8 Games that Would Make Awesome Movies


I am a meat popsicle
Oct 24, 2013
8 Games that Would Make Awesome Movies

We've seen all sorts of videogames made into movies, so why not these eight?

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Noble and oppressed Kekistani
Nov 8, 2010
You know what would make great movies? The Resident Evil games. Yep, all we need to do is adapt the games into movies (which shouldn't be hard since the interesting characters, good stories, creepy atmosphere, and great action are already there), and Hollywood could be raking in a ton of dough. Just a shame no one's ever did that.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
I feel as though the Left 4 Dead games are pretty much just an interactive movie anyway, which is kind of the point isn't it? Interactive zombie action movies which even have each mission have its own movie poster and tagline.

Xcom needs a series though, no 2 hour movie could do it justice and it could be handled as a series. I honestly would like it to be an animated one due to the formate being a better fit then live action, but for some reason there seems to be a law or something that Western animation that is aimed at older audiences NEEDS to be either vulgar or full-on adult content. I mean god damn it, there are just so many works which could work well if adapted into hour long animated series aimed at older audiences, but no, animation NEEDS to be half an hour, and it NEEDS to either be too childish to take seriously, or to vulgar to take seriously.
Sep 14, 2009
Zontar said:
I feel as though the Left 4 Dead games are pretty much just an interactive movie anyway, which is kind of the point isn't it? Interactive zombie action movies which even have each mission have its own movie poster and tagline.

Xcom needs a series though, no 2 hour movie could do it justice and it could be handled as a series..
now it's not CLOSE enough, but have you ever watched falling skies?

kind of a interesting post-alien invasion type tv series, worth a watch.

OT: a deus ex HR style movie would cause jizz to come out of every orifice. take all of my money.


New member
Sep 21, 2013
gmaverick019 said:
OT: a deus ex HR style movie would cause jizz to come out of every orifice. take all of my money.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
I can see Alan Wake maybe getting a good film. All the others have too much lore and branching paths to translate well to the big screen.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
I remember them announcing a Mass Effect movie a few years back. I also remember the reaction; It boiled down to mostly it canonising certain events, and forever deciding what gender Shepard is supposed to be.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Left 4 Dead 1 & 2 would make pretty fantastic zombie flicks. And I have to agree that Alan Wake is practically tailor-made to be adapted to the big screen.

That said...

Homeworld didn't make the list?! For shame. It would make for an incredible space opera. It would even make a great TV series. It could combine the best elements of Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, and Stargate Universe.

I've also always felt that Half-Life would make for a good sci-fi horror film. There's a host of perspectives the tale could be told from, and plenty of source material from which to draw.

Plus, seeing Black Mesa realized on the big screen would be nerdgasmic.

Other than those, my personal choice would be finally seeing a Mechwarrior film or series - if even just to see grandiose combat scenes between the hulking 'mechs the series is known for.

The political intrigue of the Houses and Clans would be cool too. Something akin to Dune. But really...it's about the 'mechs blasting the shit out of each other.

Texas Joker 52

All hail the Pun Meister!
Jun 25, 2011
I'm noticing a distinct lack of Blizzard titles. After all, let's face it: The Blizzard animation team, the people who do the cutscenes? They clearly have the talent to make a first-class animated movie, and I would absolutely love to see a Starcraft movie.

Sure, the story is hardly groundbreaking, and the characters range from okay to good, with a few standouts, but if the story is told well, and the characters are presented just right? Oh, it'll be a pretty damn good movie, or series of movies. And since Blizzard could probably produce, and distribute said movie almost entirely on their own, in-house? They would likely make money hand-over-fist if a movie is anywhere near as successful as I think it would be.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Absolutely fantastic list, but I've got two more that would make for amazing movies:

Perfect Dark

and The Saboteur



New member
Sep 27, 2014
It's a shame the Bioshock movie fell through. Then again, there's nothing to say it couldn't happen later... :)