visiblenoise said:
Call me a cranky old curmudgeon, I'm actually disappointed that it's any good at all because the premise is so...icky.
You aren't alone in this thought. Every time the title came up in the trailer I couldn't stop my eyes from rolling. There are so many things about this movie that made me want it to flop.
1. It's a horror movie(I'm more a fan of suspense/thrillers, if I ever even want to watch anything of the sort, and even then it needs to be sci-fi. Such as Event Horizon or Alien)
2. It's about teenagers, I can't stand them in real life(I refuse to acknowledge that I ever was one), why would I pay money to see them act?
3. The name tries to make someone unfriending, or unfallowing, or blocking you some sort of horrifying idea.
But if the movie is good, then I guess that's a plus for anyone who can't help themselves when another horror movie hits theaters.