heh. Viewing distance is an interesting problem. I fired up my flight sim and had a look at what it does with viewing distance and detail set to maximum. That's some 50 nautical miles of terrain, at the least, but flight sims have a long history of employing creative tricks to make this managable to render.
As a point of comparison, my current sim includes terrain data, roads, rivers, airports, city buildings, cars boats and trains and more, and lets you roam freely over the entire planet if you install all the scenery. (40 gigs worth of scenery data, if you're curious)
though initial loading is long, once loaded, flying from anywhere on the planet to anywhere else is seamless, and if your altitude is sufficient, and your pc powerful enough to run it with the settings maxed out, visibility is 200+ km if your altitude is high enough to see that far given the earth's curvature.
Not only that, but it can do all this quickly enough to simulate deorbiting a space shuttle, and several mach 3+ aircraft designs.
The many level of detail techniques that make this possible are truly amazing if you really stop to think about it...
How you can go from low complexity textured geometry to a city with individual buildings and traffic on the roads abd back without noticing the transitions is an almost miraculous feat...