I did a draft a couple weeks ago and actually had a lot of fun. I got some good pulls and some cards I can't believe got passed to me for instance Mirran Crusader, which won me a game almost singlehandedly when I played against a green black deck. I was drafting Azorius control with flyers for my damage. But then I noticed red was very open and eventually went into Jeskai. I had a couple Brute Forces which worked amazingly with my protection from black doublestriker. And some Smash to Smithereens for my sideboard. All in all I had a bit of everything in my deck. Counterspells, earlygame, lategame and plenty of combat tricks. I went 2-1 with it and was happy to take home that Mirran Crusader that carried me to victory.
PS. Sorry for no links. Did this from my phone.