Free Skin For League of Legends Players Who Played Nice Last Year

Steven Bogos

The Taco Man
Jan 17, 2013
Free Skin For League of Legends Players Who Played Nice Last Year

Good news! If you weren't a jerk to people in League of Legends last year, Riot is giving you a free skin!

When it comes to Riot Games stemming the flow of "toxic players" in League of Legends, not even professional players [] are immune from the banhammer. But, with most forms of effective discipline, you have to have the carrot as well as the stick, so for its end-of-year celebration, rather than punish jerks, Riot has decided to reward those of us who played nice in 2014.

Over the next 14 days, "positive players" will find themselves receiving a free random "mystery skin" []. What qualifies you as a "positive player" you may ask? Well, any player who did not receive a chat restriction, ranked restriction, 14-day ban or permanent ban in 2014, and who are at least summoner level 5 and have at least 10 un-owned skins, are eligible.

Riot has certainly taken a rather unique approach to trolls and toxic behavior in a genre that is known for being the worst of the worst. Last year, it revealed that it was using "Tribunal" [] puts the power in the player's hands, by allowing its massive player base to review cases of abuse and harassment from their fellow summoners.

While it is a little bit sad that we are rewarding people simply for "not being a douchebag", it certainly is a nice little surprise for those of us who've been playing nice all year, and most likely had to put up with the abuse of those who can't control their tempers.

If nothing else, the promise of free stuff, rather than the threat of being banned, may cause a few toxic League of Legends players to hesitate before they start spewing streams of "GG uninstall n00b" to their teammates.

Source: Riot Games []


RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
I still say they should allow you to trade in honor points for random skins. :p


Elite Member
Jun 21, 2012
Good on 'em. The best way to discourage raging nutters is to reward the people acting reasonable with free shit. (As well as the banhammers and chat restrictions.

Cmooooon pink fabulous Taric.


I have a green hat! Why?!
Jul 14, 2010
TF2 did something similar, years ago, to reward players who didn't idle for hats.

Still, I do prefer the carrot over the stick for correcting behaviour.


New member
Sep 30, 2010
I'm still hoping they implement a skin trade-in function at some point. There are new, cooler skins that I can't justify buying because I already have a skin for a given champion that is past its return window. I'm not expecting full value, but if I could get half back towards a purchase for the same champ, they'd have more of my money. This is even more applicable when you factor in that, while I'm going to be receiving a free skin here, odds are heavily in favor of it being for a champ I do not like playing, or for a champ which I have already purchased/earned a skin.
Yes, I'm complaining about free stuff. Sue me.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
519 teamwork honours, no teamwork badge gg rito pls fix ty. Is it the recent spam of Yasuo games? I bet it's the Yasuo games, people hate that guy. Not my fault people fire ults into a wall that's already been placed well before they clicked R.

I've never had anything negative aside from disconnect bans around 2 years ago because my internet had a prolonged hissyfit over like 6 months for no reason. So I guess i'll end up with a mystery gift or something, i'm hella lucky with mystery gifts too. I've had around 4 gifts and the 2 of them were Mafia Jinx (unfortunate in a way because that skin is awful) and Gurren Lagann Rumble, two legendaries. I wish I could play Rumble, I would main him just for the skin.

I just never use chat is the thing so it's basically impossible to even get a chat ban, maybe the occasional gg or gj or sick ult lol but otherwise nothing unless i'm in a premade and can't be on voice chat for whatever reason.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Porygon-2000 said:
TF2 did something similar, years ago, to reward players who didn't idle for hats.
And that didn't really work out too well. Actually wearing the hat in question (Cheater's Lament) was a good way to get yourself votekicked from 50% of games.

I don't play LoL so I don't know how kicking works there (or if you even can kick for that matter), but imagine something similar is probably going to happen, maybe anyone who didn't get the skin will just mass-report anyone they see using it


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Aeshi said:
Porygon-2000 said:
TF2 did something similar, years ago, to reward players who didn't idle for hats.
And that didn't really work out too well. Actually wearing the hat in question (Cheater's Lament) was a good way to get yourself votekicked from 50% of games.

I don't play LoL so I don't know how kicking works there (or if you even can kick for that matter), but imagine something similar is probably going to happen, maybe anyone who didn't get the skin will just mass-report anyone they see using it
There's not kicking, and it's a free mystery skin which means they'll get a free random available to anybody skin for any champ they already own.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Risingblade said:
There's not kicking, and it's a free mystery skin which means they'll get a free random available to anybody skin for any champ they already own.
Ah, my bad. Now I know that I think this is probably quite a good idea.


New member
Dec 14, 2009
Considering LoL has one of the most toxic player communities on the entire internet then rewarding the few good people is logistically probably the best idea.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Wonder if people are raging about not getting free stuff based on arbitrary rules.

The event that gave the free "Cheater's Lament" halo hat to Team Fortress 2 players that didn't idle was called "Halocaust" and its all anyone ever complained about for weeks. The best prize though was being able to laugh at the maddies.