Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS Review - Master Handheld

Jimothy Sterling

New member
Apr 18, 2011
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS Review - Master Handheld

All the fun of Smash in your pocket. That's a good thing, by the way.

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Swamp Weather Balloon Gas
Apr 11, 2011
I'm just waiting to see if that N3DS can punch up the wifi speed a bit.

meanwhile my demo is sitting on a pretty large pile of coins

as for the fighters that are gone, a fair amount of their attacks have been holed away in the custom mode for the characters they were based on...


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
Glad to hear it, preordered mine recently, since I was able to play the demo, so am glad it will satisfy me until the Wii U title is out.

Anomynous 167

New member
May 6, 2008
Real shame that I can't out-fox Fox players anymore as Snake. That was the only character that I had regular success with when it came to Fox fights.


New member
Dec 2, 2009
You know, I was worried he'd forget to mention ganondorf (cuz jim stands with the g-man), but there he was at the end. Still missed out on a golden opportunity to use him in one of the inset pictures. I would have liked to hear more about the controls, but I think it's because I'm kind of fussy about the 3ds layout.

I agree that the wii-fit trainer was a good addition; very much in keeping with the spirit of the series. I only play smash bros for fun, but I am actually quite well-versed in all of the l-canceling and wave-dashing stuff. It is totally a game anyone can pick up and play, and with the addition of items and other power-ups it really can level the playing field between new and experienced players. It really is one of those rare games where you can put in pretty much whatever level of commitment you want and you'll still get a return consisting almost entirely of fun.

Still bummed about ice climbers, but then again I'm one of the few people that misses pichu.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
flying_whimsy said:
You know, I was worried he'd forget to mention ganondorf (cuz jim stands with the g-man), but there he was at the end. Still missed out on a golden opportunity to use him in one of the inset pictures. I would have liked to hear more about the controls, but I think it's because I'm kind of fussy about the 3ds layout.

I agree that the wii-fit trainer was a good addition; very much in keeping with the spirit of the series. I only play smash bros for fun, but I am actually quite well-versed in all of the l-canceling and wave-dashing stuff. It is totally a game anyone can pick up and play, and with the addition of items and other power-ups it really can level the playing field between new and experienced players. It really is one of those rare games where you can put in pretty much whatever level of commitment you want and you'll still get a return consisting almost entirely of fun.

Still bummed about ice climbers, but then again I'm one of the few people that misses pichu.
Pichu is still there, he just evolved


a samurai... devil summoner?
Nov 7, 2007
Kalak said:
Pichu is still there, he just evolved
What you did there, everyone has seen it.

OP: Wow, a review this early of the game? Still good to hear it's a load of fun. I was still getting it though, this review just reinforces what I had thought.

Uuuugh, just one more week... I have to hang in there until then... The urge to spend money is too great... But it will be oh so worth it. And I still have enough money on my eshop to get SMTIV. Hopefully they won't delay it this time.

Um yea, I'll like this game. End of story.


New member
Sep 22, 2014
Sounds great. I'm so split though. Like, do I get this one and 'spoil' myself, or do I wait for the Wii U version? Ach! I don't know!


New member
Feb 25, 2010
immortalfrieza said:
Nothing like the Subspace Emissary eh? Well, there goes any interest I had.
I thought that Subspace Emissary was a fun and interesting distraction... until it completely shat all over itself at the very end. Seriously, that last level was utter bullshit. Perfect example of how NOT to do a boss rush.

OT: Good to hear that the new Smash is living up to expectations. Been playing the demo, and I'm enjoying it. I've been liking Villager a surprising amount. Still can't wait to get my hands on Little Mac.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
The recommendation portion of this review couldn't be more true Jim.

I already pre ordered it and October 3rd can't get here fast enough. I also plan on double dipping. If only because my friends whom I intend to Smash with have agreed to put in $15.00 between all of us to buy the game upon release. That also means free Smash OST.

Sad that the internet is laggy though. I would like to think it has more to do with all the players being in Japan at the moment than actual infrastructure. Hopefully once Smash comes out in the US the connections are a lot betters since the DS doesn't have to search as far for some good players.

Spanglish Guy

New member
Sep 8, 2014
Looks like I really need to get this game then. It'll be great to have a new game for my 3DS, hasn't seen much use recently.


New member
Jun 19, 2010
You can also spectate other matches, should you be inclined more toward voyeurism than active participation, or you're just really intimidated by my superior Bowser skills. Get rekt kappa Pringles, and etcetera.
From what I've seen, Bowser is absolutely ridiculous in this instalment, to the point where he's "top tier". For example, I was watching a 1v1 match, Yoshi vs. Bowser, where Yoshi couldn't KO Bowser, even at 200%, while Bowser could KO Yoshi at 100%. Keep in mind, Yoshi is another heavy character, even if he is rather on the light side of heaviness, and Bowser has invincibility frames on a bunch of his moves now. What I mean to say is, Bowser is for scrubs. Git gud.

Joking aside, I'm super excited for Smash 4. I've been playing the demo since it came out. Out of all 5 demo characters, Mario seems to be the best, followed by Villager and Mega Man, though both play a little strangely, so maybe I'm just doing it wrong. Pikachu got some pretty brutal nerfs, while Link is just as awful as usual. Additionally, it seems that most characters have generally reduced KO potential; it's not uncommon in the demo for fighters to accumulate 150% damage and not get KO'd over the course of a 2-minute match. Granted, there are only 5 characters, and, apart from Pikachu, they all fall upon the spectrum of medium characters, but since medium is supposed to be the average I think it's safe to speculate that a lot of characters are going to have trouble KO-ing things.

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Jimothy Sterling said:
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS Review - Master Handheld

All the fun of Smash in your pocket. That's a good thing, by the way.

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Shouldn't the lag issues resolve themselves once it is released to the wider public on October 3rd? As a reviewer, there was no one else in North America besides other reviewers who have access to this game now, so 99% of your opponents are going to be in Japan. You can't fault the game for lag when all the other players are across the Ocean, which soon won't be the case.


New member
Jan 30, 2010
Are event matches out? I was looking forward to dark Pit joining a dark Link and a Dark Samus. Did the ability to select a few songs for each stage survive to this iteration?


Proud Master
Sep 17, 2008
SuperSuperSuperGuy said:
while Link is just as awful as usual
Completely disagree. Link has been greatly improved. His down+a areal now can be used both as a simple attack and as a meteor smash, his running attack has great knockout and range, his down smash is faster, his standard attacks start closer to him and send opponents aways easily, he feels more fluid, the bow and arrow have more knockout power too, same with his up+B attack which clears the area sound him easily, charged shot and KO in Sudden Death without nothing more, his Final Smash has a longer and wider area to hit and his recovery seems to have been improved. I've been maning as Link since the N64 days and this is the best iteration yet. He is faster and stronger and his several stage hits are fun to use and cover a nice amount of space being able to easily defend against enemies at his back better than before. While i'm biased, he seems far better and far from awful character. He's the most changed

OT: Great review, interesitng and well withn what I've seen in the demo. I'm very excited for this, alhthough I'm not sure I can buy ti right away. A bundle of both games would be lovely though.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
Been playing as Bowser a whole lot, he's pretty damn good and I'm not even that good at Smash~



Swamp Weather Balloon Gas
Apr 11, 2011
kurokotetsu said:
SuperSuperSuperGuy said:
while Link is just as awful as usual
Completely disagree. Link has been greatly improved. His down+a areal now can be used both as a simple attack and as a meteor smash, his running attack has great knockout and range, his down smash is faster, his standard attacks start closer to him and send opponents aways easily, he feels more fluid, the bow and arrow have more knockout power too, same with his up+B attack which clears the area sound him easily, charged shot and KO in Sudden Death without nothing more, his Final Smash has a longer and wider area to hit and his recovery seems to have been improved. I've been maning as Link since the N64 days and this is the best iteration yet. He is faster and stronger and his several stage hits are fun to use and cover a nice amount of space being able to easily defend against enemies at his back better than before. While i'm biased, he seems far better and far from awful character. He's the most changed

OT: Great review, interesitng and well withn what I've seen in the demo. I'm very excited for this, alhthough I'm not sure I can buy ti right away. A bundle of both games would be lovely though.
yeah, link's legit dangerous now and stops being second fiddle to toon link, and the only thing they nerfed was bomb pulling speed (which reflects nerfs across the board for other item producing characters) and it's not as big a deal because his overall moveset gained a lot of ground both directly towards his speed, power, and range, and indirectly through the other changes made in the game

the shield is also one of link's greatest allies in a world filled with endless projectiles, and some projectile heavy characters will have to watch out because if they try to smash with a shot based move, you can just walk up to them and eat the shot without missing a beat

also for some reason when link puts his shield on his back, he can just turn around and it'll still work


New member
Jun 19, 2010
kurokotetsu said:
SuperSuperSuperGuy said:
while Link is just as awful as usual
Completely disagree. Link has been greatly improved. His down+a areal now can be used both as a simple attack and as a meteor smash, his running attack has great knockout and range, his down smash is faster, his standard attacks start closer to him and send opponents aways easily, he feels more fluid, the bow and arrow have more knockout power too, same with his up+B attack which clears the area sound him easily, charged shot and KO in Sudden Death without nothing more, his Final Smash has a longer and wider area to hit and his recovery seems to have been improved. I've been maning as Link since the N64 days and this is the best iteration yet. He is faster and stronger and his several stage hits are fun to use and cover a nice amount of space being able to easily defend against enemies at his back better than before. While i'm biased, he seems far better and far from awful character. He's the most changed

OT: Great review, interesitng and well withn what I've seen in the demo. I'm very excited for this, alhthough I'm not sure I can buy ti right away. A bundle of both games would be lovely though.
Fair enough. Admittedly, I'm pretty biased, as well. I've never liked the way that Link felt in Brawl; he had too much weight to his attacks, without the power to compensate. This led to his smash attacks lacking the same kind of impact that Toon Link's had. That feeling of disproportionality and unnecessary weight hasn't changed at all. Maybe he's not a terrible character in general, but to me, playing as Link feels like playing as a guy with an awful cold, complete with the sloth, malaise and weakness that generally accompany such an illness. He just feels awful to play as.