Mad Max: Fury Road - What a Lovely Day It Is


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Really looking forward to seeing this.

Just need to convince some others to come with me.

Or possibly drug them and carry them to the cinema across my shoulders. Whatever works.

P-89 Scorpion

New member
Sep 25, 2014
R rated action films are back baby!

John Wick
Fury Road

In less than a year oh yeah!

So what's next?


New member
Oct 31, 2013
With the release of this latest Mad Max, did we finally, at long last, get beyond Thunderdome?


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Alright! The franchise finally went Beyond Thunderdome!

I'm glad it turned out well. I'm really looking forward to seeing this one!

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
It's amazing how much of a 'mic drop' this is for George Miller -- He's been out of the action genre since the late 80's, and then he suddenly returns to show off Hollywood and show all those big name action directors how it's done. This is how you make an action thrill ride, people. This movie is an assault on your senses in the best way imaginable. It spends its two hours just having angry sex with your eyes and ears.

Tom Hardy is no real replacement for Mel Gibson, but within the context of the movie he works fine. He gives off a great impression of this, like, beaten dog. Charlize Theron is the stand-out though. She could've easily turned in this chest pounding 'I am woman, hear me roar' performance, but instead gives us a character that is worn and torn and is fiercely protective of the last bit of hope she has left. She reminded me a lot of Linda Hamilton as Sarah Conner in Terminator 2.

I saw it yesterday, and I had to take the rest of the evening to come back to my senses. ... And I really just wanna see it again right now, and that's the first time that's happened in ages.


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2009
Mad Max: Fury Road - What a Lovely Day It Is

Max is back in a big-budget B-movie that will go down in history as one of the best of its kind of all time.

Read Full Article


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
P-89 Scorpion said:
R rated action films are back baby!

John Wick
Fury Road

In less than a year oh yeah!

So what's next?
Speaking of Kingsman, watched it on the plane, and it was amazing! The only problem was through headphones the British accents were a bit hard to decipher.

OT: Looking forward to watching this, and maybe even getting the game (which looks like Just Cause, Arkham Knight, and Fallout mixed together) I'm planning on watching it after I watch Avengers again.

I wouldn't be suprised if this movie kills it at the box office. They had a ridiculous amount of marketing. Literally every city our family visited in Europe had Mad Max ads or billboards.

Eclipse Dragon

Lusty Argonian Maid
Jan 23, 2009
United States
If this is what too much Happy Feet does, every director needs to work on some family friendly movies for a decade or so. Who should be next, Tim Burton? He could use a break from whatever he's been doing in his last couple films.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
I want to see it, just for that car that's made of mostly speakers driven by that guy playing a guitar with a flamethrower attached. Like it's literally powered by rock-n-roll!


New member
Mar 6, 2013
It may be R-Rated, and it shure is brutal, but it´s interesting how, with the exception of one delightful scene
at the end, it avoids splatter just for the kicks of it.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Chuppi said:
It may be R-Rated, and it shure is brutal, but it´s interesting how, with the exception of one delightful scene
at the end, it avoids splatter just for the kicks of it.
I'm sure it was that singular scene that pushed it from a 13 to an R. Although there was also that one scene where something extremely grisly is happening just off screen, and you only see the guy who's performing the action. Another brilliant scene, by the way. There's so many wonderful narrative details peppered throughout. Like, you could tell by his complete indifference to what he was actually doing that he's probably done this a lot.
piscian said:
Charlize Theron definitely steals the show. In a way it feels like she's the main character and Mad max is just the viewer watching this movie happen. The film feels more like a look into this big world of the post Apocalypse than just a Mad max film.
It works for Max as a character though, because he has no real shits to give or reason to hope. He's just surviving for the sake of it. This time he's caught in a war between Immortan Joe and Furiosa, tomorrow he'll run into another gang of crazies trying to kill eachother.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
Darth_Payn said:
I want to see it, just for that car that's made of mostly speakers driven by that guy playing a guitar with a flamethrower attached. Like it's literally powered by rock-n-roll!
That guitar-shredding guy actually pumped me up (and I was just sitting in my seat) so I can see it having the same effect on the other guys. Every time you see the convoy you hear the drums and guitar shredding like crazy and I am there like 'FUCK YEAH GO GET EM!'


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Even my girlfriend's complete distaste for this movie and the harsh rain we had to walk through after seeing Mad Max could not pepper my intense excitement and love for this movie.

Y'know what I think is the best thing I got from this? Here is finally a movie that really respects action, who dares to show action for action's sake. I thought John Wick was just going to be a fluke, but y'know what; after Kingsman and Fury Road, it might just not be. Who knows, maybe we're in an action movie Renaissance.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Objectable said:
With the release of this latest Mad Max, did we finally, at long last, get beyond Thunderdome?
It's a shame. The 1st 1/2 of Thunderdome is terrific. It only "jumps the shark" at the very end of the Thunderdome scene into the rest of the movie. What should be a hard R movie turns into a kiddie film.

Casual Shinji said:
Tom Hardy is no real replacement for Mel Gibson
He played it differently. Mel was cool. Hardy is real and tortured.

I was disappointed that Max just leaves what could be a good way of life. In the other movies, something separates him for those he is trying to help and he is left to wander alone. Here? He could just have himself a five way. But he walks away.
Still, I want to see another one of these. I had an absolute blast. I held my breath during that whole first scene with Max in a mask. I call BS on the stuff with the medical stuff with Theron at the end.

Darth_Payn said:
I want to see it, just for that car that's made of mostly speakers driven by that guy playing a guitar with a flamethrower attached. Like it's literally powered by rock-n-roll!
Me and my buddy that just saw this literally laughed out loud with pleasure seeing this guy! Surreal! Great visusals! I almost wish I saw it in 3D

Hey, anyone else get a kick out of realizing the wild kid was the young Beast from the Xmen movies?

Arctic Werewolf

New member
Oct 16, 2014
I really enjoyed this movie. Super great stuff. I love how the War Boys in their various incarnations have a code of behavior that is never described from A-Z but frequently referenced to fill us in and flesh them out. Some very quotable and awesome stuff in there. I only have a few niggles. I heard the film is pretty much one long chase scene, and that's fairly true. The problem was, at certain points in the film, I wasn't sure what part of the film we were on. I found myself wondering if we were getting near the climax and what I was supposed to be feeling. Maybe just a little more structure would have helped me out. Like, I get that we are trying to escape, but we were doing that half an hour ago, and I'm not sure what part of the story we're at anymore.

The ending makes no sense. In the space of one second they formulate a plan that makes no sense and then it works for no reason. It's ridiculous. This is the kind of thing that would usually send me into a rage, but it was hard to be mad at this movie over this.

I almost didn't mention this one for several reasons, but here goes. I read that bag-of-crazy Eve Enzler was consulted for this movie. So that naturally prejudiced me against the movie because I expected some irritating, out of place, two-legs-bad, sanctimonious derangement. And there was some of that in there. It sticks out like a sore thumb, of course. It's shoehorned in with utter contempt for subtlety or fitting the material or what's happening in the scene, of course. It's distracting and out of place in the way that random snippets of the "I Have A Dream" speech would be if spliced into Saving Private Ryan. Now I do wonder if I would have minded it less if I had not known going in to expect it. And I wonder which parts of that are actually appropriate for a movie with such wacky subject matter. But the attempt to wed fun and anti-fun must surely be misguided. And I'm mentioning it because 1) it took me out of the movie and 2) I'm wondering if anyone else found themselves enjoying the movie less because of this distraction. Hey, maybe this says more about me than about the movie's merits or demerits. But it made me roll my eyes and think "two-legs bad, got it. Weren't we watching a movie?" more than once.

Oh, and Max did not work for me. The movie was still awesome, but Max is only in this film at all to justify the title. See how easy it is to complain about what is probably the best action flick I have seen or will see in a long time?


New member
Sep 30, 2010
pearcinator said:
That guitar-shredding guy actually pumped me up (and I was just sitting in my seat) so I can see it having the same effect on the other guys. Every time you see the convoy you hear the drums and guitar shredding like crazy and I am there like 'FUCK YEAH GO GET EM!'

OT: Super stoked to see this when my next paycheck clears. Only one thing about the review bothers me: B-Movie is a term that refers exclusively to the (minimal) budget used to produce it. More correctly this would be classified as a campy action movie, as "camp" refers to a movie knowing what it is, not trying to be anything else, and approaching it with absolute sincerity despite the absurdity of its premise.

Blood Brain Barrier

New member
Nov 21, 2011
Gorfias said:
Objectable said:
With the release of this latest Mad Max, did we finally, at long last, get beyond Thunderdome?
It's a shame. The 1st 1/2 of Thunderdome is terrific. It only "jumps the shark" at the very end of the Thunderdome scene into the rest of the movie. What should be a hard R movie turns into a kiddie film.
Should be a hard R movie? Is that why people dislike Thunderdome? I haven't seen it for a while but I remember liking it a lot. It seemed to have more than just action, which from what I've read places it directly opposite from Fury Road. Whatever you think of Thunderdome, not giving crowd-pleasing action for half a movie when it was expected takes balls, and Fury Road sounds like it only does what everyone expected and wanted it to do.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Gorfias said:
Casual Shinji said:
Tom Hardy is no real replacement for Mel Gibson
He played it differently. Mel was cool. Hardy is real and tortured.
Oh definately. I actually watched Mad Max 2 again the day after and Gibson is just much more charming in the role, but it works for that movie. Fury Road feels like an older, more lived in apocalypse and Max like a way more isolated scavenger. That opening shot of him standing in the midst of an endless wasteland with his head just being a mess of hair is the perfect set up for the character we end up seeing in the movie.

I was disappointed that Max just leaves what could be a good way of life. In the other movies, something separates him for those he is trying to help and he is left to wander alone. Here? He could just have himself a five way. But he walks away.
I actually liked that. No goodbyes are said, he just goes on his way again like it's the end of just another day. After all, Max is a loner. It's not like he can't find others to live with, he just doesn't want to.

If there is going to be another movie though I have no idea how it could top this one, unless they bring in like planes and ships on wheels or whatever.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Blood Brain Barrier said:
Gorfias said:
Objectable said:
With the release of this latest Mad Max, did we finally, at long last, get beyond Thunderdome?
It's a shame. The 1st 1/2 of Thunderdome is terrific. It only "jumps the shark" at the very end of the Thunderdome scene into the rest of the movie. What should be a hard R movie turns into a kiddie film.
Should be a hard R movie? Is that why people dislike Thunderdome? I haven't seen it for a while but I remember liking it a lot. It seemed to have more than just action, which from what I've read places it directly opposite from Fury Road. Whatever you think of Thunderdome, not giving crowd-pleasing action for half a movie when it was expected takes balls, and Fury Road sounds like it only does what everyone expected and wanted it to do.
The 2nd half does have some action. And a terminal case of the cutes. I exaggerate to make a point: Imagine if in Rambo 4, Stallone discovers Oompa Loompas in the jungle and spends the rest of the movie making flower necklaces and candy. You'd be correct to wonder, WTF?!?!? Even if it were good, it has so radically changed in tone that the movie could be spoiled for you. That's what happened in Thunderdome for me and it is a shame. It was not the action that made the first half for me: it was a gritty take on a functioning but brutal future with parallels to our current global issues (MasterBlaster issues a fuel "embargo" when he doesn't get his way on something.)

Casual Shinji said:
If there is going to be another movie though I have no idea how it could top this one, unless they bring in like planes and ships on wheels or whatever.
Good point about the end of this one. It's an explanation. As for what's next?

Who knows. But I think it can be done. The first 1/2 of Thunderdome was so good I didn't know where they could go from there (other than a remake that doesn't veer so dramatically in tone in the 2nd half).

My fingers are crossed. I'd love to have that much fun again soon.