Vincent and the Doctor is the typical starfuck episode. It seems there's a mandatory 1 or 2 per season. Meet some famous person, talk about how they were the most brilliant ever, move on.
The God Complex is probably supposed to be disconcerting or something, but it struck me as campy and disjointed. I would also think it's too "Doctor-ish" to attract non-Doctor fans.
"Rose" is a great episode. The one time Rose actually proved to be useful without some sort of asspull machina.
School reunion doesn't strike me as a very good choice for the list (though I like it) unless you really want to know what Giles has been up to.
Same with The Doctor's Wife, but replace "Giles" with "Neil Gaiman."
This list strikes me more as "episodes to introduce people to Doctor Who." As such, I'd rather see "Dalek" on there than several of the above. However I don't know that I agree with the intended purpose
Tanis said:
I'd replace 'Rose' with 'Waters of Mars' or even
Oh Waters of Mars. The special that made me laugh so hard I thought I'd die. And then made me no longer sad at the thought of Tennant leaving.
008Zulu said:
Blink is good. Though, I did like the one where they met Shakespeare.
The Shakespeare Code was fun, I'll give it that.
ryukage_sama said:
How many stories featuring the first 7 doctors actually finished in a single episode? The 8th doctor had a single (not-beloved) TV movie, but most of the older stories were told of the course of a 4-6 episodes. That does not make for a good introduction to the franchise.
I mostly agree, but keep in mind that for decades, it was the only format of the show, period. They'd tweak the format, but the show was mostly serial and in nature and therefore the only way to introduce it. And to introduce someone to "Classic" Who, it's still pretty much necessary. Not to mention, while I do agree this seems more like an intro list, only one of the entries mention that and neither of the titles suggest it.
As a "can't miss" list, the lack of classic love is disappointing, and the same is true to a lesser extent for people who "hate" Doctor Who.