirit) American Dad instead takes a completely different road and creates the most violent episode of the entire season.
Didn't Futurama kind of do that too?
Sort of. Futurama has the psycopathic robot Santa who is clearly a bad guy and creates lots of explosions, but it's very much cartoon violence with no-one really getting hurt. American Dad had the Smiths as the actual bad guys who murder a completely innocent Santa, then go on a violent rampage and murder hundreds of elves when he tries to get revenge, with a ton of blood and graphic violence. Both similar sorts of ideas of not just having Santa be a kind, gentle guy (which South Park has also used), but very different in actual execution.