8 Videogame Villains Who Steal the Show


I am a meat popsicle
Oct 24, 2013
8 Videogame Villains Who Steal the Show

Everyone talks about videogame heroes, but these eight villains are worth mentioning too.

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Oct 28, 2013
Argh, I can't decide between GLaDOS and Kane. Both so encouraging and charismatic...a lotta thought went into this one.

EDIT: It's Kane.



Ate My Neighbors
Oct 10, 2007
Good list. And I agree with almost every entry. The only holdout for me is Handsome Jack, but Borderlands 2 really didn't do it for me so that's the real reason, rather than the quality of the villain himself.

Kane and Kain are both great choices, as was GlaDOS for sure.

Regarding Joker, Mark Hamill owned that role so well that most people I know consider him the definitive Joker. But I have to give a bit of praise to Troy Baker for his work in Arkham Origins as well. I wouldn't want to be the guy who had to follow a master like Hamill, and he put a lot in the role and made it recognizable but still his own.

Saika Renegade

New member
Nov 18, 2009
I can get behind this list. Villains who make me want to see more of them are always a sign of a well written character. I also have to mention the final boss of Metal Gear Rising Revengance (context omitted for those who might not have played it because it does the MGS thing and comes from out of left field) for being an equal combination of absurdly surreal and stupidly fun to watch. Sure it all comes out of nowhere at the end, but they also steal the entire last act like nobody's business.


I am a meat popsicle
Oct 24, 2013
ZZoMBiE13 said:
Good list. And I agree with almost every entry. The only holdout for me is Handsome Jack, but Borderlands 2 really didn't do it for me so that's the real reason, rather than the quality of the villain himself.

Kane and Kain are both great choices, as was GlaDOS for sure.

Regarding Joker, Mark Hamill owned that role so well that most people I know consider him the definitive Joker. But I have to give a bit of praise to Troy Baker for his work in Arkham Origins as well. I wouldn't want to be the guy who had to follow a master like Hamill, and he put a lot in the role and made it recognizable but still his own.
Troy Baker was great in that role, but Hamill has been the Joker for so long, I still hear his voice in my head. If you didn't watch that video I linked, you should. He's downright creepy while recording.


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
I'm surprised that Vaas nor Pagan Min made the list. Hell, they completely overshadow the games they appear in.

Likewise to Johnathan Irons' omission, but to me, the real villainy in Advanced Warfare is Troy Baker's ability to be amazing at anything, including being pretty and handsome at the same time.


For realsies, I think I have to go with King Logan in Fable III, as not only to I find Logan to be pretty horrible and terrifying, I now find Michael Fassbender terrifying regardless of what he does.


Spider RedNight

There are holes in my brain
Oct 8, 2011
Yaaaaaay more Handsome Jack!

I'd also include either Vaas or Pagan Min, the former for the delivery and the latter for EVERYTHING, including delivery. I thought Pagan Min would annoy me but on the contrary, he's really the only reason why I play the game.

Also, does Pyramid Head count? He's the only part of the Silent Hill movies I liked, too. I mean, yeah, he's full of symbolism and he REALLY should've only been in SH2 but he was still quite memorable in the three or four scenes he's in.


New member
Apr 6, 2004
Ehh, calling Kain from the LoK series a "villain" is a stretch. Antagonist sure, I would even go so far as to call him an Anti-hero though that's stretching it as well. Now the Elder God, THERE's a being who I would call a villain.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
I can agree with most of these (Joker, GLaDOS, & Sephiroth in particular, though in FF7, for me it was more a case of the entire supporting cast stealing the show).

Can't get so much on board with Mr. Wesker, though. He's a silly man with incongruous powers and a nonsensical plot, performing power-jumps and talking about how much he hates Chris in RE:CV, even though he's barely spoken four words to the guy.

Hamill always provides The Joker's voice in my head.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
ffronw said:
8 Videogame Villains Who Steal the Show

Everyone talks about videogame heroes, but these eight villains are worth mentioning too.

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the lack of Kefka from FF6 disturbs me..........but still not a bad list

Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
Only Resident Evil game I played was 4 but I agree based on the movies that Wesker was awesome, I was on his side wanting him to kill the lead chick.

As for Kane, hell yes. The best part of him was that he was real, not just voiced over like the other characters. Having him as a live action character made a ton of difference.


I am a meat popsicle
Oct 24, 2013
soren7550 said:
I'm surprised that Vaas nor Pagan Min made the list. Hell, they completely overshadow the games they appear in.
I never got the love for Vaas. Dude seemed like an overacted caricature to me. Just my opinion, though.

LordLundar said:
Ehh, calling Kain from the LoK series a "villain" is a stretch. Antagonist sure, I would even go so far as to call him an Anti-hero though that's stretching it as well. Now the Elder God, THERE's a being who I would call a villain.
He was more of a villain in the Soul Reaver games than in the games he starred in, for sure. I'll never forget that scene where he rips Raziel's wings and tosses him into the abyss.

Xan Krieger said:
As for Kane, hell yes. The best part of him was that he was real, not just voiced over like the other characters. Having him as a live action character made a ton of difference.
Man, Kane was so good. Loved that character for years.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
I'll go ahead and be the 15th or so person who thinks Vaas should have made the list. I thought he did a great job of being funny and interesting while being psychotic and scary at the same time.

A few more I'd nominate (I'm going old school on a few of these):
-Jon Irenicus, Baldur's Gate 2.
-Sander Cohen, Bioshock, the head baddy in Fort Frolic.
-The Grue, the 'Zork' games. C'mon, I can't be the only one who remembers "It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue."


Master of Lancer
Jan 25, 2012
United States
Spider RedNight said:
I thought Pagan Min would annoy me but on the contrary, he's really the only reason why I play the game.
same here. From the moment I saw FC4's cover I figured he was just an attempt by the company to duplicate the success they had with Vaas, but damn did Pagan Min blow it out of the park. Awesome mix of polite and psychotic.

As to the list, a fun read. Kain being a deuteragonist of the blood omen/soul reaver saga is probably a pretty big reason why he stole so much of the show, though. :p

I'm a villains guy, tend to watch shows/play games backwards, rooting for the villains until they inevitably die.

Wish modern gaming had a villain who could be an analogue to Gus Fring from breaking bad, though... now THERE was a villain I was an unashamed fanboy of.


New member
Aug 17, 2011
You know, say what you will about the Skylanders franchise, It's a dumb kids game,, It ruined Spyro, It has a terrible and expensive dlc policy, and it's literally designed to wring every cent out of your wallet... but goddamn do the villains steal the show. Sure, every other character holds about as much interest as stale toast, But the thing is, They got Richard Steven Horvitz to play as Invader Zim, if you replaced "alien" on his character sheet with "Dark Wizard." And then they gave him a megazord sized robot voiced by George Takei just to make it better. Hell, They even know that their bad guys are tops, considering the big new thing in the newest game is a chance at playing as them.

Personally though, my favorite villains are the ones that inexplicably start singing, with pretty much no provocation, and Skylanders has two of them, Drill-X (hah) and Mesmerelda. The latter one also get bonus points for being literally the only boss battle that was fun in the entire third game. Catchy song too.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I guess it's my time to ask about Vaas Montenegro.
He's a villain, he's in a videogame, and he steals the show. What more could you want?


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Some other ones:

Luca Blight from Suikoden 2: A fascinating mad man. You just can't pull your eyes away from the guy when he's on screen

Dracula from Castlevania: Not exactly characterized deeply, but you're talking about a man who became immortal to spite God and kicked off a thousand-year feud between himself and the clan of his best friend. Add in the fact that his backyard is the coolest castle ever to grace videogames and we see how this guy is the quintessential vampire.

Yuuki Terumi aka Hazam from Blazblue: The God of Trolls certainly earns his name.

Ganondorf: Say what you will, when he's on screen, YOU WILL FUCKING PAY ATTENTION.


New member
Nov 29, 2010
Small typo on the sephiroth page, otherwise good list

Johnny Novgorod said:
I guess it's my time to ask about Vaas Montenegro.
He's a villain, he's in a videogame, and he steals the show. What more could you want?
a good boss fight? ohohoho


New member
Sep 4, 2009
Kefka from FF3/6 was much more scene stealing than sephiroth ever was (and he is a grander scale villain as well).

And Luca Blight from Suikoden 2 had the air of menace all good villains need to project.