I think this was the only thing that even looked remotely exciting at nintendo e3. Just way too much stuff for the 3ds and it's getting to the point I'm even wondering why I own a Wii U. It's like Nintendo is saying "Just go trade that guy in for store credit and get a new 3ds XL! Look at all the cool games we got for it! Oh yeah, here's a few for Wii U just in case you reeeeeally don't want to get a 3ds... but you know you want to."
I don't know what kind of world Japan is living in, but I'm at work all day, most of the older generation in charge of companies and management frown on gaming peripherals, and I got a nice TV in my room. Why in gods name would I use a portable over the TV?
You know, I'm starting to miss the good old days when we could use that Gameboy adapter with the SNES...