"Death Star" Moon of Saturn May House a Wet Secret


Level 16 Scallywag
Feb 28, 2010
"Death Star" Moon of Saturn May House a Wet Secret

Saturn's moon Mimas either has an underground ocean or an oddly-shaped core, according to researchers.

"We thought it was the most boring satellite," Radwan Tajeddine, a planetary scientist at Cornell University, said of Mimas. But when it was noted that the moon [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/tag/view/moon] was wobbling more than expected, it was realized that there's more to Mimas than meets the eye.

"Something else has to be going on inside," says Tajeddine, who published a study with his colleagues online today in the journal Science [http://www.sciencemag.org/content/346/6207/322].

While some scientists disagree with the findings reported in the paper, Tajeddine's team believes this wobble points to one of two possible explanations: either an ocean [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/tag/view/ocean] is buried beneath Mimas' icy crust, or its core is misshapen. Based on NASA images of Mimas, the team reconstructed the moon in 3D imaging and developed models to try to explain the wobble.

The first model that worked gave Mimas a rocky core shaped like a rugby ball. Tajeddine theorized that perhaps the core formed first, closer to Saturn [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/tag/view/saturn], and was deformed into the oval shape by the planet's strong gravity. After it drifted further away, ice settled onto the moon, giving it its current round shape. However, if this were the case, the team expects some retention of the rugby ball shape to be seen poking out of the round surface, but this is not observed.

The second model gave Mimas an ocean under its surface, and the sloshing around of the liquid is what would cause the wobble. However, Mimas' surface - which is very old, and very cratered - shows no signs of ever having had water on its surface.

Planetary scientist William McKinnon finds this second model "implausible." It would only take a few million years (not long in astronomical times) for that underground ocean to freeze over due to orbital dynamics, meaning our observation of this unstable state would be quite coincidental. He suggests the wobble can simply be explained by a comet striking Mimas.

Mimas, also called Saturn I, is most famous for resembling the Death Star [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/tag/view/death%20star] when viewed from certain angles. The moon's Herschel crater looks like the Death Star's superlaser, but Mimas was discovered almost three years after the release of A New Hope, so the similarities are entirely coincidental. Unless George Lucas is a prophet - and he is not; rest assured.



New member
Mar 8, 2010
Looks more like an Eyeball to me, an evil eyeball that is. A comet causing its wobble would make sense especially considering the huge impact crater that gives the moon its unique look.


Level 16 Scallywag
Feb 28, 2010
Darks63 said:
Looks more like an Eyeball to me, an evil eyeball that is. A comet causing its wobble would make sense especially considering the huge impact crater that gives the moon its unique look.
So you're saying it's the Eye of Sauron? I mean, come on, it's gotta be part of SOME trilogy...


New member
Mar 22, 2010
It could be water underground, I'm betting on it being water at least but here's two other random guesses:



New member
Jan 28, 2009
If anyone wanted to see the anatomy of a perfect nerd clickbaiting article title, this is it.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
That's no moon, that's a...*runs*

Rhykker said:
So you're saying it's the Eye of Sauron? I mean, come on, it's gotta be part of SOME trilogy...
Does it have to be a nerd trilogy? Can it be, like, Home Alone or something?

Lazy Kitty

May 1, 2009
Are we sure it's a moon this time?
Not an imperial space station?
Because if it is the latter, we should probably be worried about not becoming the next Alderaan.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
deth2munkies said:
If anyone wanted to see the anatomy of a perfect nerd clickbaiting article title, this is it.
Well, you certainly took it, but I don't see why you commented. I find it interesting that a moon might contain water.

Shadow-Phoenix said:
It could be water underground, I'm betting on it being water at least but here's two other random guesses:

Protect your satellites, folks! (Also acceptable: Gynock spores.)

Rhykker said:
OT: Now, of course, there are moons with volcanc activity for various reasons (such as Io around Jupiter), but presumably this Saturn-bound moon does not have such heat. With other gasses condensing into liquid and/or freezing, why should there be liquid water at the core of a cold moon?


New member
May 16, 2009
Its an egg with a space monster in it the wobble is it starting to break out.